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Reader sends thoughts on the subject of propaganda

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Saturday, 15-Jul-2023 01:30:40

In Response To: CodeMonkeyZ, site guru of the Q boards, who disappeared for a while, seems to be back with a blog site (MrFusion)

From reader Dr John:
These articles are in and of themselves correct, but seem to skirt the real tools needed to deal with propaganda. In the articles presented he left out the prime tenant of propaganda MANIPULATION!

"Propaganda, dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion. Deliberateness and a relatively heavy emphasis on manipulation."

He spent more time on the difference between White, Gray and Black propaganda which are strategically not as important as how Black Propaganda is developed and produce for the target audience.

Well developed propaganda is surrounded by 80% truth, it is a pitch to pull you in. Logic might suggest if 80% is true, the the rest must be true.

Stories presented that are remote from an action/event are difficult to be proven a lie. Keep the target audience away from facts that can disprove what is said.

The more familiar the speaker the greater the acceptance based on the credibility of the speaker i.e. media News Casters, doctors, politicians, religious leaders, actors or military figures of significance.

Money buys influential figures and Black mail can control them. Not everyone falls in these traps, but enough do to create problems for the general public.

Massive distribution of the same information. I hear about it everywhere I go, so it MUST BE TRUE.

If you hear, see something, how does it make you feel, scared, anxious, sad, mad. If it is emotive it is likely meant to cause you to act in some way like donating to a trouble culture or lost animals. It may cause to to hate a class of people or rush to take your money out of the bank. You have to ask what is the reason for such presentations. Are they to scare you into inaction or cause you to take a shot that was not proven? Why? They question you have to ask is WHY?

Currently the Main Stream media is a huge propaganda machine that is highly coordinated to sway your emotions and actions. They found many people turning to Alternative media on the internet, so not you have to filter information here as well.

As you look at various articles or videos you will learn who is trying to deceive you, stop following them and look elsewhere for the truth. You may find honest people that are setting you up to fall for future propaganda... they are sleepers ready to spring the trap they have set.

Is everyone corrupt, it seems like it, but no there are good people still fighting the good fight. It is you that has to be the ultimate filter. Will you make mistakes, of course you will, but you will correct the mistake and continue to refine your trustworthy sources.

Is it truly CodeMonkeyZ or is someone using that name to gain your trust? The weight of the articles causes me to believe it may not be the real deal.

In the above material I have shared far more then his repetitive material. You can act on the information above. It is a good start. Can you act on anything he has given you? I am looking for nothing from you. He is looking for your Email address (why) and it sounds like he wants cash to share the good stuff (why)?

If he is service patriots why is it not free?

The responsibility to become a professional at spotting propaganda lies in the efforts you put in to distinguish why emotive information is being shared and often spread wide and far. Often propaganda is used to distract you from other things that if exposed are dangerous to the enemy and their plans.

THINK, THINK, THINK The more you know about propaganda and the sources the better you can protect yourself from the emotional roller coaster the excite in you.

Dr John

Checking back on Telegram, I see that I got the links from Ron Watkins/CodeMonkeyZ's Telegram channel, which has only had occasional posts this year, but the posts go back more than a year at least:


Here is the text he included with the link to his blog:

I took nearly a year-long hiatus from social media to collect my thoughts and observe.

During this year, many psyops were successfully executed by big tech and governments; important events were covered up with simple distractions; people were lead down wild goose chases.

Psyops are next-generation warfare.

It is important to understand how to identify psyops, the players involved, the techniques used, and pathways to run counter-psyops.

I am extremely passionate about this topic and want to share it with you in a consolidated manner, therefore I have decided to make a substack for this discussion.

In the shadowy world of psychological operations, every message is a calculated move.

Learn about white psyops, black psyops and the insidious grey psyops here:

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