By Clif High - July 31, 2023
I have discovered a Great Secret.
Let’s make a deal!
So I have discovered a Great Secret. This Great Secret comes to us from the previous (descending) Bronze Yuga. It may extend back to the earlier, descending Silver Yuga. This Great Secret is at least 13,500 years old.
This information that I have discovered, that will remain my secret for now, while it may be mildly interesting to the general audience, is not really pertinent to their daily lives. It’s a little esoteric.
I have already disclosed that Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, a very unique book that comes to us from a far older antiquity than is commonly perceived, does not relate at all to what we think of as Yoga, in the modern understanding of that subject and word, and has no connection to the stretching and breathing exercises. Patanjali’s Yoga, kept alive through millennia by different authors trying to make sense of these obvious instructions, is actually a manual on how to operate a ‘space alien’ mind-to-machine interface.
The Torah, and thus the original material for the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, does not contain the word for ‘god’. Instead, the words translated as ‘god’ for today’s audience that believes the book to be about ‘god’, worship, and religion, are actually the words for the race of Space Aliens, called, within the Torah, the “Elohim”, which means “many (of the) El”. The “El” are what they called themselves, these conquering, brutal, space aliens. Just as within the Torah/Old Testament, there are NO words within Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras about Yoga, stretches, or health from bodily exercises. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, in its modern context, as a purchased, casually read, then discarded, book, is NOT about Yoga as we understand it today.
Patanjali’s Sutras are intended for a human audience, that is, these are instructions for humans. Patajali’s Sutras are instructions on how the Human must control their mind in order to use the Mind-to-Machine interface, both effectively, and without causing death or harm, to themselves, others, or the equipment.
Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras is a book composed of three parts, the first section is a general discussion on parameters, the second section on effective concentration techniques to be employed with the machine interface device, and the third part which is the discussion of the ‘powers’ rendered by the mind-to-machine interface when properly controlled. Throughout the second section on concentration, as well as the third on the ‘powers’ involved, there are many cautions, and warnings for the operator. This machinery is dangerous to the human mind. It can become ‘distorted’, damaged, and ‘lost’ with inappropriate care in the operation of the equipment.
The premise of this posting is that Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are not as they are perceived by most of humanity. This book, carried down through time by every author who wrote commentaries that attempted to make sense to current humanity of what is obviously a cohesive instruction set about a very important subject, is not about joining to the ‘divine’ by way of meditation practices. It is entirely about how to safely operate the space alien (the Deva’s/Elohim/Anunaki) mind-to-machine interface device. Much of the technology of the invading space aliens, the Elohim/Annunaki/Devas, was controlled by way of these mind-to-machine interface devices. This includes the Vimani, the space ships that the aliens used to reach earth. Other machinery also existed that was controlled by these mind-to-machine interfaces including automated mining equipment, and even factories that processed materials for the Space Aliens who conquered much of humanity in that descending Bronze (Dwapara) Yuga.
The context for this mind-to-machine interface, the space aliens, and human interaction with both is a very broad, and deep subject, but suffice it to say at this point, that much of the information within this context is available to us, passed down over the millennia, albeit in a distorted way, having come through the Kali Yuga in which men’s minds are also quite distorted.
The distortions can be unwound, thus exposing the true intent and meaning of some very obscure practices. While it is quite true, as Patanjali observes in sutra 1.2, that Yoga is about the cessation of the disturbances of the mind, it has absolutely nothing to do with reaching toward ‘god’, or the divine, but rather the practice of the cessation of the disturbances is to allow that mind to effectively control the mind-to-machine interface device without damage to oneself, or the machinery.
And that is not, really, an appropriate translation of sutra 1.2.
So here is the thing, in my opinion, resulting from my research, the sutras need to be translated outside the context of religion. In fact, the sutras need to be translated outside the context of our current understanding of the Sanskrit being used. In my informed opinion, these sutras need to be understood within the context of the words as they were used over 13,000 years ago.
If the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are so examined, that is with a view towards much earlier connotations of the words used, an entirely different rendering of information results. By so doing, Patanjali’s sutra collection becomes a clear set of detailed, itemized, cohesive instructions on how to blend one’s mind into the space alien mind-to-machine interface in order to then control the devices to which it is attached.
It is not about ‘yoga’ as a discipline, but about ‘yoga’ as the ‘mental union’ with the device.
Much of the volume is expressing warnings. Things to not do, so as to avoid damage to oneself, and the machinery.
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is an interesting book. A strange book in the sense that you never are buying Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, but rather are purchasing some other author’s version of commentaries about what he thinks that Patanjali’s Sutras mean. All these books include Patanjali’s collection of the Sutras, but without, the author thinks, his commentaries, you will make nothing of the sutras. There have been many authors attempting to make sense of these instructions, over thousands of years, and thus, evolving overtime , we get the interpretation of these as a ‘religious manual’ as it clearly has lots to do with ‘mind stuff’. Down through the ages, these rather obscure instructions are preserved, word for word, but the nature, and context of the words change over the course of thousands of years such that we end up now, with the idea that this ‘yoga’ is about seeking the divine, instead of ‘union’ with the mind-to-machine, and how to not deep-fry your brain in so doing.
Many astute observers have noted that all of Yoga, as we currently understand the subject, and its context, is a remnant system. This view is that Yoga, as a discipline, coming down to us from past ages, is incomplete. I also agree that Yoga, as a discipline, is an incomplete system, that we have sections, areas of a much broader, very structured, subject area. Thus arises the many authors, over millennia, collecting, and adding their commentaries, trying to fill in the holes, and thus make sense of this complex subject area.
Even Patanjali’s Sutras are incomplete. They are cohesive, within the collection as presented, but also, clearly, even translating the material overtime wrongly to be about reaching a relationship with the divine, they are incomplete. Of all the systems of Yoga passed down to us from previous Ages, Patanjali’s is perhaps the most complete, and self referentially reliable, but still, there appear to be two sections that are missing, which will add valuable additional areas to its context.
So here is the point, the conclusion of this missive. I am writing my own version of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Likely I will call it, Clif’s commentaries on Patanjali’s….but mine will be different. It is about how to understand these instructions to work the machines properly, as well as protect your mind. So far I have over 80 pages involved in the effort, and it will probably run closer to 500 pages when finished. It is necessarily slow going, thus the completion of this project is some time, at least a few months away.
When completed, this manual will be distributed freely. However, bearing in mind that most readers won’t have a mind-to-machine interface device, this book will be mainly a curiosity. Most readers would read it casually, as entertainment, as it is not applicable if you don’t have a mind-to-machine interface device.
But it is my contention that there are people, likely working in deeply obscured labs, who do have such devices. They may not even be aware that they have these devices as their appearance would not necessarily hint as to their nature. However, for those labs which do have, and recognize, the mind-to-machine interface devices, I have discovered the Key to their use.
The key is not within Patanjali’s book on using the interface. It may have been left out deliberately, or it may simply have fallen by the wayside as the other two sections of the book were lost to really ancient (13,000 years +) history. Without regard to that, I have discovered this missing information that turns Patanjali’s Sutra collection into a viable manual on how to connect with, achieve both Union, and Control of these devices, and how to achieve one’s goals with it, and return alive and whole, in both mind and body.
The missing information from Patanjali’s Sutras is not easily located. I doubt that many of the physicists, engineers, or project managers, within the Dark Projects world, have a clue as to even the existence of the base manual within Patanjali’s writings, let alone the missing sections, and where to locate the information.
I am Not going to put the Key, the Secret context information into my commentaries on Patanjali’s Sutras.
Once learned, once the missing information is understood, there is a moment of brilliant epiphany as the concept becomes whole, and viable. Without it, all of Yoga is merely esoteric musings. With this information, Yoga becomes a clear science, its context suddenly fits nicely within human history, human evolution, and the practices within yoga, the discipline, the art, become sensible relative to ancient human interaction with the Devas (the Elohim, the Annunaki et al).
So if you are reading this from within one of these Deep Labs, perhaps take a moment to pass this link along up the command chain. You can tell them that I am claiming to know what you do not, about the space alien technology sitting on your bench, and that I am offering to trade.
I am Not For Hire, and can’t be bought, nor intimidated, but I am a fair trader, and always respect, and honor, my arrangements with people.
Let’s make a deal . . .