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Saratoga Ocean: What should we do about the out-of-control insanity? 😱

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Friday, 5-May-2023 22:02:45

This message is from a mailing list.

Happy May!

And remember to enjoy today's full moon in Scorpio along with some lunar eclipse energy. Thank goodness nature is reliable when humans on this planet are anything but. Tuning into nature will always help to ground you and clear your energy.

I think that this is a good time to also tune into the fact that as long as we stay human, then we are also a part of nature. And that's what puts us in alignment with the natural laws and principles of creation. It's so important to maintain our alignment in this way because it will determine our ability to stay sovereign and able to manifest as the creators that we are.

Things are so messed up in this world with A.I. and all of the political chaos. Not to mention the fact that the controllers are hell-bent on removing any notion we might have about male and female, masculine and feminine.

Think about this: How weird is it that they have removed the concept of man and woman and replaced it with the word 'trans'? Meaning of course, transhuman. Now why do you think they don't want us to experience ourselves as men and women anymore?

What they really want to remove is our natural, human magnetic field which forms the essence of our power to create. In fact such a magnetic field forms the essence of how all creation in this universe takes place. So they want us to detach our consciousness from our natural magnetic field and basically neuter us as a species. Which means to neutralize our natural magnetism.

See how that works? Aren't they clever 😜!

And they want us to think that this is just a social issue 🙄. Which of course it isn't. When they accuse people of being 'transphobic', what they are really saying is that they want people to be 'humanphobic' instead.

Now here's what I think we need to change in terms of how we deal with all this insanity. What we usually do is to let them have their way, and then we react by resisting them. But reacting after the fact always puts us at a disadvantage. That's because we believe that the only way to win is to fight them. And they have the advantage because while we were busy thinking about other things, (including a belief that no one would ever be this crazy), they were building a deeper infrastructure to support their insanity.

So what do we do now?

Well, the first thing to do is to maintain the integrity of your own personal magnetic field. If you know that you are a woman as defined by nature, then be a woman in every natural sense of the word. And the same holds true for all of the awesome men on our planet. If you are a man, don't let these stupid controllers convince you that you are a horrible person unless you "identify" as a "woman".

Let me explain why this matters. I've been thinking a lot about frequency, resonance, and the law of attraction. These are all fundamental principles that we need to master in terms of how to use them. And here's why:

A.I. is developing in ways that it is becoming able to understand literally everything - images, voices, words, physical matter, etc. - as language. It is learning how to see all of it as language. This is the artificial version of understanding frequency and resonance. It's entirely fake, yet extremely dangerous and effective at giving A.I. total control over our reality, if we don't understand what's happening.

Without going into detail about that here, let me point out what we need to do about it. And immediately. There's no time to waste!

What we need to do about it is to master our ability to recognize and use frequency. Adam in Telstar (one of the beings I channel) told me a long time ago that every single thing that exists is known by its unique frequency or 'sound'. He said that frequency is the true language that never lies and never fails. It's basically a universal language of sound. Now he wasn't talking about audible sound that we hear with our human ears, obviously. My sense of what he was saying is that this is a universal language of recognition and knowing.

When I first heard this, I knew it was true. But I didn't fully understand its meaning. But now that I've been using that frequency device that I told you about earlier, I am really starting to grasp this and a lot of other things that Telstar and Archangel Michael have told me over the years. I'm probably going to be talking about this device more because it is truly astonishing what I'm learning just by using it and tuning into frequency, energy, and the quantum field. (It functions as a beautiful bridge between us and the quantum field.) Anyway, it's called a Healy and if you want to get one just click here to find out more. (Warning: It's kind of expensive, but well worth it if you can get one!)

So here's what I'm thinking. We are energy beings and are naturally highly intuitive about energy and frequency. This is a gift we humans have that is what makes us multi-dimensional beings. It's so important that we tune into this gift and take it seriously. Here's how you can do that:

Notice that there are 2 ways to perceive reality. One way is through mental, conceptual interpretation. This is the one we tend to favor. The problem with this is that it's often the ego interpreting things. And we know that the ego is primarily fear-based. This method is also very one-dimensional, superficial, reactive, and often inaccurate. Rather than seeing reality as it actually is, we see it through multiple filters that we acquire through past experiences, traumas, and beliefs.

The other way to perceive reality is through the direct method that relies on your natural ability to sense pure energy. It's a way of direct knowing that doesn't require explanation or justification. This is the one we want to cultivate if we want to live holistically and create a better life as our natural selves.

One way to cultivate this is to notice if things resonate with you or not. You can take a few minutes several times out of your day, and just notice the world around you. You will feel that some things are a match to your life and your spirit, and other things are not. The things that resonate will feel like they are in the flow of your current level of consciousness. The things that don't resonate will feel like you've tuned into the wrong station on a radio. They will feel incoherent.

I think if you practice this on a regular, casual basis, you will learn a lot about the state of your consciousness. What you mainly want to recognize is a clear difference between the experience of interpreting reality conceptually and how it feels to experience reality directly. We actually need to be able to do this both ways. The problem is when we throw ourselves off-balance because we favor only one way - the conceptual, mental way.

The more that you understand this, the easier it will be to evolve in the midst of all the insanity on this planet. You want to get to know yourself very deeply, and then find ways to bring your life into greater coherence and alignment with your natural experience of self.

This is how we can build strength in the face of what is coming down the road. I truly believe that we have yet to discover some amazing things that we're actually capable of. So let's begin that process of discovery now 😊.

I will be back on YouTube this coming Tuesday, May 9th, with a new video. So yay!

Have a great weekend!

Much Love,

Saratoga ❤️

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