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Reader: "I think poof and co are too far out for the reasoned observers in our rumorscape."
Posted By: hobie Date: Monday, 29-May-2023 05:48:26
In Response To: POOFness for MAY 28 '23: It's Time To Let It Go (hobie)
(Thanks, i8. :)
Poof originally wrote each week for benefit of a mail list of Omega program participants. The Poof newsletters began appearing at fourwinds10.com, at which point I began posting them in public also. Over time I enjoyed private email correspondence with Poof and began to feel as though he were my brother. When he died (of a suspicious fast-moving cancer), Susan asked Zap to fill the void for the reports. Zap expected to play that role for a few weeks, but here we are, years later, and he's still hard at work.
Zap first mentioned the website and its products by name in Oct. 2018:
...so it's not a matter of this company suddenly being mentioned recently, and I don't think it's owned by Zap or Susan. Zap writes in all caps to distinguish his writing from other elements in the newsletters.
Reader i8 writes:
Re: POOFness for MAY 28 '23: It's Time To Let ....
Hobie, and other humble RMN readers;
I am not chiming in to rain on anyone's parade... but I have been watching team poofness with my own degree of skepticism... and now they have just proven themselves to be building up reader trust toward the intro of their WWW.FULMINADISTRI.COM platform...
Lots of people need to make a buck by selling potions online, etc... but is there any good time for anything we do with them to go "poof" into the ether? Past donations went "poof" just like that. Then of course we get platitudes in full CAPS LOCK MODE -- SCREAM AND SHOUT.
I will be the first to apologize if I am wrong, but just like Judge Anna's cyberspace wetdreams, I think poof and co are too far out for the reasoned observers in our rumorscape.
HP, Reader i8
P.S. i hope this survives the RMN cutting room.
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- Reader: "I think poof and co are too far out for the reasoned observers in our rumorscape."
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hobie -- Friday, 13-Sep-2024 20:02:23
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