First, before we start, we would like to warn readers about a pirate site on Telegram that steals our material. They are also pretending to be me in order to sell fraudulent crypto-currency. We appreciate that telegram has been a source of freedom of information in this age of heavy internet censorship. However, there is a difference between freedom of the press and identity theft and fraud. This is not limited to me but is widespread. So, we are telling Pavel and Nikolai Durov, the people behind Telegram, to CEASE AND DESIST IMMEDIATELY. This is the only warning you will get. Next time it will be special forces kicking down your door in the middle of the night.
Ok with that out of the way, let us look at what is happening around the world. There the biggest story remains the ongoing implosion of the fake Joe Biden administration. This has reached the point where Hillary Clinton Rockefeller was forced to write a warning on the Khazarian Mafia Propaganda New York Times that a financial system collapse was imminent. Remember when Killary introduced her friend George Soros and he mentioned his interest wanting to get involved in US elections? The Internet sure doesn’t.
Because it has been scrubbed from the internet for the most part. Here is a copy of the file archived years ago.
This is not a financial system collapse, it is the end of Babylonian debt slavery.
The most visible sign of this was the de facto bankruptcy of First Republic Bank. They were taken under control of the FDIC last weekend after depositors withdrew $100 billion or over 60% of deposits in the month of March alone. This is part of a general revolt by the American people against their criminal and fraudulent banking system that has taken enough money out of the system (at least $1.5 trillion) in the past month to bankrupt all of the banks and not just First Republic. The FDIC has already used up its’ war chest so any announcements of “bailouts” or purchases by the likes of JP Morgan will be lies and fraud.

The Rockefeller-owned UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION has stolen people’s tax refunds and thus given itself enough money to last until July but the rats are bailing out of the sinking ship. The announcement by Susan Rice that she was leaving the fake regime means the communist faction around Barack Obama has split with the Rockefellers. Overall over 47% of Biden’s “A team” have now resigned.
This is why they are bailing out:
The investigation into the Biden family crimes has now revealed that at least 9 members of the family were involved in the family’s money laundering schemes. At least 9 Biden family members sold access for profit around the world. They are the definition of a crime family.
This isn’t just about bribes for influence, this is about trafficking children for the purpose of being sold into sexual slavery and tortured.
There is also a revolt taking place inside the corporate propaganda media. The firing of Tucker Carlson by Rupert Murdoch is a case in point. In the past, firing people from corporate media and putting them on a blacklist meant poverty and the end of careers for most corporate media slaves. Carlson alluded to this with these comments made after he was fired:
“If you told me…the Department of Justice would’ve indicted [decent Americans] them for criticizing the…the Biden administration… and charged them with felonies for which they’re each facing 10 years in prison, if you told me that could happen here, I would’ve laughed at you. And you…you see people you know become quislings… saying things they don’t believe because they want to keep their jobs.” ?
Fear of job loss is why corporate media whores have all been going along with the obvious lies. Now, however, thanks to the NSA and the internet, genuine journalists can earn money and get the truth out without the corporate media. This is what happened with Carlson who suddenly got a way bigger audience than he ever had with Murdoch. That is why Fox was forced to say Tucker Carlson is still working for them. It is obvious they are trying to get him to accept a huge bribe to sign a “non-disclosure agreement.”
Even if Tucker takes the bribe and succumbs to whatever threats are being made against him, it is too late. Take a look at the video below of the heads of the New York Times, Washington Post and other corporate propaganda news outlets resorting to goons to avoid answering a legitimate and important question. This is what the end of the regime looks like.
The rest of the world is also treating the fake Biden and his group as pariahs. It has reached the point where the US Corporation has had to murder the Presidents of Mexico and Turkey, two former close allies, in an attempt to stay in control. Both President Recep Erdogan of Turkey and Lopeza Obrador of Mexico suddenly vanished from public view last week (“testing positive for COVID-19”) after criticizing the US administration.
Our sources in the CIA say they were killed with energy weapons. However, the situation has reached the point where disgust against the US regime is so widespread that killing a top leader and replacing him with a slave is not working. Both Erdogan and Obrador reappeared looking younger as a result of the uproar. However, if these replacements start reading US propaganda, they will be removed immediately, Turkish and Mexican sources warn.

Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu spoke for many when he said the “American empire” is losing its reputation. “Europeans are Washington’s assassins in Africa. That is why Africans hate them. In the end, it is the whole world that hates America”.
Mexican cartel sources say the fentanyl excuse used by the Americans to murder their president is wrong because fentanyl comes from China and all Americans need to do to prevent deaths is legalize and regulate it. They promise to avenge Obrador by targeting the people behind “Biden.” This is a real threat because “20 million or more Mexicans live in the US, mostly in the Southwest. Believe it or not, many of them talk about a Reconquista.”
As things stand over 85% of the world’s people and nations have now revolted against the Rockefeller “rules-based world order.” As we have mentioned in previous reports, even Europe has also already de facto revolted.
Now it looks like the last true Rockefeller slave states are Korea, Japan and Taiwan. This is about to change. Last week a representative of the White Dragon Society met a representative of North Korea and the Japanese underground to discuss the future of the region.
The North Koreans explained the Japanese military was about to...
~~~~~ END OF PREVIEW ~~~~~
Check back Thursday for full report, which contains 21 images and 17 videos.