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They Are Openly Admitting That We Are On The Brink Of “The Final War”

Posted By: NightSky
Date: Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 15:46:24

I've had recurring dreams of most of the East Coast (from about S. Carolina all the way up to Maine) being inundated with waves of energy, almost like explosions. It didn't end well. Also recurring; the St Louis Arch looking sort of like it did in the Sci-Fi series 'Defiance'. And this was long before 'Defiance' was a TV show. Any of you?

Time will tell.


By Michael Snyder

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how close we are to the unthinkable. Even though leaders all over the globe have developed a regrettable case of war fever, the vast majority of us here in the United States are entirely convinced that everything will be okay somehow. Most of us believe the talking heads on television when they assure us that our politicians have everything under control and that it is extremely unlikely that a nuclear conflict will happen. But on the other side of the globe they see things very differently. On Tuesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told the United Nations that the world is being pushed to the brink of the “final war“…

The chilling remarks by the Ukrainian president were aimed at countries that have been ambivalent about who’s side they’re on since the conflict began in February 2022 and nations that were with him in the beginning but have pulled back on their support.

Russia’s invasion of his country is pushing the world to the “final war,” the Ukrainian president told world leaders attending the annual gathering in New York.

For once, I actually agree with Zelenskyy.

We are literally on the verge of an apocalyptic global conflict in which billions of people could die, and so we need to find a way out while we still can.

But during his speech, Zelenskyy made it abundantly clear that he has absolutely no intention of ever negotiating with Vladimir Putin…

Without providing any details, Zelenskyy hinted at the United Nations at an alleged effort by some individuals to broker a secret peace deal with Putin.

Zelenskky warned anyone who would trust Putin, to recall the fate of Russian mercenary Yevgeny Prigozhin, who was assumed dead last month after challenging Putin’s leadership.

“I am aware of some attempts to make some shady dealings behind the scenes. Evil cannot be trusted. Ask Prigozhin if one bets on Putin’s promises,” he said.

The Russians also believe that we are rapidly approaching a point of no return.

On Sunday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov publicly stated that the U.S. is conducting a “war” against Russia…

Washington’s massive campaign to support Ukraine with arms amounts to a war against Russia, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, adding that the US has long groomed Kiev for this very purpose.

In a comment to Russian reporter Pavel Zarubin released on Sunday, Lavrov suggested that rumors about Washington possibly giving the green light to the delivery of Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), which have a range of up to 300km, were aimed at “shaping public opinion.”

According to the minister, these deliberations would not change the fact that “for many years Ukraine has been groomed to fight with its hands and bodies in order to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.” Lavrov accused the US of controlling the hostilities between Kiev and Moscow.

Most Americans would not say that we are at war with Russia at this moment.

But over in Russia they view things very differently.

There is constant talk on Russian television about how the U.S. and Russia are now locked in an existential conflict which will only have one eventual winner.

Needless to say, the Russians do not plan on losing.

Joe Biden also spoke in front of the United Nations on Tuesday, and during that speech he once again reaffirmed U.S. support for the war in Ukraine.

And it is being reported that he plans to ask Congress for a $24 billion aid package to help bolster the Ukrainian military.

But we have already given them billions upon billions upon billions of dollars.

Where has all that money gone?

That is a question that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is now asking…

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy demanded ‘accountability’ on U.S. aid to Ukraine and vowed to question President Volodymyr Zelensky in Washington, amid heightening tensions among Republicans over funding the country’s defense.

‘Is Zelenskyy elected to Congress? Is he our president? I don’t think I have to commit anything and I think I have questions for him,’ McCarthy said Tuesday, in just the latest remarks exhibiting skepticism about billions in U.S. military and other support.

‘Where’s the accountability on the money we’ve already spent? What is the plan for victory? I think that’s what the American public wants to know,’ he said, ABC News reported.

A lot of Americans refuse to believe that this conflict will ever spill outside the borders of Ukraine.

But the truth is that it already has. In fact, CNN is reporting that the Ukrainians just conducted drone strikes “against a Wagner-backed militia near Sudan’s capital”…

Ukrainian special services were likely behind a series of drone strikes and a ground operation directed against a Wagner-backed militia near Sudan’s capital, a CNN investigation has found, raising the prospect that the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has spread far from the frontlines.

Speaking to CNN, a Ukrainian military source described the operation as the work of a “non-Sudanese military.” Pressed on whether Kyiv was behind the attacks, the source would only say that “Ukrainian special services were likely responsible.”

Meanwhile, Azerbaijan has begun a large-scale offensive against Armenia…

Azerbaijan carried out strikes on the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region on Tuesday as it announced the launch of an “anti-terror” operation, a move that threatens to trigger another war in the region.

The country’s Defense Ministry said it was using “high-precision weapons” to “incapacitate” Armenian-backed forces and target Armenian military positions in a push to force out “formations of Armenia’s armed forces.”

Footage purportedly filmed in Stepanakert, the capital of Karabakh, which is called Khankendi by Azerbaijan, captured the sounds of loud shelling and artillery fire.

Have you noticed that the Biden administration has not condemned this aggression by Azerbaijan?

That is because the Biden administration has almost certainly blessed it.

If fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia flares up, it will divert much-needed Russian military resources away from the Ukrainian front.

We definitely live at a time of wars and rumors of wars.

And we continue to hear more rumors that China is rapidly preparing for a military conflict with the United States. Just check out what Gordon Chang told Fox Business on Monday…

Gatestone Institute senior fellow and China expert Gordon Chang has issued a dire warning about the possibility of a nuclear exchange with China as tensions remain inflated on the world stage and the U.S. prepares for war.

“We’re much closer to a nuclear exchange than Americans think,” Chang said on Fox Business‘s “Mornings with Maria” Monday. “China is preparing to go to war… China is surveying the United States for nuclear weapons strikes, so we’ve got to realize the gravity of this. The problems inside the Chinese regime right now indicate that Xi Jinping in the rocket force, which controls almost all of China’s nuclear weapons, he’s now installing officers who will obey his orders to push the button when he gives it.”

Gordon Chang is right.

War with China is coming.

The moment that China invades Taiwan, the U.S. and China will be at war.

The Chinese know this, but it is not stopping them from preparing for such a conflict.

In recent days, the Chinese have continued to probe the island’s defenses by sending waves of warplanes into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone…

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence has issued a strong plea to Beijing to cease its continuous military provocations after the detection of more than 100 Chinese warplanes in close proximity to the island within a 24-hour period spanning Sunday to Monday, CNN reported.

In a statement, the ministry expressed grave concern over the substantial number of warplanes, which it said posed “severe challenges to the Taiwan Strait and regional safety.”According to a flight map provided by the ministry, 40 of the 103 Chinese warplanes breached the median line on the Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan’s self-declared air defence identification zone (ADIZ), as reported by CNN.

When this war begins, most Americans will be completely shocked.

But nobody will be able to say that we weren’t warned.

Interestingly, one man recently asked Alexa about the upcoming presidential election, and he was told by Alexa that the 2024 election in the United States will be canceled because we will be at war with Russia and China at that time.

Personally, I don’t think that events will move quite that quickly.

I could be wrong, but I do believe that there will be a presidential election in 2024.

However, there should be no doubt that a war with Russia and a war with China are both very much on the horizon.

If our leaders had any sense at all, they would be trying to find a way out of this mess while it is still possible.

Unfortunately, our leaders appear to have gone completely mad, and so we continue to speed toward a date with the unthinkable.

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