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Posted By: The_Fox
Date: Tuesday, 30-May-2023 16:01:06

In Response To: THE GREAT SILENCE (The_Fox)

Thank you reader M...brilliant stuff,- much appreciated.


You are unwilling to accept the explanation because it makes you feel afraid and hurt inside.

You spend so much time mouthing "God Bless America" and "America is a Christian Nation", but when it comes to accepting the words of Christ you act as if you are blind, deaf and dumb.

Luke 21:24

Who are Gentiles? Those who identify as White.
How can Gentiles "trodden down" Jerusalem if the people who occupy it have been given the title of "Chosen People" and "Hebrews"? Because their DNA tests prove they are NOT semitic, but you won't look at or accept the evidence yet you rely on the same evidence to lock up the poor, minorities and children.

This generation is so full of hypocrisy that they deserve the damages of the silence brought on due to their lack of intestinal fortitude by living a lie and loving it.

Nothing will change for anyone until they bow down to the truth and acknowledge it. Even if it means wiping us all out and sending us back to the stone age.

Once you understand the power you are dealing with that is bringing about all of this change, you will stop your stubbornness and denial or you will destroy yourselves.

The "experiment" of White (Gentile) dominance is winding down. There is no such thing as a White person or a Black person. The color was used as a trick, or code for the programming. In truth people are either pinkish or brown or yellowish or reddish, etc.
The whole "racial" superiority thing was a joke amongst the ETs played against the humans. Unlike the Chimpanzee species that has more than 260 different races, the differences in genome within the Human species does not rise to the scientific level
required to be a different "race" within a species. Therefore, there is only one human race.

All superiority complexes demand suffering. Someone must suffer "lesser than" so that the one who holds the superiority complex can feel good about themselves. It does not matter if that complex is in beauty, size, wealth, power, physical prowess, or skin color. The complex demands suffering.

Now here is where us humans can't understand what the ETs had in mind because they think on a HIGHER level.

Their goals are to stop our Ascension, terraform the earth and transform us into a different species keeping only the few necessary to generate the emotional LOOSH they feed on.

Superiority complexes accomplish the first goal which is to stop the Ascension. They do this by demanding suffering which then shuts down the higher level chakras as you cannot enter the higher dimensions demanding suffering. It's just that simple.

They trick those who possess the complex into thinking they are "progressing", "advancing" and all the shiny words that make them feel good. But in reality, they are holding them back from developing and extending their lives because when you
live a long life you figure a few things out about this world, and they couldn't have that. For instance, indigenous and slaves were ridiculed for squatting when they defecated, while modern man spent centuries straining only to recently spend billions of dollars to "Realize" the benefits of squatting and Tah Dah! the Squatty Potty was born. And there are thousands of examples like this.

The "Christian" nation of America has been at WAR for most of her existence. Now how is that Christian? The "Christian" nation of America has dropped bombs on just about every country on the map that contains brown skinned people. Now how does that align with the "Good Samaritan"?

We've all become so accustomed to the current way of life that we can't see how bad our civilization really is. The first step in fixing any problem is acknowledging that the problem exists. We can't make it to that point, to no fault of our own.

Even their "Critical Race Theory" was done ass backwards. How can you help a consciousness understand something without starting from the beginning of the story?

James Baldwin was correct. White people must know where they come from. It's the only way to remove the guilt and shame. CRT was designed to inflict guilt and shame.

How can we humans be guilty for what ETs made us do? That's why we need full disclosure, to find out what happened and what our choices are for repairing the situation. But the "Times of Gentiles dominance" are over and that way of thinking will be forced off the planet. The sooner America, France, England and the other satellite Gentile nations accept this reality, the sooner we will reach peace and can start the re-building process in earnest. They have pretty much gotten rid of their armaments with this Ukraine thing while exposing the labs and child-sex-trafficking routes.

We can beat the remaining weapons into plowshares if we make up our minds to do so.

Why is it so important that you OWN your home? You surely can't take it with you.

And what righteousness is in passing down ill gotten gains? You can't surely believe that there is a God in heaven that sanctions such things. Really? Just think about it for a few minutes, if you are one of those who mutters "God Bless America" and "This is a Christian nation". What is important is that you live in your domicile in peace and without threat of eviction. Because even if you "payoff your mortgage", you will pay taxes on it as long as you live. It is never YOURS. It took a 94 year old woman to stop them from foreclosing for taxes and stealing our equity. Just
think about how long that's been going on.

Let us see you "Christians" walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Because unless you are familiar with the writings of the Prophet Enoch, you no doubt missed the Return of the Son of Man and his armies. And you no doubt lack an understanding of what will happen in Jerusalem. It is no accident that we are now learning that Princess Diana had planned to campaign for Palestine.

Let us see you "Christians" explain to your people what it means when it says the "Times of the Gentiles" will be fulfilled. Why aren't you preparing the consciousness of your groups to embrace this prophecy? Why don't you "Christians" accept the words of Jesus Christ?

The "Great Silence" is because America has been so blind, deaf and dumb. Everyone is not going to wake up. In fact, a lot will choose to exit. But a beautiful wave of people will wake up and they
will change this nation but it will not be like before, yet it will shine all over the world because we will find our way back to our hearts. A lot of Americans make it but our nation will be different.

Have faith but keep an open mind and realize that just about everything you have ever been told was a lie. But don't let it throw you too far off, you never needed to be taught anything in order to KNOW. You can go within and the answer will be given to you. It is one of your gifts and so long as your hearts intent is to do good it will work.

See what this little boy with no education, did in Nigeria.
The Boy That Generates Electricity From Stone in Nigeria

America is due for some miracles. Her pure of heart ones will arise now and she will start her transformation.

Do not fear the supply chain shut down, it is the only way to get the bad stuff away from us.

Do not fear the shortage in pharmaceuticals. It is the only way to weaken their grip over us. We will need more re-education at the local level on herbs and natural healing in order to overcome Big Pharma. Everyone must possess some basic knowledge of self-care.

Do not fear the loss of the internet. You have the ability to tap into the Akashic record you don't need their hunk of junk that keeps you roped into their frequency.

Start practicing.

So what we can't get their chemically laden foods, we will get healthier.

Don't be ashamed of your silence. They programmed this into us all to some degree unless you are unafraid of death. This is why they had to take away belief in reincarnation. They could have never gotten this far if the majority of people believed in reincarnation. That's another energetic fence they created through
manipulating words, ideology.

Everything is going to be alright, if we just change our hearts and learn to love.



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    The_Fox -- Tuesday, 30-May-2023 10:02:40
      The_Fox -- Tuesday, 30-May-2023 16:01:06

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