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CGI's Leathur Response:

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Thursday, 1-Jun-2023 14:02:57

In Response To: Video: The History and DANGERS of Seed oils - Correlation to Chronic Illness (Namaste)

A post submitted by CGI member Leathur.


For those of us who don't want to watch videos, here's an article that offers some insight on this topic:



You are eating oils that were designed for machinery back in the 1920’s.

They're making you fat & killing your body.

Here’s how seed oils formerly machine oils became our “food” :

In the 1920s,

American diets had 0% seed oils


That percentage of calories has risen to 17-18%

Here's how,

they went from machine oils -> seed oils -> Vegetable oils ...

“seed oils” were only used in industrial machines before the early 1900’s.

To get them from machines to food, the oil must be chemically extracted

So why does the U.S. call them "vegetable oils"?

They were renamed “vegetable oil” because the word “vegetable” was healthier when marketing.

“Seed oil", “grain oil”, and “bean oil” just doesn’t sound as healthy.

“Vegetable" oils are industrial seed oils.

So why the hell are they in our food???

This goes back to 2 soapmakers in the early 1900s (Frickin soapmakers?..)

Procter & Gamble had historically made soap from rendered pork fat.

Procter & Gamble got cheeky and decided to create a new type of soap from seed oils.

Do you see where this is going?

At the same time they started making seed oil soap

Petroleum oil was discovered

Up til then, cottonseed oil had been used for lamps

But petroleum quickly replaced cottonseed oil as the fuel.

So what do you think they did with the cottonseed oil?

Cottonseed oil quickly became a “toxic waste”


Procter & Gamble realized that all that unwanted cottonseed oil could be used to produce soap.

So then,

they figured out a new business venture, turn “toxic waste” to $$$...

They learned the oil could be chemically altered via “hydrogenation” -- turn it into a cooking fat (think fake lard)

In 1911, they came out with the first hydrogenated oil food product.

This product would later be called, Crisco.

Heard of it?

That’s how “toxic waste” became American food.

Other vegetable oils joined the band wagon..

Soybeans were introduced in the 1930s,

by the 1950s, soybeans had become the most popular vegetable oil in the country.

Canola, corn, and safflower oils followed after

The cheap nature of seed oils + dirty marketing, made seed oils wildly popular in American homes.

(Back then there wasn't a thing called twitter where you could learn these sort of things, thank god for the internet)

So how are seed oils made?

Spoiler. It's not good.

Oils are bleached & deodorized before they can be consumed by humans.


There are 5 Steps to turning waste into American food:

Step 1:

Seeds are gathered from plants.

Most common:
-Rapeseed (becomes canola)

Step 2:

Seeds are heated to extremely high temperatures

Which causes the unsaturated fatty acids in the seeds to oxidize.

Oxidation creates byproducts that are harmful to humans (proven)

Step 3:

Seeds are then processed with a petroleum-based mixture... yum

Which maximizes the amount of oil extracted from the seeds (greedy bastards)

Step 4:

Seed oils have a very foul smell when extracted.

Industrial seed oil manufacturers use chemicals to deodorize the oils.

we covered this, they smell like shit.

Step 5:

More chemicals are added to improve the color of the industrial seed oils (gotta look pretty for camera)

The final product creates a bleached, odorless, fake colored marketable oil for you to consume in just about everything on the shelves

But how did they become "heart healthy" if they have all of these chemicals?

(Hang in there, almost to the end, shits crazy)

In the late 1940s, a group of cardiologists were members of a small, new organization called...

the American Heart Association

The AHA claimed that “vegetable oils." were a healthier alternative to traditional animal fats.

(classic alphabet soup organization)

During the early 1950s, a physiologist & researcher named Ancel Keys introduced his Diet-Heart Hypothesis.

His data suggested a link between saturated fat and cholesterol intake and heart disease.

But data was skewed; left out 15 countries that didn't support his thesis

Since animal fats are a rich source of dietary saturated fat and cholesterol, they quickly became the object of Key's hypothesis.

Citing animal fats as “unhealthy,”

Keys instead recommended the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). AKA seed oils

Soon, there were ads for “heart-healthy” margarine (seed oil) and other seed oils became commonplace

Again now they are 18% of total calories.

1/5 of our food are machine oils.

Healthy, traditional fats were demonized.

Saturated fats were labeled as "heart clogging".

General public accepted this "truth"

During the last 100 years,

heart disease and cancer rates have risen dramatically

Obesity rates have mirrored that.

2/ 3 Americans are now overweight.

(open source fitness plug: eat 1- ingredient foods folks)

The research is now overwhelming that you should not consume seed oils.

Yet, more are injected into our food everyday.

Instead consume:

-Animal fats/lard/tallow
- Butter
-Olive oil
-Avocado oil
- Fish Oil

Count ingredients, not calories.

Eliminate seed oils from your diet:

It will have a major impact on your health and energy

You will feel it within 3 weeks.



How seed oils went from machine oils to every shelf in America

1. Originally industrial machines, innovated an extraction to be food
2. Marketers renamed to "vegetable oils"
3. Profitable turning waste into food
4. AHA hit piece on saturated fats
5. No one questioned it..

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