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Anna Von Reitz: "International Public Notice: Recap 2"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 8-Jan-2024 12:42:05

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "International Public Notice: The Recap 1:" (hobie)

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Sunday, January 7, 2024

International Public Notice: Recap 2

By Anna Von Reitz

In Recap 1, we summarized the vacated condition of the English Throne, the implications of this circumstance, the conflict of interest arising from having the Pope's Overseer acting as the head of the Church of England, and the fraud scheme that was first perpetuated by King Henry the Eighth and the then-Pope to kill all the Protestants on paper and seize upon their purportedly abandoned estates.

In this, Recap 2, we shall visit a separate and particular misdeed of the current Papist/Roman Pontiff-run Municipal United States Government apart from and in addition to their part in the fraud promoted in Recap 1.

In designing our Federal Government ("Federal" was a synonym for "Contract" at the time) our Forefathers set up a complex series of contracts for services and power-sharing via the delegated powers entrusted to three different service providers under contracts issued as Constitutions.

There were three (3) such Constitution contracts, three Federal Subcontractors-- one American, one British Territorial, one Holy Roman Empire -- and three Federal Congressional bodies that separately and collectively administered the smooth interaction of the service providers.

The American Federal Subcontractor known as the States of America was given the lion's share of the responsibility in their 1787 Constitutional Contract called, "The Constitution for the united States of America". This Congressional body, among its other rights and duties, was given "plenary" control of the Federal Capitol, the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17.

It was never intended that any foreign Federal Subcontractor (or their Congressional body, in this case) would have control of our Federal Capitol, but over time, by ignorance and malicious deceit combined, the Papist/Roman Federal Subcontractor working under The Constitution of the United States, contrived to "reinterpret" its Congressional body as the one having plenary control over our Federal Capitol.

Having once overstepped its authority and jurisdiction, this Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor Successor, proceeded to create an "independent, international city-state" and began operating this tiny separate country in the same way that the Vatican City and Inner City of London and NYC and the UN city-states have been operated under their own foreign Municipal Law, subject only to the pagan Roman Curia and Jewish Shetar.

The Perpetrators of this scheme had no authority vested in them allowing them to do this. They purloined a delegated power that was granted to our American Subcontractor and its Congressional body, and abused it to do something never actually allowed to any Congressional body.

Even under a valid assignment of a delegated power-- which the HRE Subcontractors and Successors never had - the object of the assignment remains the same, and the object of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, is the City of Washington in the District of Columbia.

There is no provision for any Federal Subcontractor to assume plenary power over any other thing or to substitute the object of the grant, so as to substitute the Municipality of Washington for the City of Washington.

This is again a pattern of corruption and fraud which involves substitution schemes on paper, confusion promoted by using the same or very similar names, mistaken identities, impersonation, and undisclosed jurisdictional manipulations.

Via the referenced overreaches and insupportable assumptions of powers never vested in them, the Municipal Congressional Body has promoted the idea that the government of this country is vested in their tiny unauthorized "independent, international city-state" and that they are the plenary Oligarchs and Rulers of America.

Except that they have gotten away with this completely groundless set of undisclosed actions and assumptions of power behind our backs for a number of years, it would be laughable absent the consequences of having these persons representing our country in ways never allowed to them.

This dolorous course of fraudulent usurpation against our lawful American Government, and the equally malicious results, which have had our country and our resources misdirected into literally hundreds of aggressive and illegal mercenary conflicts promoted by this Usurper, are self-evident.

Doing business as "the United States" and as the familiar British Territorial Crown corporations known as the UNITED STATES, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and USA and so on, this usurping foreign city-state is of concern not only to the actual American Government, but to the entire world.

The network of "independent, international city-states" that have been used as pirate bases throughout the planet have promoted national identity theft schemes and sought to insinuate themselves and their franchise corporations into positions of political and economic power so as to subjugate the living to the "dead" corporate powers.

Putting an end to this and to the insane proposition of "killing for Jesus" is an absolute necessity if we are to maintain life on this planet, but the collusion between the Church of Rome, the phony "King" of England who gets his crown from the Pope and works for the Pope, and the British Crown --- has been difficult to exhume from the pages of history and difficult to address in its modern form as a result of widespread corruption, payola schemes, threats, blackmail, and other criminality infesting every strata of society.

We recommend the immediate dissolution of the "independent, international city-state" of Washington, DC. This monster was created on paper and it deserves no more for its demise. The members of the Municipal Congressional Body created it and they can be imposed upon to dissolve it, too.

Having been thoroughly perceived and exposed this fraud must be addressed and scrubbed clean, together with its unsavory results; amends must be made to the extent that that is reasonable and possible.

We have observed that it is the absolute duty of the British Territorial Subcontractors to remove the Usurpers, by force, if necessary, but they have been reluctant to promote a civil war because we have forbade it, and because they are in conflict of interest.

This is the situation that keeps Donald Trump frustrated in the Territorial Office of Commander-in-Chief, and locked in his passive-aggressive stance.

He knows it is his duty to dig the rats out and arrest them, but he hasn't been able to reliably deploy a mercenary force that is paid by SERCO, a British Crown Corporation, no matter what his contract says.

So it comes down to us, the living people, to house clean these institutions and corporations by peaceful and lawful means.

We ask that everyone reading this do your best to comprehend this ancient evil in our midst and your possible part in it. We ask the guilty to repent, the ignorant to learn, and for all to take courage in the face of evil in High Places.

Issued by:

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 7th 2024


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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