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This Reader May have a point ...
Posted By: Journey Date: Friday, 8-Dec-2023 09:37:35
In Response To: Reader: "Menorah vs. Christmas candles?" (hobie)
We here at RMN are a NEWS aggregation site and not particularly a religious platform for espousing religious views. I think we best serve our purpose here as such ... news aggregation and of course alternative view points on certain sensitive topics which can at certain points get into religion but that's a different side line which can be debated in a decent and formal discussion if the participants can agree to and for the most part get along with out name calling and out right nastyness ... in other words ... if it weren't for the Internet for this discussion it would be fist fights in the streets or even gun fights.
Regarding the Menora ... I seem to remember that it has been displayed in the past and no one complained ... also Christmas has also been represented as well. Be that as it may ... we ARE a News aggregation site for the most part and we should stick with that and not paint a target on our backs as some would like that.
As some of you here know ... listening to Clif High recently ... the whole religiosity thing may come crashing down and if that happens then things will change DRASTICALLY for many of us tied to and brought up in those religions. For me that is NOT a problem because I never really got tied up in all that ... I kind of stayed neutral for the most part BUT I still like CHRIST'S golden rule ... don't fuck anyone over and you'll do just fine in this World/Life. So I guess I'm pretty much on the side of Christ ... I like that simple rule ... it's pretty straight forward ... easy to follow. The problem with most folks is EGO/SELF ... let
go of that and you can set yourself free.
As Clif and others (more and more everyday) have been saying the J's have been a target since day one. They are and have been victims since day one (and they keep saying that over and over ). But they have had the same ability as the rest of us to resist but they didn't ... they listened to and obeyed AUTHORITY ... the RABBI's ... other wise suffer the consequences. What consequences you say ? Well THEY (so called god's) had very advanced technology which made them out to be god's ... little G. And humans at the time had little if no ability to mitigate that tech and or resist it ... so suffer the CONSEQUENCES ...... we were taken over and enslaved by off worlder's ... I Effin believe that now ... 20 or 25 years ago ? ask me that and I would have said you were NUTS !!!
Interesting how a few tidbits of info and many years of accumulated wisdom and discernment can change a persons perceptions of just what the hell is really happening ... and even then after all that ... it's STILL not CLEAR ...
WTF ! over ?
I have a friend that seems to now quite a bit just about everything ... a know it all. As soon as I bring up of planet guys ... he says ... oh don't take responsibility for our own desicions and actions ... and I say ... how can we do that when we are brainwashed beyond rational thoughts ? His response (and he is a very good radionics guy ) it's HUMAN NATURE ... my response ... humans are not warlike by nature ... his response yes yes yes .. my response ... we have been reprogrammed at a DNA level to be just like THEM ... his response ... absolute BS, take responsibility for your own actions ... I say how can you do that when you are being MIND CONTROLLED by superior tech ? YOU HAVE NO CONTROL !!! UNLESS you are in the 20% that are more or less IMMUNE to it.
Mind machine interface that Clif talks about ... now that's interesting. They have tech they can't work, they stole it or came across it ... they can't operate it but we can. So they enslave us to do it for them ... how conveinient. What better reason to enslave us ? Granted not everything Clif says can be taken at face value but he does make some interesting points.
Getting back to the readers comments ... RMN is not controlled by Jews ... if that were true I would not be able to post here and I would not be an Agent over these many years. Because ... and I can't say why because ... I'm Anti_Semetic ? ... I don't think so ... I know a few Jews who are good people ... just like the rest of us
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