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Greencrow: Murder — by Vaccines, Hospitalization and The Un Pandemic Accord -- (Text)(Videos)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Tuesday, 6-Feb-2024 22:01:29

From https://greencrowasthecrowflies.ca/2024/02/06/murder-by-way-of-vaccines-hospitalization-and-the-un-pandemic-accord/

Murder — by Vaccines, Hospitalization and The Un Pandemic Accord

Posted on February 6, 2024 by greencrow21

Don’t let them get away with it.

Good afternoon beloved sentients. As many of you will now know from my previous post, I was blocked from my TwitterX account @greencrow12 last Thursday night. This was a big thing for me because I get much of my information for my blog on that platform where I had 2670 followers. Luckily [?] I was able to be reinstated within a day and a half using a new username @greencrow09. So I am back on Twitter minus my premium status and my 2670+ followers. Anyone who followed me on Twitter is encouraged to follow my new account because although you can see my @greencrow12 account, I cannot update it anymore. 

At the time I was kicked off Twitter [I believe for my post on the Sherman Murders + some comments I made on the Gaza genocide] I was working on this post about updating the aftermath of the Plandemic HOAX with more fallout from the CovIDian Cult vaccine mandates and lockdown. I have some very interesting links to present on this topic and most are from Twitter. I present them below with my comments throughout and a summary at the end. At the end I also post a link to a 50 minute video interview with the author of “Fisman’s Fraud”, a new blockbuster investigation into the CovIDian HOAX in Canada. So let’s get started:

This happened recently in my province of British Columbia. A woman asked a crowd to show hands if they or someone they knew was injured by the CovID-19 vaccines:

The link below is what’s known in police work as a “smoking gun” a cabinet minister of the Liberal regime/aka government…is admitting on video that the vaccines are neither safe nor effective. In former times this admission would have been enough to result in arrests:

What kind of adverse effects has the CovID Vaccines produced? Let’s look at a short list in the comment copied below:

I don’t know ANYONE with a vaccine injury”: So you don’t know anyone with Hashimotos ? Lupus? Graves? Diabetes? Seizure disorder? Eczema? Tics? ADHD? Asthma? Crohns Disease? PCOS? Rheumatoid arthritis? Infertility? Fibromyalgia? Because those, & 100’s of other adverse effects are listed in all vaccine inserts; straight from the manufacturers. Not everything is caused by vaccines of course. But they’re a powerful match to a full gas can. The Covid adverse reactions are PAGES long. Pages.

Temporal Analysis of Vaccine Adverse Effects for Causation Inference


“We present a formalism to assess the safety of the COVID19 vaccines and infer a causal relation between vaccine administration and adverse effects, in particular death. We use data on adverse effects from VAERS covering the time interval [01-10-2020, 31-12-2021] (downloaded on 1 Feb 2022). We measure a vaccine fatality rate of order 0.01 for all vaccine manufacturers and identify a strong heterogeneity in the vaccine toxicity across vaccine lots, spanning up to four orders of magnitude. We compute the correlation between vaccination dates and death dates, and produce an estimate of the time lag that maximises the correlation, finding that the onset of adverse effects happened statistically (i.e. 32-41 percentiles) within one day after the vaccine administration and that death happened statistically (i.e. 22-50 percentiles) within about two weeks after the vaccine administration. These results provide data-based insights that can guide public health measures and health insurance policies…”


Below is another link showing that what was called “Covid” was in fact the flu. I have said many times in this blog and on Twitter X that IMO the Plandemic was based on three separate fraudulent fundamentals:

  1. The ginned up flu

  2. a bioweapon strategically deployed [probably by military]

  3. manipulated and frauded statistics [you will hear more about this in the video interview with the author of “Fisman’s Fraud” at the end of this post]

Another adverse side effect of the fraudulent “vaccines” is something called “shedding”. This is a side effect that even affects unvaccinated persons like myself who come in contact with the vaccinated:

…Clear as day, it indicates the term ‘shedding’ means “release of VBGT or oncolytic products from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (feces) secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids, etc.) or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds).”,,,

All we unvaccinated can do regarding this “shedding” is to avoid the above exposures and then depend on our untampered with NATURAL immune system to protect us. I cannot see going into a bubble and/or isolating ourselves from the vaccinated as a viable option. After all, we have to live and we have to have social contact to make that life worth living. I am hoping that some of the unknowns about this catastrophe will come into play here…such as potency of various “vials” of the garbage vaccines. In other words, I hope my family and friends had the “luck” to get their garbage vaccines from batches which had little or no actual mRNA garbage in them. C’est la vie!

Doctor Michael Yeadon had a career in Big Pharma that included working over 20 years as a vice president of vaccine research for PfiZer. At the very beginning of the CovIDian Cult HOAX Yeadon came out as a whistleblower and I got much of my early information about the harmful nature of the vaccines from him. Here he is with a recent post where he uses poetry to restate his opposition to the experimental mRNA gene-editing, spike protein producing garbage:

Meanwhile, nurses and doctors in ever-increasing numbers are speaking out about their shocking experiences having to care for and diagnose the exploding incidences of adverse events following the mass toxification of the population. Here is only one example:

Exclusive: Fired ICU Nurse Speaks Out on COVID Protocols, Vaccine Injuries

More information on the toxic ingredients in the vaccine bioweapons, including the simian variant 40 [SV40] that are found in billions of nano-fragments in every injection of the covID vaccines:


Many vaccinated did it under extreme duress. That’s why we unvaccinated cannot damn them too much. Look at what happened in the video below. Now is the time for all humanity to join forces against those who brought this upon us:

A doctor in the video below who finally awoke to what he was doing to his patients not only with the CovID-19 vaccines but with ALL VACCINES….issues a tearful apology below. I said on Twitter X recently that if I were a young person I would not bring children into the world due to the mandatory “vaccine schedule” that they would have to undergo which would effectively destroy their natural biology:

Here’s a link to what the actual contract with PfiZer Canada signed to allow Canadians to be injected with the garbage probably looks like. This contract provides access to Canadians to be mass vaccinated–without any legal responsibility on Pfizer for future damages. This contract is based on similar contracts with other countries that have been made public–Canada’s contract still has not been made public:


CANADA’S CONTRACT WITH PFIZER-CRIMINAL chrome-extension://hbgjioklmpbdmemlmbkfckopochbgjpl/https://static1.squarespace.com/static/650f4d435ef4386d76a3c05f/t/65a1bad81bdfb906956ac392/1705097946856/PfizerCanadaContract-UNREDACTEDsm.pdf

More information is coming out about the differences in blood in people before and after CovID-19 injection. Evidence of strange clots and other aberrations have been shocking embalmers and other blood analysts since the roll-out began.

We know that the attack on humanity was global in scale and likely organized by the WHO and WEF as well as military in all countries affected. It was a military-style operation. Here is a link about the UN Plandemic Agreement that will be ratified by May, 2024 which will allow more and worse attacks than the CovID-19 Plandemic attack of 2020-2022 [and ongoing]:

The dystopian future of human health once Canada ratifies the UN Plandemic Agreement in May, 2024 is eloquently described by BC Blogger Bruce McGonigal, who I follow on ‘X’

Former Canadian politician Preston Manning has been at the forefront of the resistance to the CovIDian Cult Oppression Operation. He conducted an inquiry and here are his three lessons/recommendations which I heartily agree with:

Greencrow summarizes: The fall out to the worst HOAX in human history is tumultuous and ongoing. Every single day more revelations are disclosed about the impact of the HOAX on human health and social welfare. We truthseekers can barely keep up with the information! One aspect that is not keeping up is the assigning and accepting of accountability and responsibility for the catastrophic harm done. The perpetrators of the mass democide are still in power in most countries including Canada. PM Justin Trudeau recently brushed off his conviction by the Federal Court of Canada of his illegal [ultra vires] invoking the Emergencies Act–like a fly off his shoulder. It was water off a duck’s back.

Fisman’s Fraud

Below is a link to a very important development. Dr. Regina Watteel, Canadian science [PH.d in Statistics] has written “Fisman’s Fraud” a book which she regards as prima facie evidence of the fraud behind Justin Trudeau’s attempted coercion of Canadians to be mass vaccinated and be locked down with passports to go to bars, restaurants and to travel. 

Canadian Podcaster and lawyer Leighton Grey QC is the interviewer. He does an excellent job of relating the information in Watteel’s book to what went down and is still going down in Canada during the Crisis of the CovIDian Cult Plandemic HOAX era.

This book is called “Fisman’s Fraud”. Dr. Watteel uses her expertise at modeling and statistics to prove that the model and report Contracted “scientist” D. Fisman presented Trudeau with [which formed the basis of the Canadian Covid Response] was A COMPLETE FRAUD. She says it actually flipped the statistics for sickness between vaxed and unvaxed. She says the people in power in the Canadian government knew that Fisman’s model was fraudulent/unscientific but imposed their mandates and vaccine coercion regardless. I urge all readers to watch the video below–particularly from 28:00 onwards. That’s when she and the interviewer try to extrapolate from her findings to what is going on in Canada today and what her findings might portend for the future.

Folks, the wheel is still turning. The recent decision of the Federal Court of Canada regarding Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act gave Canadians a glimmer of hope that freedom is not completely lost in Canada. But what the two individuals in the video above say about the Supreme Court of Canada at the end of the above video left me very worried indeed. The JFT regime will be appealing the Federal Court Decision to the Supreme Court of Canada. If kowtowing to the CovIDian HOAX Unscientific Lies [as proven in ‘Fisman’s Fraud’] is the default position of the Supreme Court of Canada…we’re in trouble deep. Stay tuned.

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