Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #6
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 24, 2024 | Spirituality |
You are a cosmic voyager charting a course
Rebirthing to a higher state of being
The resonating echo of your cosmic heritage
Is seen in your complex and beautiful nature
The Universe is not only in you
It is resonating its beauty and mysteries through you
Surreal synchronicities engage you in a divine dialogue
Fortunate coincidences show up knitting a mystical tapestry that feels profoundly meaningful
An enhanced energy flow surges through you
Undulating waves of liquid light is bringing forth in you a tangible shift
Your individual consciousness merges with the grand cosmic symphony
And you are dancing to its rhythms
You move to the ethereal melody that whispers of mysteries beyond the stars
Finding purpose and strength in being a conduit between the earthly and the ethereal
The more you connect to this cosmic drama
The more your priorities change and the more your destiny is revealed
You have taken a spiritual detour on an uncharted path
Through unexplored realms of consciousness
The bond with your environment amplifies
Unearthing connections that thread you to all beings
The music of your awakening
Has turned into an orchestra of intriguing sensory performances
The distant whisper of wind
Now dons your robe with enchanting melodies
Your heart expands
You have a sudden cascade of insight
And the foggy corridors of your mind is now adorned with visions
The I and The All meld into a harmonious symphony
Fueled by the vibrant rhythm of life force energy!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #7
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 24, 2024 | Spirituality |
You are a living conduit of cosmic energy
Invisible energies flow through you like buoyant ocean waves
You are a mesmerizing flame of awakening
Turning the tides of your life into a tsunami of awareness
You are washing away the debris of illusion
And revealing the luminescent essence of your true self
Peer into the very essence of life
Transcend the physical and intertwine with the spiritual
Let the mundane meet the miraculous
Perceive the vibrant energy flow and aura of all beings
Each aura is a luminous symphony of emotions thoughts and memories
Telling a story that can be interpreted
Observe their radiant displays
Catch sight of their diverse colors and intensities
Commune with nature from a deep visceral connection
Serene meadows of tranquility will transform into grand canyons of silent majesty
Indulge yourself with the subtle yet powerful energies of crystals
Harness their power and let them resonate in the depth of your being
The deep serene blues of lapis lazuli and the radiant fiery hues of citrine
Will amplify your spiritual abilities offer healing and unlock hidden memories
Decipher the signs and unravel the secret messages from the universe
Let the divine force unfurl its entrancing dance to the rhythm of your lifes symphony
Become a shimmering beacon of spiritual transformation
Go from seeing in black and white
To technicolor!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #8
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 24, 2024 | Aliens and ET's, astronomy, Prognostication |
Saturn is the Cosmic Father
As the northern axis increases in charge
The mythical god of creation will drift toward it and take up residence there
To the shock and amazement of all
Saturn originates from the 48th dimension in Gods World of Source Energy
And is a plasma portal with consciousness
A gateway to other realms
Saturn functioned during angelic humanitys Golden Age
And even before that in Atlantean times
Reptilians covet Saturns spiritual power
In order to control manifestations and timelines
Secret space programs have been hijacked from assorted Atlantean technologies
Regularly used portals are no longer working
Off world entities are being expelled
And are scrambling to wherever they can hide from what is coming
It is creating confusion and panic for them who were using portals
But are now being sent into unexpected places
Simultaneously the ascendancy of humanity
Is throwing us into the pre fall times of Atlantis
Which explains the esoteric meaning behind the prophetic term for the end times
The Rise of Atlantis
Atlantis used advanced crystal technologies
And zero point energy devices
They had flying craft and submersible ships
And used portals to jump into other realms
Technologies now underwater have been outfitted into alien bases
The ones in the Bermuda Triangle are connected to tunnel systems
Which are used to carry out assorted crimes against humanity
Submersible naval ships and submarines move to and from Antartica
They use underwater tunnels to reach beyond the ice walls
While operating in human slave trafficking
Billionaires on private islands participate in these massive cabal run industries
The foremost is the unspeakable and evil acts committed against children
The criminal activity is becoming visible to awakening humans
As assorted energy blocks are cleared an internal energy faucet has suddenly turned on
With the full force of a firehose
Dark cabal networks will face dire consequences for their actions
Unless they accept the truth they will come to the end of the road and face their maker
If they do not cease their nefarious activities that are sourced from anti human blood bonds
And come back to the natural laws of the God Source
They will face their second death which is spiritual obliteration
They will forfeit their soul
And their consciousness will be absorbed back into the point of All Union!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #9
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 24, 2024 | Aliens and ET's, genetics and DNA |
Reptilian and Insectoid intruder groups have altered our genetics
It is the reason for our different blood types
Of O A B and AB
If you are Rh positive
It means you have the antigen from the Rhesus monkey
Antigens are proteins found in red blood cells
If you are Rh negative
It means you are a direct descendant of the 4 percent of humans
Being used to mind control the rest of humanity
Their hierarchy is determined by the amount of reptilian genes in their DNA
So we are either part monkey or part lizard
Jesus was AB negative
His mother was Cleopatra who was Jewish and Rh negative
His father was Caesar the ruler of Rome who was Rh positive
A Rh negative pregnant mother with a Rh positive fetus will release antibodies to kill the fetus
Because the antigens are foreign to hers
So a C section needs to take place in order to save the life of the baby
The premature birth lowers the rate of survival
The term C section means Caesarian section
Jesus during his youth was known as Little Caesar
Rh negative blood is copper based
The first humans referred to as Oraphim were copper based
The copper mineral has a natural defense against harmful frequencies
Copper based blood is blue
Rh positive blood is iron based
Our blood systems adapted to iron because of the depletion of copper due to radiation
Oraphim DNA had 12 strands
Which have the shortest wavelength with the highest form of energy
Our original 12 strand DNA blueprint ascended us into the 12th density consciousness
3rd dimensional consciousness is not able to hold the charge of a full Oraphim consciousness
Who are the Ancient Builders and Founders
Oraphim have quantum probability control
Meaning they can create events in their life
And they can manifest events which will effect all humanity
Elite bloodlines become stale so they have to bring in fresh genetics
The vast majority of Jews are Rh negative
They have greater psychic ability but more mental illness
Rh negative s have an extra vertebrae
And higher IQs
They have lower body temperatures which causes sensitivity to heat and sunlight
Vampires hate sunlight
World leaders and royalty are all Rh negative
They breed to spread their Draconian bloodlines
And because of their genetics are easily possessed
They carry out Satanic rituals in which they communicate with demonic forces
Aliens have enrobed themselves in Red Wave imposter images
To hijack the likeness of the Ruby Sun
And to proclaim themselves as kings
Lording themselves over angelic humanity!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #10
Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 24, 2024 | Aliens and ET's, Prognostication, technology |
From the 4th dimension reptilians use holographic inserts
Which project ideas and images onto our minds
That are based on our destructive vices
The insert can only be created if it is based on information that the subject is already aware of
The embarrassing manufactured memory will make the human act it out altering the timeline they exist in
They insert pride because it is based on the shame of the fragile ego
That is why pride comes before a fall
Which provides more destructive life force energy for them to feed on
And also insures the insert will remain in place
The life force energy is collected by 4th dimensional AI machine structures
Known as the Reversal Grid
The Grid has the effect of buffering incoming and outgoing signals
The Grid is constructed by scalar waves with sonic pulses
And from energy derived form the manipulation of the earths ley lines
The ley lines conduct and transmit frequencies for our bodies
Interference patterns form an electrostatic force field which controls our realm
Overlays perpetuate distortions and invert organic templates
The Grid is designed specifically to split gender polarities
And promote sexual abuse and trauma
Stonehenge in the United Kingdom acts as a final collection point
By collecting enormous amounts of stolen life force energy
From multiple subsidiaries all over the world through the earth ley lines
Auxiliary networks exist at portals
Alpha Jacobians agnda is to keep the world in a state of fear
So we can continue to produce destructive life force energy called loosh
Mind control systems are enforced by sweeps of engineered metallic elements sprayed into the stratosphere
As the truth frequency becomes stronger and original blueprints are restored
Artificial magnetic fields and their frequency fences collapse
Cloaked areas of loosh harvesting
And underground bases carrying out black operations will dissolve
Our divine blueprint and purpose will be revealed
In positive and life affirming ways
Our heart felt desire for expressing loving reverence towards life will emerge
Prompting us to pursue truth and beauty
In all its living light forms!