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Reader Anna replies to Reader Charles: "About Charlie Miller in Specific and in General"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 10-Aug-2023 20:09:39

In Response To: Reader Charles: "More Hyperbole & Crap, Misleading, Easily Countered." (hobie)

(Thanks, A. :)

Reader Anna Von Reitz replies to Charles Miller:


About Charlie Miller in Specific and in General

Charlie Miller is so far out in the weeds he will never see daylight.

Of course, the "judicial courts" are not "Constitutional". They are military courts and I have shown everyone exactly where they have their genesis in the records of the Territorial Congress in May 1865.

No other public records are necessary to prove my point of view.

As military courts these operate under completely different and foreign forms of law and deal with persons, not people. So no more mysteries about what we are facing or why.

Our country is under military Occupation and has been under military Occupation since 1865. The trick is that it appears to be our own military, but is in fact a mercenary force hired by the British Crown and paid by a British Corporation: SERCO.

Any other questions?

Let Charlie find any evidence that these courts instituted in May of 1865 have been replaced or put out of commission.

Let Charlie prove that the display of the military flags in courtrooms and the use of the word "district" as in "District of Columbia" and "Third Judicial District" means or implies anything other than that we are in a military district and that the courts are operated out of the District of Columbia.

I don't get lost in the weeds and rabbit holes. I just look at the history, see what is there (the Act of Congress establishing military districts in the states of the union and military district courts within those districts) and what isn't there (proof that these courts were ever decommissioned or that Act repealed).

And I observe the facts: military flags in courtrooms, the word "district" in the name of the court, and the way these courts are operated--- for example, the presumption that people are guilty until proven innocent is completely foreign to any American civilian court, but commonplace in military courts.

So I say Charlie is "full of it" and grossly mistaken if he thinks that my conclusions aren't founded on facts. Look up Congressional Acts in May of 1865 and zip down the list for yourselves. Then use your own eyes and ears.

Queerly, Charlie goes through the bother of describing what venue is in a discussion about courts that are only administratively limited to any venue because they are global in nature. Look up: Universal Code of Military Justice. This is also why stare decisis applies in these courts and extends across state lines. They are Federal Courts of limited jurisdiction and the State-of-State Courts affiliated with and located within these military "Judicial Districts" are franchises, like Dairy Queen franchises.

In a true State Court with General Jurisdiction the decisions apply only within the borders of that State. The same thing with County Courts. In a true State Court with General Jurisdiction the presumption is that the Defendants are innocent until proven guilty and the pleas in these courts are not "Guilty or not Guilty" they are "Guilty or Innocent". Charlie should know this if he is going to be a pundit and should also be able to add two plus two.

We have the facts and the history preserved in the Congressional Record. We have it in front of our faces in the flags flown, in the words used, in the procedures applied, and the nature of the results.

Charlie is always quoting the Constitution which everyone knows is not being honored. Doesn't he stop to wonder why? I know why. It's because we, as individual people, have been registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and U.S. Citizens have no Constitutional rights or guarantees--- and never have had.

He also constantly quotes Federal Codes out of context.

If we are Americans claiming our birthright and our Constitutional Guarantees, Federal Code does not generally apply to us. Only about 8% of the entire Federal Code refers to us and none of it applies to us unless we are engaged in a federally regulated activity or physically acting within a federal enclave like an army base or post office.

We are not concerned about "Federal Civil Rights" which are privileges extended to Federal Citizens--- and which are currently suspended thanks to President Trump.

We, average Americans, are not "Federal Citizens" -- so claim and need no "Civil Rights". We have our Natural and Unalienable Rights intact, so, hello, Charlie Miller. Time to wake up....wakie, wakie.

Just look at how confused he gets things--- he drags this following bit of information out:

Code of the District of Columbia (What's a "Code" Charlie, and what kind of court deals with codes? Ten points if you can answer. And exactly where and what is the "District of Columbia"?)

§ 11–101. Judicial power.
The judicial power in the District of Columbia ( seat of government ) is
vested in the following courts:

(Which government(s) are still "seated" in the District of Columbia? And where is our non-Federal Government seated? Another ten points are possible.)

(1) The following Federal Courts established pursuant to article III of the

(Notice what it says, Charlie -- "Federal Courts" established under what? The Federal Republic and the Federal Constitution known as The Constitution for the united States of America (1787). And is the Federal Republic in operation? Is The Constitution for the united States of America (1787) being used? No, Charlie, it's not. So...are there any American Article III Courts? No, there aren't and won't be until the Reconstruction is finished.)

(A) The Supreme Court of the United States. (Hey, Charlie notice this? -- is "The Supreme Court of the United States" the same as "the" Supreme Court of the United States? or "the United States Supreme Court"? Look close.... and no, it's not.)

(B) The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. (Does this have anything to do with average Americans? No. We don't even have circuit courts anymore. Ours were abolished circa 1965.)

(C) The United States District Court for the District of Columbia. (Ditto, above. Has nothing to do with Joe Average. All this is about the District of Columbia and Federal Citizens/CITIZENS. Not us.)

(2) The following District of Columbia courts established pursuant to article I
of the Constitution:

(A) The District of Columbia Court of Appeals.
(B) The Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
(And Charlie, these are obviously established to conduct business within and for the District of Columbia, not any living American.)

So here's the stultifying thing, if people including Charlie were really reading what's in front of their faces, they would know that what they are assuming is wrong.

The only "Federal Article III Court" still left in operation isn't operating under the Federal Constitution --- it's the Federal Court of Claims, and it is operating under Article III of the Territorial Constitution. So again, it has nothing to do with Joe Average American.

This is why we have to set up and operate our own court system as guaranteed by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1866 Ex Parte Milligan decision. And get organized to finish the Reconstruction of the original Confederation and the Federal Republic.


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