I’ve written about this before, but some things need to be repeated until people understand clearly just how evil these people, the Global Elite, are. The knowledge of how to make race specific viruses might have been around for sixty years, as some have claimed. But the first I heard of it was a chilling video from Bill Ryan of Project Avalon, formerly of Project Camelot. Thirteen years ago. It was called the “Anglo-Saxon Mission”.
In 2010, an Illuminati whistle-blower revealed to Ryan that they, elements of the Deep State, were trying to develop a race specific virus that would target China. The whistle-blowers words, accompanied by air parenthesis , was “China will catch a cold”. The real goal, he explained, was to set up the post catastrophic world. This was to ensure that their ‘New World Order’ is the one the controllers want, totalitarian control structures need to be in place when the catastrophe occurs, with an excuse that the population will accept and actually demand of them.
Martial law, in the carefully chosen countries before the catastrophe occurs will enable the ‘right’ people to survive and prosper in the post catastrophic world. And the beginning of the next 11,500 year cycle. What may have been carefully planned on a covert global scale, for the last several generations, is nothing less than who will inherit the Earth.
A whole lot of things haven’t happened yet. They are behind schedule for some of the things that were planned. Obama was president during this time and, no doubt, involved up to his neck in the planning. Does that mean that the geophysical event they expected hasn’t happened yet? Does that mean they were ill informed by their real rulers, the Archons? No doubt, but it must be something they have no control over. Just in case this event is somehow tied to the 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate that disappeared off of a train traveling from Wyoming to California, we all need to stay alert. What am I referring to? There have been so many dots over the years. But I will just list a few examples.
In August 30, 2007, a B-52 bomber flew halfway across the country from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana with, originally, six cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads on it’s wingtips. Something that could never happen. Some brave airmen at the base in Louisiana blew the whistle. Where were they taking those missiles? What was the plan? After about a day or two you didn’t hear anymore about it. I would love to know what higher up authorized it. Some of the veterans I know said it wasn’t necessarily impossible, but would be very difficult to spirit away much of anything from a military base. But something of this magnitude? I read that it would have taken at least 8-10 orders signed by various levels of big wigs in order to move something like this. Even more importantly, if six missiles left Minot and only five arrived in Barksdale, what happened to the other one? Was that the one that was detonated 500 miles off the Carolina coast that prompted a concerned Putin to call Bush to alert him. And prompted Obama to fire a large number of admirals, and generals. I wonder if they were part of the SOC that clif High talks about? If anyone wants to see the full story, they can probably find it at Project Camelot in the archives under, “In Tribute: 9 Minot and Barksdale AFB Airmen, 2007”
Another dot, also in 2010, was the Swine Flu outbreak. I think it was originally planned to be a world-wide pandemic. It was also called, the Mexican Flu. Was this the first race specific virus the Deep State turned loose on us? I paid particular attention to the people who got it and who died. Both locally and on the news, it seemed to be mostly people of Mexican decent who got the worst cases and died. Along with the elderly or others whose immune systems were too weak to fight it off.
The problem with Swine flu was, while it is highly contagious, it is not very deadly to most people who aren’t of Mexican decent, and factoring out the elderly. I believe this was a test to see how people would respond. Unfortunately, they reacted just about as you would expect, fighting to be first in line for the ‘vaccine’, that miraculously was ready and waiting. Hmm. I read somewhere that these evil scientists are trying to figure out how to splice the Avian Flu with the Swine Flu. The Avian or bird flu runs about 50% mortality, but isn’t particularly contagious, unless you’re a bird. So far they have been unsuccessful because the combined virus died before they could bring their evil plan to fruition. Apparently there is a difference between putting several strains of viruses in the same vial as opposed to splicing them together to create a new virus. Nevertheless, Baxter International, out of Chicago, sending a mix of four different viruses to fifteen different European countries, I’m guessing that could have started a pandemic, which was the goal.
Another, more recent dot was the theft of 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate off of a train, somewhere between Wyoming to California. (Or was it even loaded?) How does one go about unloading that kind of thing off of a train? It’s like moving nukes from one airbase to another. It doesn’t just ‘happen’ from a train either. That had to be a group of people, as one friend who is a retired engineer said, the train would have had to be stopped for a while. Probably at least one person employed by the rail line had to be in on it. IF it wasn’t elements of this criminal administration.
The destruction of food, food storage sites, animals destroyed with only one sick animal causing the destruction of thousands. The purchase or destruction of good farm land. Or does anyone really believe that the Canadian fires are all just a giant coincidence? And, I shudder to think what we are breathing. The huge straight wind mixed with tornadoes that plowed through parts of Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana Thursday. Winds clocked in my area at 70-80 mph. In Western Illinois, Trump Country, at 125 mph.
The reason I bring these things up, some from the past, is the measure of success they had with COVID. Not being able to produce a deadly virus, they, instead changed course and developed deadly experimental drugs and called them vaccines. As another side note, apparently people who are RH Negative blood type are immune to lab-created viruses. Now why would that be? Well, I suspect it is because, most of the royals, the majority of the presidents, where we know their blood type, and I would about guarantee, that the majority of the Globalists are also RH Neg. and therefore immune. Think about it. Even if you gave yourself the saline solution, you would still be susceptible to whatever virus you turned loose, unless your being immune to lab created viruses gave you the immunity you needed. I couldn’t prove it, but I would bet that is the case.
My clues began with the fact that every virus that came out of a lab and that I was exposed to, had no effect on me. These would be the viruses that just came out of nowhere. Africa was a handy suspect. Who could prove otherwise? I am RH Neg. I have been exposed, to people who knew for sure that they had Covid, at least 8-9 times. Not even a sniffle. For medical people who might read this article, the last time, I was deathly ill from a different infection. My white blood count was 1.1, by the time I got to a different hospital, it was .9. My neutrapenia was at zero. I was basically like a cancer patient who had been given chemo. My daughter was with me, but didn’t know until the next day that she had COVID. I’m pretty sure if I was going to get it, that would have been the time. My point in this is, why can’t some scientist figure out what it is about RH Neg. people that makes them resistant to these viruses? Maybe they could come up with some kind of serum that could help save others. But, crickets whenever I have talked to someone who could follow up on that. There is no money to fund the study and no money to be made in creating anything. Pretty pathetic.
Something else I noticed about older people I took care of was they and myself had not been given the plethora of scheduled childhood vaccinations we see today. Our immune systems are unbelievably strong. As I began reading and listening to people I have come to trust, I came to the conclusion that every vaccine taken damaged a person’s immune system. So, when they are exposed to a deadly pathogen, they are more likely to get it and perhaps die. How many vaccines are infants given before their own immune systems have a chance to develop?
However, still these pathogens weren’t killing large numbers of people quickly enough. I believe that is when they hit on the idea of creating a deadly vaccine that would target the weakest area of that person’s body and permanently damage or even kill them. That even helped them hide what they were doing for a while because not everyone reacts the same way. One might have a stroke. Another who may have had cancer that has been in remission for years, suddenly goes to level 4. Another person with weak lungs might develop pneumonia and die. And, the icing on the cake? FEAR. Talk about how deadly the virus is at every opportunity. Have members of the Lame Stream media use their air/print time to hammer the message home that a vaccine or a series of them was the only way to ensure they would be safe. And try to keep a serious look on your face while you are doing it. Encourage sports figures, actors, and other famous people to ‘show’ how they have taken their shot. That is where the Deep State made a serious mistake. At first I thought these famous people had all been given saline injections. That would have been the smart thing to do if you wanted to convince large numbers of people to take one or more jabs. But, Hank Aaron? A baseball icon? The black people in this country were already justifiably suspicious of, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
As various celebrities began to die or in Jamie Fox’s case become permanently disabled, more people refused to get vaccinated or to get another jab if they’d already taken one. The Global eugenicists won the battle, but lost the war, as more and more people woke up from their induced slumber. What were the Globalists to do? They were already behind schedule. They decided to ramp up in every area they had already taken over to a large extent. Military-health care-education-religion-politics. To the point where it became pretty obvious what they were doing. They didn’t even try to hide it anymore. Trying to make pedophilia normal? Really? Using trans to sell products? Even more people, witnessing these things, woke up and walked away from the lunatics.
Then, we hear that there was a possible assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin. Thankfully foiled. Why would this dot have anything to do with the others? At first glance, not a lot, until you remember that part of the reason Putin invaded Ukraine was to destroy the bio-labs in that country. He knew they were trying to develop a virus specifically formulated to kill Russians/Slavs. As for many of the other dots, Baxter International attempting to start a pandemic by shipping a mix of live viruses to fifteen European countries, was just another example of the many ways they try to kill people. Ultimately, all of the evil these bastards try to do to maim and kill humanity are connected. But, as more people awaken to their evil intent, the more we can derail their plans.
Above all, this is not the time to resort to violence. That time may come as they overtly try to take our guns away or come for our children. When they try to herd us into camps where they can inject their poisons into us. But, let them show their hand first so the rest of the normies can wake up and join us. A truly formidable army. Anyone left in their camp after that has made their choice and is beyond our help. After we rid the world of these monsters, we may not be able to go back to the way things were, but much of that was an illusion anyway. We can make a much better world for our children and grandchildren.
That will be our legacy.