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Reader: Why do our Western governments fear the truth and crush its messengers?

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Saturday, 5-Aug-2023 12:32:38

In Response To: Reader: August 4 - The West is Racist, Genocidal and Heterophobic (RumorMail)

Leo Hohmann – leohomann.com Aug 3, 2023
Dark days for the Republic

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira, who was detained by Ukrainian secret police back in May for “pro-Russian sympathies,” has reportedly been rearrested as he was trying to flee Ukraine into Hungary.

Zero Hedge noted Lira’s only crime was being a prolific publisher of YouTube videos critical of the U.S.-U.K.-Ukraine-NATO war machine.

Based on his first arrest and allegations of how he was treated by his Ukrainian jailers, Lira is now in danger of being disappeared and subjected to severe torture. The Biden administration, meanwhile, stands off to the side giving a wink and a nod to its Ukrainian vassals.

It’s no surprise that an outspoken journalist with American citizenship is being thrown under the bus by the U.S. government simply because he reports on the dark side of the U.S./NATO military-industrial complex. This is the same regime that goes after its political opponents at home with an energy that would make Joseph Stalin and any Third World dictator proud.

This is part of a pattern. Journalists who refuse to carry the globalists’ water jugs continue to be purged. Lara Logan, Sharyl Attkisson, Tucker Carlson and many other lesser-known names have been rooted out of the news business over the last five to seven years because they reported on things we weren’t supposed to know.

Let’s face it, the First Amendment has been utterly crushed. We have, for all intents and purposes, lost our rights to free speech and freedom of the press. We have the equivalent of a state-run media now that feeds whatever talking points to the public they believe will advance and consolidate their growing powers over the people. They no longer work for us. As they see it, we exist at their pleasure. We have no rights, only privileges, and we must earn those privileges by being obedient to our elitist masters and their corporate media mouthpieces.

I did an interview with J.B. Hixon today and we spoke about this global hierarchy of power.

What has happened over the last several years is that the U.S. government and its corporate-media partners have — in beautifully fascist fashion — divided the “United” States of America into two camps. In their eyes, you’re either on Team Biden or you’re on Team Trump. Pick a side. Unfortunately, most of us obliged.

After we divided up into teams, the new rules were gradually rolled out. If you’re on Team Biden you still get to enjoy your rights to freely speak your mind, whether on social media, on blogs or in the public square. You can say any outlandish thing your heart desires. You can even call for the death of the leader of the other team, free of any fear that you will get a knock on the door from guys with guns and badges.

But the moment you deviate from Team Biden’s preferred narratives, or perhaps throw a bone from time to time to that other team, now you’re on shaky ground. Anyone who is not on their team and is not a member of the controlled opposition, is immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist,” or worse, a “danger to our democracy.” That makes you an insurrectionist and you must be silenced.

So if this site goes dark next week, next month, or next year, you will know why. The Great Silencing project of Team Biden (or whoever takes the Great Leader’s place) paid me a visit.

As any regular reader of mine knows, I have been highly critical of President Trump’s actions both while in office and afterward, especially as related to Operation Warp Speed and the whole biomedical-military operation that started under his watch. It’s my opinion that Trump, whether knowingly or unknowingly, advanced the interests of the powers within the very clique that he loves to criticize. The globalists.

But regardless of what you think about Trump, the man has a right to speak out on whatever he wants. He is, last I checked, an American. If he believes the 2020 election was stolen, and I believe he does believe that with every fiber of his being, he has a right to say so.

We have a history of such political discourse in America dating back to at least 1960, when hanky panky in several Chicago precincts allegedly led to John F. Kennedy being fraudulently elected over Richard Nixon.

In 2000 Al Gore openly questioned the results of his loss to George W. Bush.

Hillary Clinton accused Trump of “stealing” the election from her in 2016. And Stacy Abrams said she got rooked out of the governorship in Georgia in 2018.

Yet, if you look at the indictment this week, it sounds an awful lot like Trump is being charged with the crime of making “false statements” the regime sees as a threat to its power. The media, which used to serve as a guardian of the First Amendment and a check on government overreach, now plays along as if the government’s charges are completely normal and acceptable, even advisable.

Is this still America? If Trump knowingly made a false claim that resulted in harm to an innocent party, then by all means feel free to sue him in the civil courts. That’s how our system works. But to charge someone criminally for something they said, false or otherwise, that could never happen in a remotely free country. So if this is the new normal, and we have every reason to believe it is, then clearly the system has been hijacked by bad actors.

Now some pundits, including noted defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, are telling us not to worry because even if Trump is convicted by the Star Chamber court in D.C., and that’s a given, his conviction will be overturned on appeal at the Supreme Court.

I say, not so fast. Do not jump to conclusions based on your assumptions of what’s “normal.” For those who haven’t noticed yet, we no longer are living in “normal” America.

The U.S. Supreme Court, while currently made up of a 6-3 conservative majority, cannot be counted on to rule the way Dershowitz and others suggest. He is just looking at the facts. But what if the justices feel their lives, or the lives of their families, are in danger should they overturn a Trump conviction? We’ve already seen how Team Biden stood down as threats rolled in against justices after they overturned Roe v. Wade.

Then there’s this other scenario. The Democrats have been threatening since 2020 to “pack the court” with up to five or more additional justices, all liberal Democrats. If they win the White House in 2024, and I believe that’s already a foregone conclusion, why not use that opportunity to make good on their promise to pack the court with liberal justices? What’s to stop them? They will have gotten away with everything else by that point, right?

And then, having smashed the First Amendment, they will go after the last thing standing between them and total unrestricted power, the Second Amendment.

A friend of mine, a former member of Congress, put it very succinctly in a recent phone conversation, saying: “They are running naked to the finish line.”

In other words, when a revolution or a coup attempt is in its final stages, the gloves and the masks come off. No measures or actions are too extreme. Nothing is off the table. You go for broke.

All of the old checks and balances, the legal and social frameworks that served as checks on power, will by late 2024 or early 2025 have been completely demolished. So why not, at that point, if you’re them, go for broke? You round up all of your political enemies with SWAT raids on their homes, confiscate their firearms and throw them in prison camps.

Because if we know nothing else, we know this: You can’t have a full-on dictatorship until you strip the citizenry of their rights to own firearms. Look at what happened in Brazil last week. The Marxist government there, which recently took power under similarly questionable circumstances as did the regime in Washington, is now going after the guns. The pattern throughout history is clear. Every totalitarian system first disarmed the population before making that final naked dash to the finish line.

If this website suddenly goes dark, you will know that’s what happened to me. Until then, I don’t intend to fade silently into the woodwork.

Westerners must stop playing this game and wake up to the reality: Stop buying into the lies that are meant to deceive, creating an illusion of “democracy” in what have become authoritarian regimes in Washington, London, Ottawa, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Sydney, Rome and the rest of the collective “free world.” The Western post-World War II “liberal rules-based order” led by the United States and the U.K. has become like a whore, seducing the world into accepting as normal its moral filth, its biolabs churning out anti-human, eugenicist pharmakia disguised as “science,” and its endless bloody wars across the globe.

Have you had enough yet? Has the taste of the rotten core as you bite into that shiny, beautiful red apple made you sick to your stomach yet? I hope so. Because until you get to that point, you will never see clearly through open eyes, you will never hear truth through open ears, and you will always fall for the next big lie.

Yes, you will go through a time of mourning when you realize that what you thought was the “land of the free and home of the brave” is really just one big cesspool of evil.

Yes, we still have many good people in America, Canada, England, Germany, etc. But those who hold the positions of power and authority are not our friends. Almost all of those in these positions are there for the wrong reasons. They’re only allowed to stay there because we the people are divided. Too many of us bought into the false left-right paradigm. Covid showed us what these globalist elites and their minions are capable of when faced with the threat of losing their paychecks. Someone who would inject an unknown toxic substance into the arms of the ones whose healthcare they were entrusted, that’s a person who would do almost anything if it comes in the form of an order from he who signs their paychecks. Whether they are in law enforcement, the medical community, the military, or the churches, do NOT trust them. Make them earn your trust. I have a doctor who I trust and he tells me how corrupt his profession has become. I have a friend who is a cop that tells me what his profession is like. I have friends who are church leaders and they enlighten me on the state of the church. It’s not good. I came out of the mainstream media after 28 years, so I know firsthand how corrupt that profession has become.

My point is this: Trust God and the Bible, and seek out like-minded people in key fields, especially good doctors. They’re hard to find but they exist. I’m told there’s a few good preachers still out there as well.

LeoHohmann.com is 100 percent reader supported and reader-funded which allows me to be 100 percent independent in reporting and analyzing the news.

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