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Calling for Help in the Courtroom -- This Case Could Break the Child Trafficking Business

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Saturday, 27-May-2023 15:34:07

Calling for Help in the Courtroom -- This Case Could Break the Child Trafficking Business

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Dear Person who cares about the law,

This is a call for help. As everyone knows, things underwent a big change in society, from the time Covid started in March 2020. And even before that, it was getting bad. In Australia we pretended it wasn't, but there's a chance now to wake folks up, with a unique criminal trial.

I am trying to help a very worthy doctor who is being subjected to an utterly bogus criminal trial, that will start on June 5, 2023 in Brisbane District Court. I fear he will "bogusly" be found guilty. Why? Because the judges are no longer judges. They are working for a higher power. Maybe not all of them, but why aren't the good ones criticizing this practice?

In this case of Dr Russell Pridgeon, there is a jury, but even so, a judge can twist things to fool the jury. Worse, he is self-representing. Russell can't afford a lawyer, and I think no lawyer would take the case anyway. They fear disbarment, and with good reason -- lawyers in Australia get disbarred if they "go justice crazy" -- Serene Teffaha being a prime example.

So please let me speak. In 2017, Australia finished its Royal Commission on child sexual abuse, in which 8,000 victims testified. Prime Minister Morrison offered a formal apology for the government's lack of caring. So, no one can say abuse does not occur. Yet when a mother today makes a call to a hotline to say that her ex-husband, or his pals, has abused her children, she is by no means offered any help!

Perhaps the average citizen thinks the hotline would cause the police to check out the man's behavior. Certainly you'd think the kid would be given protection. But no. There is a standard procedure in place. The man does NOT get investigated. The child does NOT get protected. And, irony of ironies, the mother ends up in legal trouble.

Here is what she typically will go through, in each state of Australia:

1. She will immediately be treated as a mental case. On the very day she reports the abuse of her child, she may be pressured to go to a local hospital for a psychological exam. Wait, didn't I just say that a Royal Commission already established that child abuse is rife? Then why not make it an initial presumption that Mum is telling the truth?

2. The next thing is that the kid may be taken away. What? A suffering child -- or any child -- needs its Mum. It's very well known that a sudden separation is traumatic. But no judge shows any recognition of this fact. It's as though all of normalcy has disappeared -- they live in a different world. (I can't rule out that the judges have actually been hypnotized!)

3. And what is Dad's next move? It is so unlike what you'd expect a pedophile to do, that I have to believe someone has taught him this cute trick. He fronts up at Family Court to request custody of the child. Yes, he does. Amazing. He should be hiding, not striding into a courthouse, right?

4. The upshot, of Dad doing that, is fourfold:

(a) a long career of court activity now begins, for the mother. All her money will disappear into legal fees, and for years her time will be consumed preparing for the next hearing, etc

(b) in court she will constantly face the accusation that she has alienated the child from its father and that, in order to do that, she coached the child to lie about sexual abuse!

(c) any further attempt by her to get help from the police will be met by their saying solemnly that they cannot get involved whilst a case is before the courts. "The matter is sub judice."

(d) as often happens, the kid has told the facts to a "mandatory reporter," such as a teacher. Or a doctor may have provided evidence of injury. The teachers' reports will be downgraded and the medical evidence will be "lost."

5. At this point, or sooner, Child Protection Services -- the dreaded CPS -- will get into Mother's life. Why? To prevent her from "doing emotional to the child," Imagine such an insult! Mum will have to ask for "access visits."

Thus, once a week, she has the privilege of watching her child grow up, for an hour or two, while a social worker sits there and prevents any talk about Dad and also prevents the mum from giving gifts. Most likely the kid will be partly taken in by the buzz about mum not being quite OK anymore.

Those are the five standard features. Thousands of mums have been through it. As far as I'm aware, it never comes to a happy end. Courts go to great effort to deliver this cruel treatment to the mother. I'll show you a video below, of Mona Gudbranson, whose daughter died of it.

Note: When I say "the mother," I should really say "the protective parent", as sometimes the shoe is on the other foot: it's the mum who does the sexual abuse, or is renting her kid out for prostitution. The dad goes to police and he, too, meets complete frustration.

Stick Only with This Kind of Case

Kids are stolen for various uses. I'll briefly name three, but will then drop that discussion as my goal today is to get help for Pridgeon's trial.

1. More men are becoming child abusers because kiddie porn is out there on the Internet. "It was never the done thing, but now it's the done thing."

2. Globally, there is propaganda to sexualize children. We saw this 20 years ago when beauty pageants for dolled-up 5-year-olds were popular, but now it extends even to teaching kids in school how to do a blow job. I have seen this in a textbook in 2023.

3. The stealing of children for other-than-sex uses is also known to be happening. They get stolen for labor, for organ transplants, or to be used to seduce politicians who are video'd in the sex act and thus become blackmailable., as was revealed in the Epstein case.

Much of the above has a big money motive. And where any illicit behavior requires police to be bought off, there will be corruption of police. Likewise, the judges' siding with the abuser may indicate that a mafia-like structure is in place. Does someone have to whisper to the judge, as he's donning his robe, "Remember now, don't show any respect to the woman. Don't even refer to the child's needs. Exhibit total skepticism about the reported abuse." If so, who is the whisperer? I don't know.

Incidentally, the judge is not always a male -- but female judges act the same way. I have written a book about this. It is called "Reunion: Judging the Family Court" (2019). Free download at my website ConstitutionAndTruth.com.

Dr Russell Pridgeon, Two Children, and a Mum

When the law becomes hopeless, you have to try to get around the law. In Adelaide we had a wonderful professor of Child Development, the late Freda Briggs. She was aware of what I have described. On one occasion that I know of, she encouraged a person, Dr Pridgeon, to help a mother protect her kids.

I, too, would do that now, if it were logistically feasible. It is morally imperative, and it's legal. For example, the Queensland Criminal Code sec 286 makes it a crime NOT to protect a child from harm. That said, there are other laws that tell you not to breach a court order. If the Family Law judge has said "X" gets custody, and you snatch the kid from X's custody, you are committing a crime, for example "child stealing."

Dr Russell Pridgeon did help. There was a mum whose two daughters were being harmed by the dad. She had grabbed them from school and hid. Later, Russell drove them in his car to safety, and et them up in a unit. That was in 2014 and since then, 9 years now, he's had to be worried about his law-breaking. Have you got something like that in your life? A real drag.

In 2015, that mum got arrested for stealing her own children. Did the cops take the two girls back to their abuser? Sure, it's de rigueur. So they've been with dad for the last 8 years and the mum has not seen them. Unbelievable. She has been awaiting her trial for a long time.

Note: Pridgeon's book, entitled "Everybody Knows." is at Amazon for $12.50.

Operation Noetic Arrests Him

I met Dr Russell Pridgeon in Queensland in 2019. He had been arrested in 2018 and was wearing a leg tracker which required him to sit near a charger for 2 hours each day. That was one of a dozen inconveniences he was subjected to. Another one that we all can relate to, was the taking of his computer by the police. He has never been able to get it back.

He was "netted" in a federal police operation named Noetic. You can find the media's description by googling "Pridgeon arrested" or "Operation Noetic." Media reported that Russell was a Kingpin (no less) in a child abduction racket. The cops "had worked hard for two years to track this network down."

Nonsense. Russell had informed the CDPP -- Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions -- of what he was doing. He had pleaded five months before his arrest with the Minister for Child Safety. They gave him the cold shoulder -- of course. I say of course, as they are gangsters. Yep. They may all be dressed properly as law enforcement but that's deceiving. Actions speak louder than badges.

The Noetic story is perfect proof of it. Listen: Dr Pridgeon goes to them with the serious issue of the kids' suffering, they do NOTHING to help those girls, and then they tell the public they have caught Russell running a syndicate. They stacked charges against him, five were later dropped -- including the eye-catching one: that he "dealt in the proceeds of crime."

Pridgeon felt hurt later when some of his patients looked at him accusingly in the street. Oh, I mean his ex-patients. A month after the dramatic 2018 arrest, the Medical Council cancelled Pridgeon's medical license. They are not allowed to do this; only a conviction, not an indictment, can be used. Three years later he got his license back, when the New South Wales Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, granted it.

They wrote "It could not (yet) be said that Dr Pridgeon's alleged defiance of the court's orders undermines the rule of law ... [his] guilt is not a foregone conclusion."


Please remember that I'm asking for your help. At the very least, the good doctor needs publicity. All sorts of sneaky things can occur in the courtroom at the last minute. And I bet they will. The government is heavily invested in blaming citizens like Russell, to cover their own guilt for child trafficking. The government deploys its expertise in lying, intimidating, and weaponizing the law for this. What is needed is a judge that rejects those behaviors.

Russell also needs a good barrister. Are you a barrister out there, fed up with the way Family Law is used, to assist pedophiles, as I showed above? Do you have children of your own? Can you envision doing something for which you might get maliciously disbarred?

Pridgeon's case should be uniquely easy to win, in June 2023. Having dropped the charge of child harboring, which he admittedly did do, the prosecution next month is hitting him only with "perverting the course of justice" and "conspiring to pervert it." Pretty hilarious.

Piece o'cake for a lawyer who can stand her ground. Email me at MaxwellMaryLLb@gmail.com

Now please watch a 4-minute video of Mona Gudbranson, a bereaved grandmother. She was speaking on Bill Windsor's Lawless America show, ten years ago:


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