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"Transhumanistic Warfare"Truth, Science And Spirit, Ep 8 - Conversation with Elana Freeland

Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Thursday, 22-Feb-2024 21:03:16

In Response To: (Morgellons Spoke of) My Interview with Alison Steinberg On OANN News On The Fluorescent Faces In C19 Injected And Hydrogel Brain Computer Interface (video) (CrystalRiver)


"Transhumanistic Warfare"Truth, Science And Spirit, Ep 8 - Conversation with Elana Freeland

FEB 22, 2024


Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, lecturer, storyteller, and teacher who researches and writes on Deep State issues, including the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse, and invasive electromagnetic weapons. She is the Author of several books, including Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, under and Ionized Sky and most recently Geoengineered Transhumanism – How the Environment has been weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology. To find more about her work: Elana Freeland website

In this interview, we discuss the national security surveillance state and how the infrastructure of control are the geoengineering programs linked with the fusion of humans with synthetic biology. We discuss MK Ultra mind control, the soul and the spirit of humanity and the unique opportunity the adversity of Armageddon provides for the spiritual warriors to rise.

I am sharing this picture with Elana at her last visit at my office.
Here is the Rumble Link:

Transhumanistic Warfare

Clouthub streams at 3PM PST

This is a transcription of the interview:

Hello, welcome!

I am so excited this week to welcome Elana Freeland who really has been a pioneer in explaining so much about what is going on.

I've had the honor to know her now for a couple of years and she's an avid researcher who sends me about three emails a day.

and makes sure that she keeps me abreast on all the news research.

But it's rare to find individuals who've done such in-depth research on so many different subjects and are really understanding how to connect things together.

So, Elana, I am so honored that you're

here speaking with me, I'm so honored that you're my friend and that you've done tremendous work, not just to educate the world, but also to really enlighten me as to the many backgrounds that exist for these technologies.

In our last interview, we had discussed, you know, geoengineering and transhumanism.

And since then, we've done a lot of research on microscopy and how this all connects to a smart dust.

And I really would love to ask you a little bit more in depth about the military connections, the historical connections that really started this transhumanist agenda and that you had researched in your book.


Well, yeah, I'm glad you brought up the military first because there is a quote I've been wanting to get back around from 2012 by a guy named Matt Anderson.

He was the aerospace and defense executive advisor of Booz Allen Hamilton in Chicago.

Booz Allen Hamilton in Chicago is a defense contractor of great power.

Not that of Lockheed Martin or Raytheon, but very close.

So Matt said it all on February 9, 2012.

He said, few in the civil sector fully understand that geoengineering is primarily a military science and has nothing to do

with either cooling the planet or lowering carbon emissions.

I think it's crucial people hear this that someone who is very involved in the technology of geoengineering at Booz Allen Hamilton had the courage to speak out

He was a former executive advisor, yes, but he does say exactly what I say over and over and over for 13 years now.

Few in the civil sector fully understand that geoengineering is primarily a military science and has nothing to do with either cooling the planet or lowering carbon emissions.

That's the whole gamut.

of the climate change engineering that is claimed.

While seemingly fantastical, weather has been weaponized.

At least four countries, the US, Russia, China, and Israel, possess the technology and organization to regularly alter weather and geologic events for various military and black operations.

which are tied to secondary objectives including demographic, energy and agricultural resource management.

Indeed, warfare now includes the technological ability to induce, enhance or direct cyclonic events, earthquakes, drought and flooding,

including the use of polymerized aerosol viral agents, which you deal with a lot, and radioactive particulates

carried through global weather systems.

Various themes in public debate, including global warming, have unfortunately been subsumed into much larger military and commercial objectives that have nothing to do with broad public environmental concerns.

These include the gradual warming of polar regions to facilitate naval navigation and resource extraction.

Horse's mouth.


Wow, this is amazing.

I definitely want a copy of that quote and there's so much to discuss because, you know, my ears also were piqued when you discussed the radioactive activity because I'm a certified chelation practitioner and the amount of uranium that I have lately in the last couple of years seen in people I hadn't seen before and I've clearly shown that, you know, it must be sprayed because literally people who start with a chelation



How there are escapes of radiation.

And the idea is that, oh gosh, we made a mistake.

You know, there's this coming out.

I think it's being purposely put into the atmosphere for many experiments that are going on now, including human experiments regarding radiation.

So I think you're absolutely right.

It's in the air, it's in the water.

Fukushima, as I point out in the second book, Under an Ionized Sky,

was certainly no accident.

That was purposely done.

And that would include Chernobyl, that would include Three Mile Island.

I could go on and on.

So if we can just understand that the people in charge of all of the things that we're experiencing in this era in the big tech category are very informed

by their inner circles of what a lot of these events mean.

They're in on the plans, they know when it's coming, they get prepared just like we experience with the so-called vaccine of the last four years.

It's already ready.

And so I think that's the most important thing I can say to people is that, you know, you have to kind of treat life

Like it's all an intelligence operation.

You know, at the risk of sounding like a paranoid, I always say paranoia now is my sixth sense because I've learned over time and from some really great conspiracy theorists

who were looking into all of this when I just came on board in my 30s.

So I'm highly grateful to them that they risked public defamation.

The CIA is certainly always ready to

Pass out that wonderful term that they came up with after John Kennedy's murder, conspiracy theory.

So if we can just think a little bit like a detective or someone tracking down a spy, that's the way to handle a national security state, which is what I call America now.

It's a national security state.


And you have done a remarkable job in explaining to people what the real agenda is.

So if it's not about climate, then what is it really about?


Well, I didn't know that, Ana, when I first started out with Clifford Carnicum years ago when, you know, in 2005, we were looking through his microscope at spit, at saliva, at wiggling things going on in the saliva and then bringing to bear some blood samples and seeing whatever this thing is.

Actually sucking the iron out of my erythrocytes, out of my red blood cells.

I was, as the British would say, gobsmacked.

I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.

And that's when I really woke up to what was going on, that it was a full-scale assault.

So yeah, I have to say that, that this is sold to the public as a climate change,

We have to look at it as conscious, as intentional, not by everyone in the industries that we name, such as big pharma, such as big medicine.

But definitely, instead of going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth about how this could have happened and how could they have let this happen and all that sort of hand-wringing that keeps on going.

I am a student of Rudolf Steiner, as you know, and he makes it very clear that the big job of the conscious people, people who want to be conscious, who are growing in consciousness,

In the 21st century, one of the biggest jobs will be to name evil and expose it.

And that's, of course, my metier.

That's what I'm all about.

I had a very dark childhood and really was burdened with it until I would say I finally was able to resolve it at 45 years old when I finally had some memories that had been buried all those years.

So I know something of darkness.

I know something of being deer in the headlights PTSD over what has happened to you before you were really you were pre-conscious you didn't really understand consciousness

And I would say that this is more of the same.

And that I was sort of in boot camp in a way, my childhood, to prepare myself for being able to look under the rug, look behind the corners, listen to the lies, but learn to read behind the lies and between the lines of what I'm being told is actual truth.

I think now that we've seen the last four years, I think we all need to learn that.

We can't just depend on a few people to do that for us.



You mentioned big pharma in relationship to the spraying of the polymers.

What have you uncovered in

In the relationship to big pharma and big chemicals and that whole industry and what is their agenda with these polymers that we're finding now everywhere?


Well, let's start with the first part of your question.

It goes back for me in my research to IG Farben, which was a huge chemical pharmaceutical company.

In Germany, in World War I and II, we had a chemical war.

That's what World War I was.

You remember the trenches in France and you remembered seeing these airplanes, the early airplanes coming down and just spraying along those trenches and the boys down in the trenches, some as young as 17 years old, dying.

That was big pharma.

IG Farben was big pharma at that point.

They saw the weaponization of chemicals as being quite effective in that they pretty much wiped out an entire generation of youth, European youth.

So when World War II happened, then yeah, the Zyklon B and all the things we heard

were happening there.

Those were all IG Farben.

IG Farben eventually split into several chemical corporations, Bayer being one.

All of the ones that we are accustomed to hearing now, I would say, are the spawn of IG Farben.

So what is the relationship between the pharmaceutical, where it looks like it's over the counter drugs,

Prescribed drugs for various medical conditions and the relationship with the chemicals being used in the jets that are flying the so-called chemtrails over us and dropping all kinds of things down on us for us to breathe, to drink and to eat.

Well, the relationship is exceedingly the same.

It is not different.

The chemicals used in the fields of the genetically modified GMO foods, that's the same guys.

All of it's the same.

And now that we hear about the WHO challenge to medical tyranny, wanting to

to subject assault to medical tyranny.

Understand that is big pharma.

And is it the most powerful?

We tend to think of the weapon industry as being the most powerful on earth.

But I think we need to include the chemical warfare now as being a weapon as well.

and and it's a a subset of the defense industry so uh that's how i look at them and um all the people being trained like you know yourself having gone through medical training uh all all the people who are being trained as chemical engineers etc there's a whole uh level of of this that's uh national security and is not being shared

with you, even though you're a full adult, even though you may be an American citizen, you are not hearing the full story because of the National Security Act of 1947, which makes it okay to go into closed session

in congressional meetings, in any type of meeting where information is being shared on a professional level, they can go into closed session and talk all they want to about the weaponization of these agents.

And so I think that's why now I'm very pleased to see that I see the word weaponization just about everywhere now.

But when I first started out with, you know, saying what I had to say from my studies in the geoengineering

in the synthetic biology that is being dropped with the chemical trails.

You know, I was called a conspiracy nut and then of course I don't have a PhD, which I'm actually very proud of it.

I certainly have had the opportunity to get one, but I just felt like it would be more programming that I would have to get over.

So I really like being an independent thinker, a good researcher,

Really doing due diligence on looking into all the different

ways that people have of addressing these things, all the way from the lie to the actual exposure by professionals who are waking up.

I think it's fantastic.

And for that, that's probably the only reason that I'm grateful to what's happened in the last four years is we have finally begun the awakening that will turn us into real citizens in the best sense of the word, where we take responsibility for a republic

If we can indeed salvage it now at this late date from the deep state, as it's called, but you can also call it the national security state.


Yes, absolutely, and what I want to explain to the viewers is that researchers have confirmed exactly what Elana just said.

For example, in the geoengineering filaments that were sprayed, this was analyzed in 2013 by a Harvard researcher, and they, for example, found methotrexate, which is a chemotherapeutic agent,


and these chemicals that have a huge history of poisoning people, actually.

So these nylons and polyamides and polyethylens, these plastics, they're calling them microplastics now in the literature and saying, oh, we polluted the oceans with too much plastic.


you know generals are saying because they are on the top secret security clearance very few whistleblowers are coming forward so exactly what you're saying everything is just you know security state and the issue is that we have to really see this number one is warfare number two we need to educate ourselves about these clandestine programs and see how they developed



More at the link:

Many Blessings,

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