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Anna Von Reitz: "A Force of Habit"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 19-Feb-2024 08:06:05

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "International Public Notice: They Have No Gold" (hobie)

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Sunday, February 18, 2024

A Force of Habit

By Anna Von Reitz

People often ask me--- how can I spot a lie so easily?

It's simple. Stop lying. When you stop lying -- and I do mean stop lying about anything at all, ever, whether it's the existence of Santa Claus or why you were late for a meeting, your Shinola Sensor rumbles to life.

When you align yourself with truth, all the lies become apparent by contrast; whereas, if you are lying and everyone else is lying, it's all one miasma.

It's the same thing with evil. If you align with evil (which is the opposite of live) then you become dead inside; you no longer feel and care.

Life becomes a background noise; you exist, but you aren't really living. Your life itself becomes enslaved to someone (or something) else's schedule and direction.

Soon, you are doing everything by rote. No creativity or individuality is needed. No courage, either. Just drone on. Go through the motions. Be a good little soldier. And don't question what you are fighting for. Don't question anything at all. Full stop.

This insidious process by which you are slowly reduced to mere existence is evil.

Nobody teaches us to know that, hey, this is evil.... that only becomes apparent by contrast, too, when
you shift your focus and start to live on your own terms again.

Seeing that I can recognize both falsehood and evil, people come to me for wisdom. I assure you, that you all have the same abilities. What you most likely lack, and I lacked for a time, too, is courage.

It takes courage to align with truth and with life, in a world in which truth is considered impolitic, and in which life is replaced by a cozy death package, complete with pension benefits you pay for yourself.

Do you want the truth? Most people yearn to be free, but they wait for someone to give them permission.

They've already tacitly agreed -- at some level -- that they are slaves and can't be free without permission.

As soon as an Authority Figure appears and tells them to get back in line, they do.

They will most likely blame you for tempting them to break free, and go back to their drudgery with more grumbling than usual.

Most people will tell you that they want to live; admitting that they don't have the courage to try is the stop-block.

They will tell you that "everybody lies", and when you look around, you will see that for yourself.

People lie and say they are happy when they are not. They lie and say they are followers of this or that religion, and yet, by their own words and deeds, they are not. They will tell each other that they are free, when they're not. Any lie will do.

And when you look around for the reasons why -- why all this lying? Why not just call it as it is?

It's because society is built on lies and as evil as it is, it's familiar and predictable. It turns out that death and taxes are comforting, because they are predictable, so people cling to what destroys them as a relief from constant change.

The unbearable uncertainty of truth and where it may lead us is just too disconcerting. Too demanding.

Peace might break out.

We might realize that money is a hoax -- a form of idolatry and sorcery. We might stop believing in it.

And then what? We might realize that we are all richer than Midas.

The media and all the Authority Figures are always focusing our attention "for" us, mostly on things that scare us.

We could refocus our attention on things that are comforting and worthwhile to ourselves, things of benefit in our own lives.

Things we could do something about.

Instead of sitting around feeling "crushed about Gaza", we could be planning the biggest tax revolt in history. Why not?

Both international and domestic law demands that we do not pay taxes to governments engaged in genocide, and how much genocide has the U.S. Government committed, aided, and abetted?

Just this past year?

Instead of sitting around waiting for someone else's "Plan", we could make our own. We could stop waiting for permission. We could fire the entire wet mess on Capitol Hill and not wait for any ballot box.

We could do that, peacefully and lawfully. No questions asked.

Instead of putting up with Bill Gates and Microsoft, we could bring Public Interest litigation in our own courts which have superior concurrent general jurisdiction, and charge Gates with genocide and Microsoft with monopolistic practices and invasion of our privacy.

We could all be running Linux computer systems instead. Imagine it?

All it takes is about ten percent of us to tell the truth and be done with evil. Just one in ten. No majority needed.

But first, we have to overcome the most stultifying force of all -- the force of habit. We have to find the energy and the will to no longer go along with evil, no longer parrot the lies, and no longer accept our own ignominious and meaningless death.

We, ourselves, can choose to make our lives count.

No permission needed.

May everyone reading this be blessed; may they all see the light shining upon them, taste the fresh wind in their faces, and certainty in their hearts. May they all be done with evil, and mean it, and make it so.

For them, for their children, for always.

See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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