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Anna Von Reitz: "International Public Notice: Foreclosing His Imperial Majesty, et alia."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 25-Dec-2023 06:11:36

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: 'Leaving Which "United Nations"?' (hobie)

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Sunday, December 24, 2023

International Public Notice: Foreclosing His Imperial Majesty, et alia.

By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

It has come to our attention that there are two (2) King Charles, one who would have in theory been eligible to operate as the King of England, and one who would have been eligible to operate as the King of Scotland, neither one of which have actually occupied the soil jurisdiction owed to either Kingdom nor conformed to utter and perform under the Christian Coronation Vows required.

We note that Charles Windsor, formerly known as Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and now functioning as His Imperial Majesty King Charles III, has removed himself to the Air Jurisdiction, while King Charles of Scotland has removed himself to the International Jurisdictions in hopes of retaining those for the countries subscribing to the Act of Union first proposed in 1689, redefined following the War of the Spanish Succession, and expanded to include Ireland and Wales by process of enclosure.

This is International Public Notice of what these Persons are doing and how they are operating in an attempt to save themselves and their incorporated holdings at the risk of losing General Jurisdiction.

We are not inclined to deprive the living people of England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales, nor any country of the former Commonwealth, nor any country at all, of anything that they are owed by Nature and Common Decency; we are not their enemies. We know what they have suffered for the past 300 years.

It is with this and our own similar sufferings in view, that we take action today to foreclose His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, and His Royal Majesty, King Charles of Scotland, both, together with all their chartered and incorporated entities, their franchises, their derivatives, their holding companies, banks, trusts, and foundations.

These two men occupying positions of merely legal sovereignty and the incorporated "governments" they have employed, have endeavored to fool the entire world and defraud those relying upon their administration: His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, by evading the limitations of the Christian Monarchy and the obligations of Constitutional Monarchy, both, and King Charles of Scotland by evading the similar duties owed to the people of Scotland in favor of a purely international office purporting to own and manage the real estate of Great Britain, that is, The Chair of the Estates, all without the nicety of performing the duties and upholding the law owed to the national soil jurisdiction of each nation subscribed to the Union.

As the soil of each nation subscribed to the British Union known as Great Britain has been vacated for the better part of three centuries, and as no known Claimant other than Lord Ivan Talbot, Hereditary Lord High Steward, has acted to preserve the nations of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, together with the nations of the former British Commonwealth, His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III stands foreclosed in the Air Jurisdiction, and King Charles of Scotland stands foreclosed on Land and Sea, with all assets and property interests, individual and collective, returning whence they came: to the soil of each country and to the living people of each nation who have declared their birthright and populated the humble soil, and all those who will in time to come, realize their errors and do the same.

We are committed to work with the Hereditary Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, the only actual Kingdom of England official left standing and performing his duty by the people of England, and via lawful treaties, the people of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and the countries of the former Commonwealth.

Lord Ivan Talbot is the only Hereditary Official of the Kingdom of England, who took appropriate action to claim and save the soil jurisdiction owed to the people of each nation from being vacated and claimed by international corporations as abandoned property.

By doing so, similar to the work accomplished by James Clinton Belcher for The United States, Lord Ivan Talbot has rebuffed all claims of abandonment on the international public record.

His timely claims have settled the issue of ownership in favor of the countries and living people and against the international and transnational corporations that have sought to defraud the actual governments of these countries and nations.

Insomuch as His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, and King Charles of Scotland, have promoted and allowed the promulgation of these same international and transnational corporations at the expense of the living people and have vacated the soil jurisdiction of their home countries, they have no standing to maintain the charters and incorporation of the Municipal and Commercial Corporations of Great Britain and must forfeit to their Preferential Creditors, the unincorporated countries and States and the nations comprised of the living people.

His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, and King Charles of Scotland, must return the purloined assets of the land and soil and convey them from the foreign jurisdictions of the dead to the Lawful Governments represented by The United States of America and the Hereditary Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, of Shrewsbury, without further obstruction, violence, or recourse to merely legal representations.

"Let the dead bury the dead." ---Luke 9:60.

When Queen Victoria embarked on her unlawful course of world conquest fueled by the undisclosed enslavement of British working people via a process of corporate enfranchisement, and then unleashed the unlawful, illegal and immoral Raj on the people of India, she condemned both nations to unjust suffering promulgated via deceit and fraud that was perpetuated by corporations masquerading as governments. She did this in violation of her Coronation Vows and Constitutional Obligations.

This and all the other acts of fraud and crimes of state committed by her later administration under the influence of Benjamin D'Israeli, the Rothschild banking empire represented by Lord Pirbright, and the British Crown Corporation deserve to be universally recognized as crimes of commercial fraud, unlawful conversion and unjust enrichment amounting to crimes of state.

The crimes against the people at home, in The United States, throughout the former Commonwealth, and around the world in the form of undisclosed Mercenary Conflicts and unresolved Armistices has continued unabated and largely unrecognized until now.

The war profiteers have continued their filthy business under the noses of their victims, disguised as departments and agencies of what appears to be their own government --- but are in fact merely the subcontractors of our foreign Federal Subcontractors --- subcontractors of subcontractors, with all the guilty Parties and Principals attempting to wash their hands and pretending to be ignorant of what their Employees are believing, saying, and doing.

Plans of the Federal Reserve banks to run up the stock markets of the world for a gigantic 1929-style collapse will have to be called off. Deflation of the Federal Reserve Note is as unnecessary as the existence of the currency itself.

Despite all attempts to keep us at sea, the Americans are home again. We have come home like Odyseus late and against all odds, to deliver ourselves and all mankind from these criminals occupying our house and pretending the right to be here.

The foreign central banks and their willing agents, His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, and King Charles of Scotland, hereby stand foreclosed by their Preferential Creditors for cause: without the supporting soil jurisdictions of their respective kingdoms, there is no authority available for these Offices to proceed. The chain of title is breached.

To the extent that the Kingdom of England has been preserved along with the other countries and nations impacted by this Victorian-Era incorporation scheme, it is saved for the people who live there. Their faithful Hereditary Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, has acted in favor of the country in the face of a merely Legal Sovereign --and has won the day.

For God and country. Literally.

Until the long-vacated unincorporated Lawful Governments and authorities are re-established with the blessings of the people, we are acting as the Fiduciaries of the living people worldwide to preserve their lives and assets from predatory foreign corporations and corporate officers operating "as" Kings and Presidents, without accepting the duties and accountability of the actual unincorporated offices.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 23rd 2023


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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