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(MUST READ) Anna Von Reitz: "Help Comes When You Least Expect It"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 16-Aug-2023 04:10:32

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "My Father's Birthday" (hobie)

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Monday, August 14, 2023

Help Comes When You Least Expect It

By Anna Von Reitz

Behind the scenes, and in addition to everything else that goes on, I have been a Cancer Coach for the past seventeen years.

It began when a good friend was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. She called me up in tears.
And somewhere in my soul, I said, "No."

So I showed up on her doorstep armed with what I had learned about Native American cancer cures and the Gerson Diet Therapy, and a massive old-fashioned Juicer --- and the adventure began.

I had no idea if it would work or not, but we had no reason not to try. So I bought organic fruits and vegetables. I made the juices. I counseled her according to the books. We studied together.

We prayed.

And she lived. We did the whole Gerson Diet Therapy for that summer from July into September, about three months, before her befuddled doctor admitted that the cancer was gone and dubbed it "spontaneous remission".

That's what they call it when the body heals itself.

Since then I have personally coached fifteen people through the process of overcoming their terminal cancers of all kinds: lung, stomach, pancreatic, ovarian, skin, lymphoma, bone, liver, uterine ....systemic cancer. It hasn't mattered what kind of cancer or where in the body it showed up.

They have all lived.

Over the years, our knowledge about cancer has increased and we have fit together the pieces to the puzzle and refined the treatment. Recently, there have been announcements in the mainstream medical and scientific community that correspond to our conclusions about this opportunistic disease.

We are all standing on the cusp of an unimaginable improvement in the health sciences, and true understanding of how our bodies work, but today I want to share something that will help you and possibly your friends, family members, or caregivers----right now. Today.

These are three videos that we are currently using as part of Orientation for cancer patients. Obviously, our slant on this is health and recovery from disease, and this is just one component of a multi-layered program that includes changes in diet and specific medicinal herbs and vitamins; but, this is core knowledge that gives insight into why our methods work, and why your attitude toward health and toward each other contributes so much to the outcome.

This information can help you to overcome disease of any kind, and more generally, it can revolutionize your life and your relationships.

Begin with what we call the "Pet the Bunny" video.
This explains how love and "pets" can direct what our body does with inputs -- even bad inputs, when we are loved.

Then spend an hour and a half with Dr. Bruce Lipton, one of the primary researchers in the exploding field of epigenetics. He explains in his own words how he discovered the nature of the "biological computer" we live in and how we program it.

Finally, experience direct programming of your body for health with a video featuring 528Hz "whole tone" music which redirects your DNA at a cellular level.
Whatever your illness or the illness of a loved one, you can enlist the vast wisdom of DNA to heal.

Big Pharma is never going to tell you a word about any of this, because this has the power to destroy the entire allopathic medicine paradigm we've been fed ever since the Flexner Report.

Please note that Hunter Aki was the one who discovered the importance of 528 Hz resonance.

I am also including a one page guide to our cancer recovery program that "at a glance" describes what we believe cancer is and why the program works. This is only our surmise based on what we have directly experienced, but so far there is nothing contrary and plenty of supporting evidence corroborating what we call the "Cancer Plaque Theory".

If you are battling cancer or any chronic inflammatory disease, this information can save your life, and a lot of money, too. So share it and be grateful for the beautiful new world that is opening up before you.

Pet the Bunny Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qn2-IRtEKSM

This short clip demonstrates that love makes a difference to health.

Bruce Lipton Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VW68nQPMfQ

This video shows us scientifically why love makes a difference.

And this implements the reasons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRxb5lUcH5I

Listen to this soundtrack as you go to sleep and as you putter about the house; it reprograms your DNA to promote health and well-being using 528 Hz whole tone music.

"Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, praise Him, all creatures here below...."

This should not be taken as "licensed" medical advice. It's what it says it is --- advice from Grandma, based on her life experience and educated surmises, and the experience of others who have survived terminal cancer by acting on this advice.


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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