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Anna Von Reitz: "Let's See....About the RV"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 28-Dec-2023 07:40:34

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "International Public Notice -- APB Fraud Alert" (hobie)

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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Let's See....About the RV

By Anna Von Reitz

When I first heard about the Reno Operation and the line they were trolling, I played so dumb I felt stupid. I really did.

I batted my baby-blues and listened and listened and listened and I read more "It's next week, no, it's...." posts by "Judy Byington" --- or was that "Judy Buying-time"? ----than I care to think about.

Here's what it comes down to, folks:

1. You take the risk and bear the cost of making these foreign currency investments with no guarantees.

2. If and when a currency revaluation occurs and if the currencies you invested in post huge gains, then you are told that you have to go to some undisclosed location on an abandoned military base or similar federal installation.

3. Once there, you have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement promising your left leg if you ever breathe a word to anyone.

4. And you have to disclose your intentions about what you are going to do with your profits.... present a project plan for philanthropic programs you wish to fund --- as if they were the investors instead of you.

5. And if you don't have any philanthropic projects, you might get a whole 2% of your profit; if you do have a project they approve of, they might give you another 10% to fund that.

6. And if you are lucky, you get to go home in one piece, unlike at least six people I know of who went to these "appointments" and didn't return.

This is gangster stuff and these people are "scalpers".

They don't scrape your skull with Bowie knives, but they take 88-98% of your money for their profit, and they bully you and protect themselves.

They are criminals engaged in criminal activities in international jurisdiction.

That's why they drag you out to God-knows-where federal installations -- so you are on federal turf and operating in international jurisdiction, where you become subject to foreign law and their "discretion".

That's for their protection, not yours.

Then they make you sign these Non-Disclosure Agreements so you can't tell anyone about any of this or bring any complaints against them for the fraud they are committing against you.

That's also for their protection, not yours.

Then they "generously" keep 98% of your profits....

And they trick you into concentrating on your dream projects that you could do so much good with if only you had the money.

That's to distract you and keep you from noticing that, hot damn, they are keeping 88% of your investment profits.

So if they approve of your project, you walk out feeling so grateful that you got a whole 12% of your profit.

Are you all nuts?

You take all the risks, submit yourself to their judgment, sign all these contracts giving up your rights and options, and give them 88-98% of the profits ---for what?

Taking your Dinar to a bank and swapping it for Federal Reserve Notes?

This may be big news, Americans, but in most of the world, this is a completely routine bank transaction.

It's only in your endlessly victimized country that people don't have access to normal banks and normal bank services, like currency exchanges.

There is really only one reason that you can't just go into a bank and plunk your Dinar on the counter and walk out with the published international exchange rate worth of Federal Reserve Notes or Euros or British Pounds or anything else.

Can you guess what that reason is? It's because you have virtually no civilian banks left in your country.

I listened to this "narrative" long enough and ran the numbers. If these goons are allowed to pull it off, it really would be the biggest "wealth transfer" in history, straight from your hands into theirs.

And who the hell are they?

It's rumored that they are "our" military, but our military has been operated as a foreign British Territorial Mercenary Service since 1863....

So, you are going to give away 88% of your profits to foreign mercenaries and hope for the best?

Ever think of interviewing them and asking what they are going to spend their lavish cut of your money on?

The more I thought about it, the madder I got.

So the Federation of States chartered new civilian banks to operate on the land jurisdiction of this country and has given you, Americans, the opportunity to live like normal people again.

Yes, if you are an American, you can have an account in a civilian bank, and you can exchange your Dinar for whatever other currency you want and do it for 100% of the posted international exchange rate.

You don't have to go to any isolated, scary Federal installation. You don't have to keep anything secret, sign any NDAs, none of that.

And you don't have to "voluntarily" give foreign Mercs 88-98% of your profit, either.

Or wind up in a ditch if you decide not to.

If there is an RV or if there isn't, show some good common sense and don't endanger yourself.

You now have banks where you can exchange currencies for the full published international exchange rate, no scary "appointments", no questions asked, no NDAs required.


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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