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China says NO to Clean Energy Goals Making The West Efforts Painful and Pointless

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Tuesday, 15-Aug-2023 13:19:34

The game plan has been to make all raw materials too expensive for westerners to compete with the chinese. They want to make you completely unskilled and hopelessly dependent on the commies and the government. The Chinese do this by printing whatever money they need and pay over asking price for all western commodities or make deals for nonstop purchasing of every commodity available that pays well in both downtimes and booms which simply translates to you paying more for these commodities than you will pay for finished products coming from china, and the chinese are doing this with your money. All the value of the chinese yuan is derived from being laundered thru western treasury bonds which are issued just for the chinese to launder more money... which means huge government debt and increasing inflation and weaker dollar, euro, etc... at the same time, they use the money to build bigger government...

But you can sleep well knowing that your 'representatives' got the best bribes, that they will leave public office as multimillionaires and that their families will not be affected by any economic downturn or purges... If you are lucky, they might keep your children alive to be their slaves...


Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

Painful and Pointless

Please consider the Heritage Foundation article China Abandons Paris Agreement, Making U.S. Efforts Painful and Pointless
Three Key Takeaways

China has repeatedly stated that it has no intention of going along with the Western push to net-zero.

EVs are not emissions-free, because they need electricity to charge them, and electricity generation creates emissions.

All these costs will result in no reduction in global emissions. The EPA has America on a path to all pain and no gain.

It was a bad week for anyone who thought China would cooperate on emissions reduction. President Xi Jinping reiterated that his country would set its own path on the issue and not be influenced by outside factors, according to the Washington Post and Bloomberg. This contradicts Xi’s 2015 Paris Agreement pledges to reduce its carbon emissions at the latest after 2030.

This should not be news, because Xi gave the same message last fall. In October 2022, he said that China would not abandon coal-fired power plants before renewables could substitute for the lost fossil fuel.

In April, the EPA released a proposed tailpipe rule that would require 60 percent of new vehicle sales to be battery-powered electric by 2030, and two-thirds by 2032. And in May, the EPA proposed a power-plant rule that would require most power plants to sequester, or bury, 90 percent of their carbon emissions, or go out of business by 2040.

These rules would result in tens of billions of dollars in annual costs to the U.S. economy—and with no reduction to global emissions, if China replaces U.S. emissions with its own emissions.

EVs are not emissions-free, because they need electricity to charge them, and electricity generation creates emissions. Even the EPA states in the proposed rule that “we expect that in some areas, increased electricity generation would increase ambient SO2, PM 2.5, ozone, or some air toxics.”

The power-plant rule would raise the cost of electricity just as the EPA plans to have millions of new EVs access the grid. Sequestering 90 percent of carbon emissions on such a large scale has never been done before, and it is not an “adequately demonstrated” technology. The only proven option for a power plant to comply with the proposed regulation is to close down.

The rule would remove power from the grid at a time when America needs more power for planned electrification, and it would likely cause more blackouts. Blackouts can have serious consequences, including death, especially if they occur during periods of unusually high or low temperatures when power is most needed.

In addition, higher costs of electricity will have adverse economic effects. Prices will rise, manufacturing will go offshore, and layoffs and unemployment will increase. All this will lower GDP growth and reduce Americans’ standard of living.

The EPA has America on a path to all pain and no gain.

Second Thoughts in the EU

Because of rising costs to achieve climate goals, the EU is having second thoughts .

Also, support for the Green party in Germany is crumbling and support for Marine Le Pen is rising in France.
Behold, the Rise of the Anti-Greens

Please consider my July 24, 2023 post Behold, the Rise of the Anti-Greens

A major revolt is underway in the EU. Citizens have finally had enough of Green nonsense. The latest polls provide all the evidence you need.

The German AfD party is now polling 22 percent ahead of every party other than Union (CDU/CSU).

None of this should be surprising. The costs of the EU’s climate change mandate are soaring and people have had enough of it.

Math Does Not Add Up

The EV math does not add up in the EU or here. But the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), better known as the Eurozone, has economic debt brakes and budget rules that make matters more painful for the 20 EMU countries.

In the US, deficits pile up as do the economic impacts of a massive wave of Bidenomic regulations and mandates.

We pretend that deficits don’t matter and mainstream media not only looks the other way, but is in on the act with countless fearmongering stories.

As a direct consequence, the US is riding a huge wave of inflationary and environmental madness. The only way to stop it is for Republicans to oust Biden in the next presidential election.

A reader ignorantly commented “My Tesla S can easily over a hundred miles per gallon equivalent. As utilities get cleaner so does my car. ”

I replied: Well la de da.

Where did the minerals come from for your battery? At what cost? At what cost if everyone stupidly did the same?
At what environmental cost to extract the minerals.
At what cost to build the infrastructure so everyone can plug in?
At what cost to build charging stations
At what cost to coal power those charging stations?

No one has ever scaled EVs to estimate the mining costs and infrastructure costs if everyone did the same thing.

It’s like all these free money experiments of giving people money to see if it makes their lives better.

No one has ever scaled EVs to estimate the mining costs and infrastructure costs if everyone did the same thing.

It’s like all these free money experiments of giving people money to see if it makes their lives better.

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