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This movie may be artistic in some ways, but it is an evil attempt to brainwash the public to accept the globalist agenda

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Tuesday, 12-Dec-2023 17:57:44

In Response To: Movie: “Leave the World Behind” - An Instant Classic in the Genre of Hitchcock and the Twilight Zone (GeorgeEaton)

This movie may be artistic in some ways, but it is an evil attempt to brainwash the public to accept the globalist agenda. I agree with all the comments made on his movie here on RMN.
This movie is one of those films that exposes the NWO and reveals how they think. The most telling part was how the animals were surrounding the white people and staring them down as if they were blaming the white people for all the ills of the world.
This portrayal of animals has been done in many films the past few decades. It is a city dweller's view of how animals think and fit into the world's habitats. They see animals in zoos, and only know them from that viewpoint. They also think that animals are equal to humans, and even better, because they aren't creating carbon pollution, chopping down trees or driving SUVs.

To the radical liberals they think advanced human beings are evil on several levels and that we should be eradicated as a virus. These are strange misplaced values that today are running rampant in modern society.

I was disgusted by the use of the deer in this movie as if they were wise beings warning the white people to beware of their evil ways, as if they are saying - "we're coming for you - you shall be judged".

This is a total misconception in the minds of ultra socialists and liberals.

Also, the use of the high pitched sound in the movie was a metaphor for an unrelenting attack on people that could not be stopped. It was used in conjunction with and in parallel to the way the deer were acting. The writer also was using the high pitched sound as a form of hi-tech attack on the humans, as if modern technology has come to the point it has gone too far and could be used to destroy human beings in their modern world.

The truth is, liberalism is a mental disease, it promotes in many cases now, the idea that humans are a plague on the earth and must be culled in number before they destroy the earth. This is a major falsehood being taught from the governments and in schools.
The great polluters today are not the first world countries, Europe and the US. The pollution and massive new population growth comes from the third world nations that are financed by the international bankers. The very same wealthy elite globalists that are trying to shut down and depopulate white nations!

The reality is, the European nations have already cut back on pollution and population to the point they were no longer producing enough children to even replace themselves. It is India, China, Muslim nations and Africa that are not disciplining themselves in having children. But all the focus has been on shutting down European nation's industries and their cars. The end result will be the destruction of modern societies and elevating minorities, who can do no wrong.

As far as the statements in the movie about not trusting white people, that was quite revealing - the mask was finally off. This is how all races think and talk in private about the other races. Of course it was misguided, but at least we saw a true characterization of how many people think. This was the least of the liberal/NWO subjects that the movie dealt with but quite typical.

I could just see Obama watching that scene and a smile coming on his face when thinking about not trusting the white people. As always, the liberals conclude that minorities can't be racists, and whatever they think is pure and ideal. They always twist things to match their agenda.

What you have just witnessed is how this movie has provoked thought and discussions - and that is what makes this movie so intriguing and unique. I was revolted by the concepts and ideas that the movie brought across to the viewer. I hope that intelligent people will be able to look beyond the entertainment value and see that the "man behind the curtain" is being exposed as a manipulative controller of innocent human beings.

George Eaton

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