Please find the proof of fact and law embedded in the below Monograph.
The People are the Sovereign owners over the governments We created.
See proof of claim below.
Accept the proof of claim as valid or challenge Natures God and the Laws of Nature
This piece is a labor of love.
Love for my creator and my country, particularly for the American dream and people that try to live it.
All solutions are founded upon open fair dialogue.
Perhaps this could be the match that sets the barn on fire.
This is from process now in motion.
I will report response or reaction when they happen.
For the “but they won’t let me” crowd of slaves in their own minds and hearts that choose not to embrace our American heritage and stand on the People’s true powers, good luck, complaining to your master to stop beating you so much. All that takes that to happen is to promise to be a better slave and an honest public servant.
When the People, the Master, descends to the level of the servant and obliges the servants by performing as told to, the Master becomes the servant to his own servant.
The People’s contractual relation to the whole of Wyoming culture is captured in a single contract identified as the Constitution of the State of Wyoming. ( same applies in every State United ) The authority founding this contract comes from God. The contracts subject matter is the exercise of free will in political contexts legalizing coercive force inherent in governments. The consideration between the parties is the decent respect given to others, the parties to the contract, that We as a People demand for ourselves individually. The People are the only parties to this contract which operates as the Highest Law jurisdiction attached to the lands of the State Wyoming. The sole purpose of the contract is to construct a system of legalized force capturing for protection civil, political and religious liberties. The intent for the purpose of the People’s contract is the individual and personal security called Liberty for all men. Further, “ to secure to ourselves and perpetuate these secured liberties to our posterity”. In this specific instance me, as born on and into Wyoming venue and jurisdiction.
The People’s office of Governors prime and highest duty is TO TAKE CARE THAT THE LAWS BE FAITHFULLY EXECUTED ! See Article 4, Sections; 1, 4, and 12 specifically.
Conversely, the Governors office holds no power to recognize nor allow non-constitutionally compliant actions by the government servants, or legal persons created by Wyoming or others regulated in their operations in Wyoming, to operate on the People of Wyoming in any manner whatsoever.
The Governors first and highest duty, personal obligation, is to execute the law. The first and highest law is the People’s Constitution, particularly its Preamble identifying the authority for its construction as God. Article 1, Declaration of Rights as certified by God as declared at Section 1, “All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness; for the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable ( pronounced and understood at the time of writing, to be un-a-lien-able, never able to be attached or captured) and indefeasible ( not touchable in any manner challenged) right to alter, reform or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper”.
Thus, We the People are the Sovereigns to all government operations, inclusive of federal operations, on the venue of Wyoming. So declares the first law of Wyoming. This First Law is the Political Jurisdiction created by We the People to wield our collective right to protect our lives, liberties and properties. The political entities, state governments We created, are mere administrators to and for our powers. Thus, the administrative jurisdiction is born as defined by the People’s First Law.
The Administrative Jurisdiction is an absolute subject to the People’s First Law.
This Sovereignty is the birth right of the People. My birth right.
No one may ever terminate, cancel, modify or impair my birth right upon personal pain and penalties defined as criminal, at or in law. The result of public servants, or alleged public acts creating legal persons, no matter how disguised, that fail or refuse to recognize me, or any other American, under my definition of my self and my obligations, is either an enticement to involuntary servitude or outright Slavery, when applied through legalized force not disclosing fully the authorities to hold me to account.
The documents annexed hereto are the execution of my birth right which I have never surrendered, transferred, sold, gifted or bargained away. It is an impossibility for anyone to remove my God, given rights for any reason whatsoever!
Further I have never been deemed incompetent or unworthy to contract, identify my self nor declared or recognized as one who refused the gifts of my freedom given by the God of the Preamble to Wyoming's Constitution, or Natures God authorizing the Declaration of Independence.
No one of mankind, particularly public servants, could ever claim the authority of Natures God. In fact, every public servant and every government constructed legal person, operate from the same source of authority that recognizes the People as the Sovereigns creating governments. Thus, when governments, its public servants act, every act taken is based in the ultimate authority of Natures God. This is a transfer of authority from Natures God, through the People, to our constructed governments, transferred by governments in each of its acts through each and all of its operations. The acts by governments creating statutorily created legal persons, identified by name, legal personalities, is rooted in the fundamental authority of Natures God.
We the People are the administrators for Natures God. So declares our Declaration of Independence.
It is a political, legal, ecclesiastic, procedural and commercial IMPOSSIBILITY for me or any American to surrendered, transfer, sell, gift, impair or bargain away the act of Natures God identified as Liberty, the right to choose for my self. This is because the gift of personal Liberty, is Natures God property. We as the American People are granted and authorized use of this gift for our individual and collective inherent right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Thus, all members of the human race are equal because our Declaration of Independence declares its cause as fully incorporating a decent respect to all of mankind.
Natures God given rights are not subject to mankind’s attempts to control or manage or limit Natures God in any manner. How We as individual Americans choose to operate among the powers of the earth are personal choices by which We are identified.
The phrase, “consent of the governed” fully and completely captures the complete set of legal relations every American has with the governments We created.
More to the point, the government of Wyoming holds no power or authority whatsoever to deny me recognition of my birth right, ever. No one holds any right to define me in any manner whatsoever with out my informed consent. We the People never granted powers to the governments We constructed to identify any Birth Right American in a manner making us subjects of governments operations.
Because the People’s freedom is declared by Natures God and the Laws of Nature. Governments and its public servants have no right or power to touch the People’s freedoms recognized and granted by Natures God.
Gentlemen, argue with Natures God at your personal peril.
No one, particularly governments, it’s public servants or employees, nor any government constructed or regulated legally constructed person, ever could hold or have authority to define me or my civil, political and religious rights because they came from God. The same God declaring the facts at the Preamble to the Wyoming Constitution, and Natures God authorizing the Declaration of Independence.
The Governors first and highest duty, personal obligation, is to execute the law. The first and highest law is the People’s Constitution, particularly its Preamble identifying the authority for its construction as God. Article 1, Declaration of Rights as certified by God as declared at|\Section 1, “ All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness; for the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable ( pronounced and understood to be un-a-lien-able, never able to be attached or captured) and indefeasible ( not touchable in any manner challenged) right to alter, reform or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper ”.
I do not now and never have consented to being identified in any manner whatsoever by governments or the constructed and regulated legally constructed persons created, licensed and regulated by governments.
My Ownership over myself, ownership of my name, my declaration of identification, each issued by me as the Bailee of Natures God powers and authority granted to me for use and application is irreproachable and incorruptible by any other of mankind or mankind’s governmental systems.
If, any or the statements above are untrue, inaccurate, confusing or not in accord with the People’s First Laws, then please execute your duties to advise me of my mistakes, so I may correct them if legitimately sourced as identified.
Otherwise, please execute your paid for duties to provide honest services as promised and paid for.
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