A post submitted by CGI member BolenReport.
Vitamin C pioneer Frederick Klenner, MD, not only discovered that vitamin C could cure polio, but he used high doses to successfully treat a host of other serious issues, including venomous snake bites.
Dr. Fred Klenner’s major review article on the use of vitamin C in his medical practice emphasizes the use of massive injections of the vitamin in treating a variety of diseases and health threats.
Observations on the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range of a Vitamin in Human Pathology (1971)
Quote Frederick Klenner: "Ascorbic acid (sodium ascorbate) must be given by needle to bring about quick reversal of various ‘insults’ to the human body.” Injection size ranges from 350 mg to 1200 mg of vitamin C per Kg body weight. Diseases and other health threats whose treatment involved the use of injections of vitamin C include.... toxins produced by snakes..." The answer to these emergencies is simple. Large amounts of ascorbic acid 350 mg to 700 mg per Kg. body weight given intravenously."
Note: The Vitamin C Foundation is aware that large oral dosages can be effective, and the newer liposomal forms of vitamin C may be even more effective than intravenous vitamin C.
That vitamin C is a powerful, yet little known antiodote to snake venom, has become key to fighting the next phase of the bioweapon attack on the USA (and world). Dr. Bryan Ardis uncovered the genetic research by French researchers in 2020. They were the first to identify snake venoms in sequences of the COVID spike protein. Dr. Tau Braun verified this for himself after teaching himself the genetic sequencing program BLAST.
Counter terrorism expert Braun and heretic Ardis are both predicting an upcoming apocalyptic "die off" from a venom-based bioweapon threat. A threat that targets the already COVID Vaxxd.
High (bowel tolerance) doses of Vitamin C, especially combined with nicotine, might very well be protective. Owen Fonorow of the Vitamin C Foundation (VitaminCFoundation.ORG) recommends that everyone who has been Vaxxed adopt a high dose vitamin C regimen immediately.
Sick people can take a lot of vitamin C without diarrhea. The oral daily dosages range from 30 grams (cancers) to over 200+ grams (mononucleosis), spread throughout the day, usually in four equal doses as described in Dr. Cathcart's famous "Titrating Vitamin C to Bowel Tolerance" paper:
The sick body will tolerate very high doses of vitamin C until it becomes well. Then, bowel tolerance drops back to normal levels.
Snake bites (venoms) are known to cause myocarditis. Owen reports that he doesn't know of a single individual following Linus Pauling's high dose vitamin C and L-lysine therapy who has suffered from myocarditis in the recent epidemic.
1. Inhibition of proteases and phospholipases A2 from Bothrops atrox and Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venoms by ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins (2016)
The vitamin complex evaluated, as well as the isolated ascorbic acid, show inhibitory potential on activities, mainly the ones induced by proteases and PLA2, the major classes of toxins present in the snake venoms from the Viperidae family.
Note: The above study verified that blood clotting is a side-effect of snake venom and found that vitamin C substantially reduces venom-induced clotting.
2. Inhibitory effects of ascorbic acid toward snake venom metalloproteinase (SVMP) from Indian Echis carinatus venom: Insights from molecular modeling and binding studies
"Ascorbic acid effectively inhibited the proteolytic activity of E. carinatus venom in a dose-dependent manner."
3. Effect of snake venom on the biosynthesis of vitamin C by the rats (1949)
Abstract : The urinary excretion of vitamin C [ascorbic acid] by rats given sublethal doses of cobra venom was unaffected, but the vitamin C [ascorbic acid] content of the tissues of rats which had been treated with the poison was less than that of normal animals. Of the tissues studied, brain showed the greatest depletion of the vitamin.
4. The effect of ascorbic acid on Bitis arietans venom induced toxicity in rats (2017)
"These findings suggest that large doses of administered AsAc coupled with available antivenoms, could be effective in bringing about healing effects and functional improvement of hepatocytes and nephrocytes. This may pave the way for further and deeper research, bearing the information that AsAc might have a potential therapeutic approach to counter viper snake envenoming properties.
5. Ascorbic acid as a chemotherapeutic agent (1952)
"Not only endogenous, but exogenous toxins are neutralized by this chemotherapeutic action of ascorbic acid. By this means Klen ner has effected rapid recovery from rattlesnake bite in dogs, and the author has obtained rapid recovery in a case of scorpion stingby a single intravenous injection of 1,000 mg"
6. Neutralization of Local Toxicity Induced by Vipera russelli Phospholipase A2 by Lipophilic Derivative of Ascorbic Acid
"These results demonstrate that Acorbly-palmitateP [fat soluble vitamin C] neutralizes VRV-PL-VIIIa induced pharmacological activities by inhibiting the enzyme with direct interactions."
Note: The Foundaton's ongoing research on Vitamin C and Snake Venom posted at