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The Mainstream Alternative Media

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Monday, 30-Oct-2023 23:10:13

Is that an oxymoron? No. Don’t think for a moment that the three letter agencies haven’t infiltrated some of the alternative sites. Because it is obvious that they have. How do I know? Because the people on those podcasts have a rock solid opinion about a variety of subjects and they don’t allow any other opinions to be spoken. Or if they are spoken, they then make fun of opposing views.

That is one way. Anytime any of them are pushing any religion, I know that they are still mired in the bullshit put out by believers in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. These people can’t see beyond the propaganda put out by opposing views. Religion, especially one you were raised in, is a powerful pull. That is the only person I was unable to put in a hypnotic trance. His brain knew that it was not satanic or evil. But, he couldn’t overcome his childhood indoctrination from a fundamentalist church.

If you weren’t forcefully immersed in some ism, as I was not, you are free to explore these different beliefs without fear of retribution. How many times have you seen one or the other religious leader preaching horrible consequences if you don’t adhere to the rules of that religion? Twice, I accompanied a friend to their Catholicism classes. As they were too in awe of the black robed priest, I was asking the questions. After a few of them and the priest was either unable or disinclined to answer, I was told it would be better if I didn’t come with my friend as it was too distracting. I’ll just bet it was. But neither of them caught onto the bullshit lies, so I left it to them to wake up in their own time.

I’ve lost track of the various religious I’ve checked out. My favorite was going with a classmate in tenth grade to the Pentecostal Assembly of God church. I don’t know if there was any god there that day, but if there was, they had to be holding their sides as various members seemed to go into some kind of trance and began speaking in some language I couldn’t recognize. Others were falling to the floor and rolling around. I politely told my friend I didn’t think her church was a good fit for me.

But, back to the media. I believe that many people today have exchanged their religion for a fascination and and near worship at the alter of the Lame Stream Media. One of my classmates recently said, “I just love Mika!” I said before I could stop myself, “Of course you do!” Mika Bhrezinzki, daughter of the late Zhignew Bhrezinzki, is part of the Cult. When told what some of the Alternative media were saying and in effect, telling people what to think, Mika exclaimed, “But that is our job!” Exactly! And they have their own following of people who hang on every word. But, I’m beginning to see the same blind adoration of some in the alternative. Just tell the people what they want to hear. Never mind how far out it sounds.

How do I know it has just replaced a religion for them? Because instead of just checking a site out, then running it through their B.S. detector, they lob onto whatever version of ‘truth’ is put out and will defend it loudly. Whatever happened to civil, adult debate? There are two criteria I use to determine the amount of truth these alternative sites promote? One is what fantastic B.S. they are promising according to what the priest/guru putting out.

The other is the taking of sides in this recent conflict. I appreciate someone like Mike Adams of Brighteon for refusing to take sides in this recent conflict between Hamas and Israel. He understands that in spite of the official script spewed out, there is no way Israel was the victim of a surprise attack from Hamas. I’m not even sure Hamas was involved. Is it beyond the stretch of imagination to consider that elements of BiBi’s military or Mossad carried out the attack, dressed as Palestinians? Does anyone remember the burning of the Reichstag during WWII? Nazis dressed as Polish soldiers actually torched the placed so Poland would be blamed and justify the war. I think we have to at least entertain that possibility that is what happened. Otherwise, it makes no sense that a small organization like Hamas could catch Israel with it’s pants down in fifteen locations on the border. Not unless it was orchestrated and carried out by the Israeli government. That would be like an ant crawling up an elephant’s hind leg with rape on it’s mind. Highly unlikely. And it was seven hours before Israeli forces were ‘allowed’ to fight back?

Right on cue, the alternative sites in near lockstep with the Lame Stream Media were choosing sides. And their followers of either propaganda machine were falling in line official narrative. “Poor Israel” or those poor Palestinians. Letting emotion cloud their thinking.

I am not able to repeat on cue anything that doesn’t make sense. And this latest conflict doesn’t if you believe this was a surprise attack that caught Israel off guard. I’m calling bullshit on that one. I’m not taking sides and I’m not allowing either media to jerk me around. What I am doing is making a list of those sites which put out the most B.S.. They aren’t hard to suss out and will join my already long list of sites I don’t waste my time listening to.

Time is short. That time would be best used preparing for a Mad Max world for at least a while. People, who were advised to get out of the large cities, but didn’t, will have time to regret that decision if they were waiting for a heavenly/extraterrestrial rescue, which never happened.

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