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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Sunday, 27-Aug-2023 16:30:11

JAG Sentences 10 Clot Shot-Loving Physicians to Hang

By Michael Baxter

August 27, 2023

The United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions on Thursday entered uncharted territory by simultaneously charging, convicting, and sentencing to death 10 Washington State physicians for negligent homicide, engaging in mass medical practice resulting in grievous injury or death, and treason against the United States of America, a Camp Blaz adjunct informed Real Raw News.

As reported this month, White Hats within the U.S. military apparatus arrested 100 doctors, alleging their adherence to draconian protocols and personal ambitions endangered patients’ lives. In a lengthy affidavit, JAG alleged that the accused berated and belittled vaccine-hesitant patients and threatened to include them on “medical blacklists” unless they complied with CDC guidelines. Ahead of the indictment, JAG investigators masquerading as patients visited vaccine-loving clinics in 12 states, where they, too, were verbally accosted and denied treatment for refusing to show vaccination paperwork or getting in-office jabs. Most of the 100 practiced in Washington State, California, Illinois, New York, and Connecticut.

Once apprehended, the diabolical doctors were taken to “intake centers” and interviewed by JAG investigators. Not one expressed remorse for imperiling patients’ lives; instead, they pridefully defended their actions, reciting what seemed like a rehearsed mantra: “I followed COVID-19 protocols and CDC guidelines.”

Our source said the mass detainment created a considerable quandary, as JAG had neither the time nor resources to individually try 100 doctors charged with nearly identical crimes. The only practical options, he added, were to jointly prosecute the 100 or separate the herd into manageable groups based on the strength of evidence. Thursday’s proceedings at Camp Blaz saw 10 of the 100 and a JAG-appointed defense attorney square off against Rear Admiral Johnathon Stephens.

Stephens in April prosecuted JAG’s case against CDC Deputy Director for Global Health Howard Zucker. He is also scheduled to jointly prosecute the 165 Fort Drum soldiers who conspired to wage war on Trump supporters.

“We have so many outstanding and incoming indictments; joint tribunals are, you know, for efficiency. Or else we’ll be litigating cases long after we’ve all turned to dust,” our source said.

Asked whether JAG considered the ramifications of a joint acquittal theoretically exonerating hundreds of felons who might once again wreak havoc on the citizenry, he said, “We’re doing this with ironclad cases. The FEMA criminals from Maui will get tried together, just as the doctors did, and they’re all heading to the gallows.”

He added that Thursday’s success at Camp Blaz proved JAG could convict multiple criminals at once.

Admiral Stephens began the tribunal by introducing (on ZOOM) a 40-year-old Seattle woman who had brought her sick 14-year-old son to their family physician, identified as Defendant #6, in June 2021. The boy had developed conjunctivitis, and his mother wanted antibiotic eyedrops to treat the ailment. Defendant #6 claimed conjunctivitis, or “Covid Eye,” was an unpublished symptom of coronavirus and asked if the two were vaccinated. When the mother responded “no,” saying she wanted further proof vaccines were safe and effective, Defendant #6 flew into a tyrannical rage and demanded they get tested on the spot or leave the premises, even though mother and son wore masks. They acquiesced to the unreasonable mandate, and a tech violently swabbed their noses. When the rapid antigen tests showed negative, Defendant #6 imposed another demand—immediate vaccinations. They refused and were ejected from the office.

“And what did you do at that point?” Adm. Stephens asked the now-16-year-old boy on the screen.

“My mother drove me to an urgent care center, maybe 15 minutes away,” the boy answered.

“And you got treated there?” the Admiral asked.

“No, sir. They wouldn’t treat me either,” the boy said.

“Really? Were you and your mother given a reason?” asked the Admiral.

“Yes, sir. ‘Cause we were unvaccinated and didn’t want to get vaccinated. Same as befo—”

“—We were told our names were put on a list,” the mother interjected, “and would go to the CDC and State Health Department.”

“So, what you’re saying—in the 15 minutes it took to drive from point A to point B, your names got put on a universal naughty list,” the Admiral said.

“I don’t know about universal, sir, and we never saw the list, but I’m pretty sure the office said it was statewide,” the boy said.

“It just so happens I do have that list,” said Admiral Stephens.

He placed a pile of stapled papers on the table beside the panelists, three Marine officers chosen to determine the physicians’ fate. The ten defendants sat handcuffed side-by-side at three rectangular tables pushed together to form a single tabletop. At one end sat a Navy captain whom Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall had assigned the daunting chore of defending the accused, aided by three paralegals who whispered among themselves while shuffling reams of paperwork.

As Adm. Stephens directed the panel’s attention to the blacklist, the Defense called for an immediate dismissal of all charges because private doctors, unlike Medicare-compliant hospitals, have leeway to deny treatment to patients.

“Request denied,” Adm. Stephens said bluntly. “Defense is aware this isn’t just a case of denial-of-service, this is broad conspiracy to deny service to vaccine-hesitant patients.”

“I don’t have to sit through this,” Defendant #6 blurted.

“Control your client. If he wants to speak, he can take the stand today,” the Admiral retorted.

Admiral Stephens again addressed the witnesses, their puzzled faces still on the ZOOM call. “We apologize for the outburst. Do you recognize the doctors who denied treatment as being in this courtroom today?”

The young man pointed at Defendant #6 and Defendant #10. His mother attested to the fact.

“The list in front of you, the blacklist, has 750 names, all residents of King and Pierce Counties. The list was kept in real-time and shared electronically with over a hundred offices and clinics. The defendants had access to and could add names to the list. Deny service if not vaccinated or agrees to get vaccinated. JAG finds this perplexing because out of all ten defendants, not even one is vaccinated. We know this because we pulled their blood, evaluated it for Covid antibodies that would be present if vaccinated. Now, you could argue that maybe in one, two, or even three cases, the antibodies dissipated, but not in ten cases—that is a statistical impossibility. What’s more, we have 90 more waiting for trial and they aren’t vaccinated either,” the Admiral explained.

The Navy captain objected because JAG had instructed Adm. Stephens to limit evidence to defendants present in court. Adm. Stephens sustained the objection and asked the panel to disregard his last statement. But the fiery Navy captain continued objecting, saying the Admiral, a lawyer devoid of medical knowledge, couldn’t authoritatively comment on matters of virology and immunology.

After dismissing the current witnesses, Adm. Stephens called to the stand Navy Commander Brent Dennings, a virologist at U.S. Naval Hospital Guam, who parroted the Admiral’s assessment in medical vernacular.

“Commander Dennings, did you personally evaluate the defendants’ bloodwork?” Adm. Stephens asked.

“I did, sir,” the commander replied.

“And what conclusion did you reach?” asked the Admiral.

“That none of the defendants had been vaccinated,” the commander said.

“Does the defense have any questions for this expert witness?” asked Adm. Stephens.

“No questions,” said the Navy captain.

“The witness is excused,” said the Admiral, then turned to the panel. “This raises a question we cannot ignore: Why did these physicians insist patients be vaccinated when they were not? We see only three possibilities: They knew COVID was benign, they knew the vaccines were dangerous, or both,” said the Admiral.

Over the next three hours, the Admiral held ZOOM calls with six additional witnesses, each of whom had sought treatment for mild maladies from one or more of the defendants and whose testimony mirrored that of the mother and the son. They called the defendants pernicious predators who abused their self-perceived positions of authority to beguile patients. One witness said her doctor, Defendant #4, was foaming at the mouth to get a needle in her arm.

“These witnesses are the lucky ones, lucky that they had sense enough to challenge big medicine and refuse the shots,” Adm. Stephens told the panel. “Some people we’d like to hear from can’t be here today. They can’t be here because they are dead. They are dead because the defendants bullied them to get vaxxed, and they did.”

He showed a photograph of a lifeless woman on a gurney being wheeled to the rear of an ambulance and displayed an image of a middle-aged man who died suddenly while spectating a baseball game.

“These were patients of Defendants #1 and #2. No comorbidities. No major health issues before getting vaccinated. Both dropped dead of heart attacks, suddenly, within 7 days of the shot. We know of 65 patients who died suddenly, and they were all patients of the defendants,” the Admiral said solemnly.

“Those patients had free will. The defendants didn’t hold a gun to their heads,” the Navy captain interjected.

“In the strictest sense they did, yes, they did. They violated their Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, they violated doctor-patient confidentiality in broadly disseminating vaccine status via a blacklist, and they ensured that if a patient for whatever reason didn’t want the damn shot, that patient would have to travel far and wide to find any medical treatment at all. They toed the CDC line but weren’t vaccinated, and each got a liability waiver issued by HHS and the FDA, very similar to waivers given to Big Pharma,” Admiral Stephens said.

He distributed copies of the waivers to the panel.

“In short, it holds the defendants harmless and immune to litigation from vaccine side effects,” he said. “No, the defendants are not military; they’re not government officials, elected or appointed, but did have influence, strong influence, over their patients. What we have here is nothing short of mass medical malpractice, negligent homicide, conspiracy, and treason,” the Admiral finished.

The Defense had no valid rebuttal, and the panel requested time—five and a half hours—to reach a decision. Upon returning a guilty verdict and recommending the maximum allowable punishment, Adm. Stephens thanked them for their service and released them from duty.

He did not immediately schedule dates of execution but said hangings would begin within a week.

SOURCE: https://realrawnews.com/2023/08/jag-sentences-10-clot-shot-loving-physicians-to-hang/

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    Seawitch -- Sunday, 27-Aug-2023 16:30:11

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