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Miles Mathis: Yes, Margaret, the War in Israel is Fake & Henry Makow: Oct 8 - Gaza Psy Op a Pretext to Start WW3? --(Text)(Images)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Monday, 9-Oct-2023 11:42:51

Yes, Margaret, the War in Israel is Fake

they all were

by Miles Mathis

First published October 7, 2023
Well, we knew they were going to start another war, and the timing of this one is perfect. Just as Congress stops funding Ukraine, Hamas conveniently flies into Jerusalem on motorized kites. . .
because, you know, why not? The Gentiles will believe anything. They could have reported that Hamas rode in on tricycles and no one would have questioned it. Or if anyone did question it, Google would block them. That's what will happen to this paper. In the first minutes it will go to number one and then it will be magically delisted, just like all my other papers.

Here's more proof of the war:

Because, you know, you can't fake a smoke plume by burning a pile of wood or something. Or with CGI. Mossad doesn't have that tech.

Here's more proof of the war:

A woman with a baby fleeing a burning pile of leaves. With cops. Wow, I'm convinced. I can hardly witness the carnage. I hope this came with a triggering warning.

To read more go to http://mileswmathis.com/isra.pdf

From https://henrymakow.com/2023/10/oct-8--is-gaza-a-psy-op-to-sta.html

Oct 8 - Gaza Psy Op a Pretext to Start WW3?

October 8, 2023

The globalists need a world war to cover up their COVID-19 genocide and to prevent Trump from winning in 2024.

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other."

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com

by Henry Makow PhD

The claim that the attack was a surprise is the biggest tell that this war was contrived by Israel. Indeed Netanyahu called it a "Pearl Harbor moment" referring to another false flag used to justify the US entry into World War Two. Is this war designed to touch off WW3?

Veterans of Israeli intelligence say there is no way this attack was a surprise. The Israelis have informers in Gaza. They monitor it electronically. They must have known this was coming and decided to sacrifice hundreds of Israelis for political ends. They did the same thing in 1973.

It's a cliche that politicians start wars to effect change. Netanyahu needed a war to unite a nation badly divided by his judicial reforms. The WEF/Rothschilds/Communists need a war to evade responsibility for the creeping COVID-19 genocide and to stop Trump in 2024. They also need a distraction from the fact that the banking system is bankrupt and broken, and the Ukraine war has been a debacle.

The worst-case scenario is that Israelis will overreact and arouse the anger of the Muslim world who would then intervene, and fulfill Albert Pike's prophecy.


We should distinguish between the policies of the right-wing Israeli government and the beliefs of individual Israelis who have no more control over their government than we do.

We have been fed a daily diet of Israeli abuse of the Palestinians - settlers burning olive orchards, snipers shooting children.

I think most Israelis would adopt a two-state solution given the chance.

Israelis are being victimized again by their own government. Jews had to be tricked into invading Palestine by the Zionists who sponsored anti-Semitism and Hitler.

Jews never needed a "Jewish homeland." Antisemitism was caused by Organized Jewry. The people of the West needed national homelands that were/are being destroyed by Masonic Jewish globalism.

The best course would be for Israel to exercise restraint and compromise to save the hostages and avert a wider war.


Related - Was one of the most technologically advanced and genetically modified nations on the planet somehow unable to detect and prevent the various exceedingly crude Hamas attacks?

Kevin Barrett- Palestinians break out of world's largest concentration camp

First Comment from Edward Menez -

It is another "Pearl Harbor" as Jonathan Conricus, a former international spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces said. The same phrase the Project For A New American Century used before the 9/11 attacks--that America needed "a new Pearl Harbor". It seems the phrase "Pearl Harbor" has now become synonymous in elite-speak with "false flag".

To me this is such obvious BS that it is maddening. We're supposed to believe Israel had no clue about the attacks?! Now Israel will obliterate Palestine and take over in the next few weeks. This is the beginning of their long-planned-for "Greater Israel" that will encompass all of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and parts of Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

I have no words for what a "Gulf of Tonkin" fake this was--how anyone can not see through this ridiculous theatre is beyond me.

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