rank Wright – Life Site News Aug 24, 2023
Larry Fink, BlackRock’s co-founding CEO, is the subject of a “deep dive” in Patrick Bet-David’s recent video for Valuetainment.
Described as “the man who pioneered the concept of ESG [environmental, social and governance],” Bet-David says Fink “is the reason why Dylan Mulvaney got a Bud Light.”
Fink heads an investment firm which manages over 10 trillion dollars in assets worldwide. BlackRock commands more wealth than any nation on earth – except the USA and China.
He announced in 2017 that he intends to use the enormous power he wields to engage in “forcing behaviors” in support of diversity and inclusion – and to promote the ESG agenda endorsed by the World Economic Forum. Fink, at the time, even threatened any companies who refuse to submit to his vision with punitive economic measures.
‘You have to force behaviors. If you don’t force behaviors, whether it’s gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team, you’re going to be impacted. That not just recruiting, it’s development,’ Fink said. ‘We’re gonna have to force change.’
The change Fink is forcing is one which is shaping our world into a paradise for the enemies of God and of humanity.
Elon Musk: The ‘S’ in ESG stands for Satanic
In January 2023 Elon Musk helped to explain the meaning of ESG – the Environmental, Social and Governance scheme on which companies and organizations are allotted a vital score on their adherence to “Net Zero” and “diversity” policies.
As Bet-David points out, Fink’s heavily promoted ESG is the reason we see high profile female impersonators such as Dylan Mulvaney in positions of prominence in the media and corporate world.
Satanic seems a strong word until we consider that the medicalized sacrifice and sterilization of children are virtuous principles in the ESG system. It has rapidly transformed a culture heavily influenced by algorithmic modeling – a field in which Fink was an early pioneer.
Fink developed a reputation as the go-to man for “restructuring toxic debt.” Toxic debt could be said to be the lifeblood of the global economy. The power of this specialism combined with the 1999 launch of Fink’s risk management Artificial Intelligence system – ALADDIN – has allowed the man to garner significant power and influence.
Fink’s considerable influence was magnified in the 2008 banking crisis, as the U.S. government turned to his BlackRock for advice on how to manage the “toxic debt” of Lehman Bros, Bear Stearns and Freddie Mac.
At the time, BlackRock managed 1.3 trillion dollars in assets.
ESG: Insanity or else
The goals of ESG are plainly insane.
Environmental aspects include the aggressive promotion of de-industrializing and de-carbonizing measures which will collapse industrial civilization.
The social and governance aspects demand the promotion of people to positions of power for reasons other than their ability to do the job. This effectively discriminates against competence, promoting instead the benefits of lifestyle sexualities, bizarre behaviors and irrational race-based grievance.
These “benefits” of “diversity” are often celebrated but never explained. Such people who are preferred are advanced into positions of influence in corporate and government organizations alike. These measures guarantee that all of our institutions will weaken to the point of collapse, as both state and private sector actions will be directed by people who have been promoted for their appearance and sexual behavior.
It is simply asserted that promoting sexual and mental disorders is a necessary virtue and no mention is made of the fact that such policies discriminate against the talented.
The policies of ESG will destabilize every nation which adopts it, as BlackRock tacitly admitted in its own “2023 Outlook.” In fact, it has already undermined the economy of the Western world.
Why would the world’s most powerful corporation want to weaken all of its rivals? To ask is to answer.
Why ESG is so influential
In 2020, the U.S. government calls Fink again. This time it is the Federal Reserve – which asks him to buy bonds on behalf of the Fed to stave off the collapse of the entire U.S. bond market.
Bonds are U.S. government debt. If the bond market weakens, U.S. businesses cannot readily borrow the money they need to stay afloat. The knock-on effects of a collapse in U.S. bonds would be catastrophic both at home and abroad.
Bet-David argues that the medium of the payoff for BlackRock was not in money, but in power. He says the influence of the ESG program was bought by BlackRock stepping in to save the Federal Reserve from a bond market meltdown.
‘A fundamental reshaping of global capitalism’
With this consolidation of power, Fink announced to shareholders that BlackRock would lead the way – “by making it easier to invest in companies with favorable environmental and social practices.”
Bet-David points out that this incentivizes ESG, as a high score on these indicators attracts more investment and backing. He points out that tobacco giant Philip Morris has a better ESG score than Tesla.
Such is the reach of BlackRock that investors were drawn into the ESG model involuntarily. Bloomberg framed the immense success of this strategy for dominance as a great opportunity.
“How BlackRock made ESG the hottest ticket on Wall Street,” is Bloomberg’s headline, for which Bet-David suggests a more candid headline is suited, “How BlackRock used ESG to control 88 percent of S&P 500 companies.”
The ESG platform has united BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street in near total control of corporate America.
The political establishment
Bet-David concludes that the real political divide of our times is not the apparent left-right dichotomy of the news cycle, but the opposition of the “establishment” to “anti-establishment” currents.
Describing BlackRock as the “Fourth government branch,” Bet-David notes the company has recruited from the Bush and Obama administrations alike.
According to figures he published in the video, BlackRock spent more money on political lobbying in 2022 than in any of the last ten years. One BlackRock employee boasted of the low price for the purchase of a U.S. Senator – $10 000.
Bet-David’s summary of the rise of Larry Fink is interesting enough. Yet it is eclipsed by the argument that the whole ESG agenda is not only his work, but was Fink’s means of achieving near total dominance of corporate America.
The attachment of financial gain – or pain – to ESG scores saw Fink cement his control over almost 90 percent of U.S.-listed companies. Bet David says this is the reason for the relentless pushing of LGBTQ issues, the “diversity” and Net Zero agendas – and explains why Dylan Mulvaney’s face was all over a once-popular beer brand.
Though he concludes with an appeal to “do your own research,” Bet-David’s convincing summary shows the degree to which Larry Fink shapes the so-called progressive agenda which pervades private and public bureaucracies alike.
It is hard to ignore how much of the establishment is Larry Fink. If you’re wondering why so much madness is mandatory these days, remember his name.