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CGI's MAXtheMAGAnificent: What Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Jeffrey Prather, Sean from SGT, Clif High, and the Alt Right Media Don't Get About Israel
Posted By: RumorMail Date: Friday, 10-Nov-2023 18:07:24
A post submitted by CGI member MAXtheMAGAnificent
All these stalwarts of the alternative right media have decided that Israel is an illegitimate, artificial state that is the source of all evil in the Middle East and must be eliminated. They simultaneously say that they have nothing against the Jewish people, they just want the only Jewish state to exist in the last 2000 years to be wiped off the face of the earth. Heck, Jeffrey Prather even says that the only legit citizens of Israel are Christians because Christ was descended from Abraham and anyone who does not accept Christ as lord and savior cannot make claim to an Abrahamic legacy…like being Jewish. Mike and Alex and Jeffrey and Sean have now taken to deriding “Christian Zionists.” These fallen Christians are those who favor the existence of the modern state of Israel which is according to them an act of sacrilege. Of course Clif High sees Jews as the root of all evil on Earth…he even calls any scientific work done by Jews as illegitimate “Jewish science”.
Except for Clif who worships only himself, all of these pundits of the alt right are devout Christians who constantly complain that Christians the world over are being mistreated and oppressed today. Hey guys, welcome to the club! How does it feel to be treated the way that your religion has treated the Jewish people for most of the last two millennia? You ain’t seen nothin’ like what the Jews have endured not only from your co-religionists, but how about the Muslims…ever read the Koran? The Jews are specifically targeted for death unless they submit…this is the definition of Islam, submit or die.
The Jews have been shunned, openly discriminated against, ghettoized, reviled, repressed, oppressed, exiled, displaced, tortured and killed with remarkable consistency by those of the other two Abrahamic religions, not to mention just about all the other religions for time immemorial. Let me count a few of the more recent examples….the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the pogroms of Eastern Europe and Russia, of course the Holocaust, the Arab wars against Israel in 1948, 1967, 1973 (Yom Kippur War), the Munich Olympics, the Intifadas…not to mention the systematic discrimination against Jews in academia, the sciences, the professions, in housing, in public accomodation throughout European and American history.
Is it any wonder that the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948 caused the Jewish people around the world to rejoice. Here finally was a real, honest to goodness Jewish state…even though just a sliver of land… within the geography of their biblical home. Here, finally, was a place of refuge for the Jewish people… a place of their own where the Jewish people could just simply be Jewish, and because of that simple fact not be shunned, discriminated against, ghettoized, reviled, repressed, oppressed, exiled, displaced, tortured, or killed. This is what Israel means to the Jewish people…and this is what Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Jeffrey Prather, Sean from SGT, Clif High, and just about all of the other pundits of the alt right media just don’t get. If Israel were to cease to exist at this point in history it would be open season on the Jewish people. All of the deep-seated hatreds towards Jews that have been kept in check to a certain extent since the 1948 founding of Israel would suddenly blossom into a full-fledged, world wide sequel to Hitler’s “final solution for the Jews.” The Jews of the world would again be without a nation-state power base that could come to their defense and serve as a refuge should all else fail.
Maybe Mike and Alex and Jeffrey and Sean and all the rest are really OK with a final solution for the Jews but just don’t want to come out and say so…it certainly would not help their reputations. Hopefully they just don’t have a clue what Israel means to the Jewish people. Maybe they don’t realize why most Jews interpret their hatred of Israel as implicit hatred of the Jewish people. At this point in time it is hard to tell what they are really thinking. All that we do know is that in their eyes the world would somehow be a better place if Israel, the Jewish homeland, were wiped off the face of the earth.
Follow me on X (Twitter) @maxthemag
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