Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #331
Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 13, 2023 | physics, Spirituality |
Our world and our lives were chosen
Through being imagined in the world of quantum possibilities
The reality of our world is determined by consciousness
Which of the possibilities become real is decided by the act of observation
The reason this occurs is the underlying unity of energy in the universe
Matter does not exist without consciousness
When you are not looking then there is only a wave of particles
When you are looking they organize into particles of experience
What is real depends on whether you look and how you observe
All vigilantly watched quantum fields never disperse or decay
We exhibit measurable effects on whatever aspects of the universe
We turn our attention to
There is then a deep connection between the observer and the observed
Knowing this we can alter the way we experience reality
We the observers cannot be isolated
We are an integral part of the universe
Pull back the bow of intention
Intent is determined by the frequency of ones observations and attention
Release the arrow of manifestation with emotional momentum
See it pierce the veil of the mundane
And watch it rustle toward the target of your dreams
You are an archer where everyday becomes extraordinary
Your emotions guide the dance of energy around you
Recognize the exciting universe with each emotion
Use your feelings to shape your reality
Through a dynamic interplay of manifestation
Kindle the divine flame!
Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #332
Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 13, 2023 | physics, Spirituality |
Everything that you prefer and pursue
Is an expansion of who you are
We expand when we connect to each other and to the cosmos
Seek to connect and expand
Stay out of the story of lack separation struggle and drama
Flip your cellular spin
Weave the plasma threads of your biofield into the world
Life is not a byproduct of chance
And nature is not a serendipitous accident
Arising from complex interactions of physical matter
Consciousness is more than the thinking organ known as the brain
And we did not have our beginnings from some chemical ooze that grew in a primeval ocean
We are not the result of random interactions between atoms and molecules
Which organized into cells and then grew into complex multicellular organisms
And the universe did not come into existence through the arbitrary interactions of inert matter
Reality cannot be understood in mechanistic terms
And quantum reality is holistic
Matter and energy are two different forms of the same thing
Matter is energy vibrating at a low frequency
The underlying field is patterns of quantum potential
The model of protons electrons and quarks is incorrect
They are not like billiard balls in a mini solar system
The particles of atoms are not material
Peer deeply into the subatomic level of matter
And there is only constantly flowing energy
In an interacting energy field
The quantum interconnectivity of all things
Is inscribed in the mystery of our DNA
Its message is that we are the creator
Kindle the divine flame!
Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #333
Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 13, 2023 | Spirituality |
We manifest significantly more through our emotions
Than through our actions and words
Our feelings are our compass in the emotional landscape
Leading us through the fog of existence
Every joy or sorrow you experience vibrates with a certain frequency
Which harmonizes and magnetizes you with similar vibrations
You fan the flame of intention with your emotional fuel
Attracting corresponding circumstances and people into your life
Let your emotions send ripples beyond the perceivable cosmos
Let your dreams burst forth with vibrant shades of reality
We are artists expressing our innermost passions fears dreams and desires
Upon on the mysterious canvas of life
We are the brushstrokes that get mirrored back to us
To show us what we have created
Each sunrise is a fresh parchment
Where you can rewrite your reality
Sketch out a thrilling saga
That shakes the pillars of the mundane
Set off into a whimsical journey
That travels through uncharted territories of hopes and promises
We are radiant beings in the vast expanse of our shared existence
And lighthouses in the swirling seas of uncertainty
Send luminous streaks of inspiration and empowerment
And breathe transformative prowess
The song of the spirit rouses the dormant seeds of dreams into sprouting shoots
Its hypnotic melody guides your odyssey across the mythical bridge
And connects wishes with reality
A metamorphosis is orchestrated by the music of your emotions
And amplified by the chant of unwavering faith
Let it be an anthem that resounds across an entire community
And a harmonizing chorus that projects a clear signal into the ether
Wrap your intention into the cosmic weave
Tether to the grand astral construct of the universe
Set aflame the aspiration within your heart
And tune into the frequency of limitless possibilities!
Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #334
Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 13, 2023 | Animal Rights, Science, Spirituality |
Science want us to believe in the disempowering message of division
That we are a haphazard coincidence in a desolate mechanical universe
The truth is an empowering message
Of absolute unity and a divine cosmic mind
We are all spiritual entities
And our consciousness is the primary constituent of the universe
We are not indivisible from each other and our environment
When you save a dog or cat from the shelter
They are forever grateful
When you save a coyote or a deer from a trap
They are forever grateful
When you save a dolphin or a whale from a fishing net
They are forever grateful
When you save a pig or cow from the slaughterhouse
They are forever grateful
You save animals from the slaughterhouse by not eating them
When you do these things you become a beautiful soul
And you etch a pathway to the treasure trove of your potential
All living beings are a fascinating coalescence of energy
In a field of energy in which everything is connected
Every person animal microorganism tree and plant
Has this pulsating energy field as their engine of being
We are different aspects of the very same energy
And all are alive with infinite consciousness emanating from the same identical source
The interconnections of plasma wave particles
Has no meaning in an isolated world
Only in one of oneness
The lure of the universal melody dives deep within
Like a lullaby serenading the subconscious
It echoes through your minds quiet corridors awakening dormant energies
Stoking the embers of stagnation
You become a maestro
Where your wand is your emotions
And your orchestra is your dreams
Played throughout the radiant cosmos!
Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #335
Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 13, 2023 | myth/religion, numerology |
Venus was the goddess responsible for setting order and balance
At the moment of creation
In Hindu she is Mother Maya
In Egypt Venus is Mayat
Maya means illusion
Mother Maya means illusion of matter
Which is created by interfacing energy patterns of various vibrations
When our skies were being reorganized
The fundamental oneness was separated into individual subjective perspectives
Venus formed the flower of life
She produced the seed of life which animated from her central circle
Megatrons Cube was made up of a central sphere
Surrounded by 6 other orbs who were surrounded by 6 others
These 12 orbs were the 12 disciples
When Saturn Venus and Mars formed the Holy Trinity
The energy became too high and it differentiated into particles of various potentials
The Metatron archangel was the energetic sum of the Father Mother and Son Gods
Which created a cube of interconnected lines circles and sacred geometry
These lines and circles formed the 5 platonic solids
Tetrahedron dodecahedron icosahedron octahedron and hexahedron
These appear repeatedly in nature and are the building blocks of the universe
Venus was the soul of Saturn
The cube was formed out of the very soul of Metatron
And revealed the inner knowledge of the divine
The symbol of the Metatron is used for guidance healing and protection
To attract positive forces and dispel negative ones
And as a visual focal point in meditation
When the 12 outer orbs multiplied further
They became the 144
12 x 12 = 144
Gods elect
In Hindu belief this became Indras Web
And the Native American dream catcher
These bright points of light became prayer beads
The first bead was Venus or Eve
She used her green color to count the days of her pregnancy
When she was pregnant with Mars
In Hindu tradition
A necklace of 108 beads is known as the Sri Maha Meru Danda
Which means the Great Mountain Meru
Mount Meru is the northern plasma column
Where Brahma who was Saturn lived
And where he created the world
It is also where Eve who was Venus lived
Watching over the flow of energy in creation
And directing the course of the current!