Once again we enter NO BRAINER TERRITORY.
A few points and questions intended to shock the brain cells into operation in a manner that actually serves Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Read on at your own risk!
How do you kill an idea, a concept, particularly the concept of every man owning and controlling in own life and his own circumstances? ( note: for all of you gender confused individuals and feminist superiority salesman , I use the term man as covering mankind. In my world and as far as I know in The CREATORS world, there is only one race on the planet called mankind which is divided into two subdivisions. Male and female. Someone please show me any difference other than that in any graveyard in the world, ever.)
An idea is murdered by not thinking about it.
Who killed the American dream of self actuated Liberty?
What other people, ever, as a group were ever freed to control their own lives other than the American people when King George released his ownership of his subjects?
When the American People beginning in 1776 created governments, was that act of that creation understood as the ownership position over what We the People created?
If the creator of an entity called a government is not the owner who is?
Did we the people ever grant any of our personal power, the full faith and credit for all governments, the only authority available at the time to create new a form of governments, for the agents employed in our creation, Government, to rule over the contracts, constitutions, between the People creating the governments and our controlling Declaration of Rights found in the national Bill of Rights?
If we the People are the owners of governments, does that mean that every public servant and every one of those they hire to do their job for them called contractors, employees? If not why not?
Who is the master in any organization, the employer or the employee?
When the People’s employees, public servants, hold the authority of the People to regulate interstate commerce, the interstate and international airwaves, and licensed individuals to use those properties belonging to the People, did the license to operate issued by the government carry with it the same obligations to respect the People’s rights declared under our Bill of Rights?
When the states were authorized by the People’s constitutions to allow the construction of artificial persons called corporations, did We the People ever grant the corporations the power to operate outside the People’s constitutions, particularly our Bill of Rights? ( No. The federal government legislative section is not authorized to create corporations, therefore, no federal construction corporation or entity doing business as Government or for Government is legitimate, because there is no authority to allow that kind of construction under a lawful government act. )
When We the People granted authority and powers to our constructed governments, did We authorize our public servants to: lie to us; mislead us; hide information from us; rule over us; identify us as subjects to government regulation; make us debtors to a private money system called the Federal Reserve; use legalized force to collect monies to support felons illegally entering our country? NO!
If one is controlled or influenced by the media does one become a slave in their own mind created by not thinking for one’s self?
When the American People began to allow our public servants to operate under their rules administering the People’s powers, instead of our original Law of Constitutions controlled by the all rights reserved, Declaration of Rights art the state level and Bill of Rights at the national, did We enslave our selves incrementally to our servants operations?
SO; who is at fault the People or the servants?
Now what?
When good men do nothing evil controls.
Is it time for a little Mirror Therapy, to begin seeing who the real beginning culprits causing the problem are?
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