29 Apr, 2023 00:10
HomeWorld News
US braces for nuclear strike in Ukraine – media
A team was sent to place sensors that would blame Moscow for any potential incident, the NYT reports
The administration of US President Joe Biden is preparing for a possible nuclear attack in Ukraine by wiring the country with a network of sensors that can identify the origin of any atomic strike, the New York Times has reported.
The sensors would be able to detect the radiation from either a dirty bomb or a nuclear weapon, the outlet said on Friday, citing Washington’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
“In part, the goal is to make sure that if Russia detonates a radioactive weapon on Ukrainian soil, its atomic signature and Moscow’s culpability could be verified,” the newspaper said.
The network of radiation sensors is being deployed “throughout the region” and would be able to “characterize the size, location and effects of any nuclear explosion,” according to a NNSA unit called the Nuclear Energy Support Team (NEST).
The unit is reportedly working with Ukraine to install the sensors, train workers, monitor data, and warn of dangerous levels of radiation.
NEST added that data from the sensors would deny Russia “any opportunity to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine without attribution.” The Times said that this “goes to the fog of nuclear war and how the United States could use the new system to pierce it.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced last month that tactical nuclear weapons would be placed in Belarus as early as this summer, in response to the UK’s decision to provide Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions. He has denied having any intention of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine, but he also has pledged to use “all means available to protect Russia.”
Responding to accusations of using “irresponsible nuclear rhetoric,” Russian officials have pointed to hypocrisy on the part of the US and NATO, noting that Western leaders ignore the fact that the US has long had nuclear weapons stationed in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Türkiye.
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev pointed out that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently lamented the suffering of the Japanese people from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, while failing to mention that Washington carried them out – the only such strikes in world history.
The Times claimed that US radiation sensors could help prevent Moscow from carrying out a ‘false-flag’ nuclear attack, such as claiming that Kiev detonated a bomb on the battlefield to provoke more direct Western intervention in the conflict.
Some comments;
Garry Compton
In other words te US is contemplating the use of a tactical nuke in Ukraine - in order to blam Russia. This is how low the USA has dropped in the world order of things.
Tom Savage
well, now the world needs to brace for a US false flag nuclear strike on ukraine which they can then blame on russia from what their "instruments" found.
what sad times we live in.
The moment nukes are used, no matter what side, is the moment humanity will descend to the most basest instincts of settling hatred with ultra violence. MAD!
Nethrie, as horrid as that may be, it may also be slightly better than an endless cycle of slavery and being monitored by robot Ai dog things that dance on your grave when you are Deleted by them.
David Barneby
A nuclear strike or pretence of one risks WWIII , which would put the US open to a nuclear attack . A false flag would be very dangerous .
Srinivas Injeti
I think the US is planning to use nuclear bombs on Donbass and Crimea or use Ukraine as a base to launch missiles on Russia.
lol, as Russia would take the Blame from a Country who used Nukes twice on People...
Grin Olsson
I read and downloaded President Putin's speech about a nuclear war - Putin was NOT threatening the Ukraine - He was telling the USA and Great Britain to STOP because he is getting tired of their nonsense and to protect the Russian Federation, if he has to, he will nuke the USA - Mainstream media had better pull their their heads out of their butts - and start reporting both narratives. Joe Biden and his cabal are funding and support atrocious conduct by the Ukrainians from brutally beating young men as low as 13 forcibly off the street to the front lines - One child hung himself. A Russian speaking Ukrainian girl was stripped brutally attacked naked for speaking Russian (her native tongue) and her face painted blue. Zelensky is providing safe zones for his Jewish people while ordering churches burned and priests brutally beaten - Wake up America - the Deep State's reason for censorship is so you don't find out that we have a genocidal maniac in the White House who has inserted his cabal of Bolsheviks determined to proceed on global domination even if it means the destruction of the United States. Biden needs not only to be impeached, but rather he and his political-religionists need to be arrested and charged over funding the most horrific atrocities I have ever seen committed by any nation - and I'm not talking about Russia. I'm t talking about the Ukrainian dictatorship run by a Nazi-Bolshevik coalition of some sorts - but its more evil than the Satanic monstrosity from the abyss of hell. Joe Biden and his cabal no more has Christian values than a duck waddling in the water. And, with all political-religionists - their religion is their politics and in violation of the separation of church and state - MSN and Internet social media owned and controlled by the very same dark state entities are complicit with concealing all information that is not consistent with their ideology. Hate to rain on your party America - but more sooner than later - Wash D.C. is going to be up over their heads by being struck by a nuclear tipped Tsunami torpedo. All because Joe's cabal wants WW3 - and no negotiations. Again, contact your representatives - Republican or Democrat and demand his impeachment - His conduct is destroying America's reputation overseas. Please start looking for other independent news on Telegram or some other platform that doesn't conceal the other side of the story. Because they too, are all part of the conspiracy to destroy the USA and EU - Indeed, hidden from American eyes is the fact that in every EU nation, tens of thousands of people are marching in the streets. OPEN your Eyes - stop being deceived. It's not hate speech to confront political-religionist's ideology that contaminates basic human rights of American's right to freedom of expression, thought, and speech.
Grin Olsson, and start sharpening the guillotine blades... because the "voting" system will not work at all.
The EU, UK and US are looking for a place to deposit all their nuclear waste.
Well expect a false flag any time soon
Phill Casedy
Personally I dont think that Washington isn't gonna do anything when a direct Russian nuclear bomb is thrown on Kiev. And when they feel the need to, they won't make a secret out of it. The west has already done anything to frame and demonise all Russian actions. For Russia this won't make a difference when they place them, for they have already been given a bad name. I would encurage the U.S. national security administration to place 10 sensors on every corner of every Ukrainian street, just to make sure that they function. Simply raise the tax, raise the debt ceiling and show the world you can place 100 sensors on every streetcorner.
So basically they'll do it and blame. Same old story.
Gerry Bell
Pathetic and pointless escalation. Russia is the one slowley advancing, Ukraine is the one losing around 500 men a day! (not counting inured) Russia controls the skies, has more missiles, drones and thermobarics. Nukes? Amerika thinks about them constantly because they are its only solution. Hypersonic deliveries? So far that's not working out for Amerika either... Losers.
Jon T
They need to move those sensors to Washington ,and the UK, because if Russia strikes it will be a global strike against NATO and Washington as a Ukraine strike would only be an invitation to the West to defensively annihilate Russia and then China while the iron of political will is hot for nuclear war. The West uses the idea of nuclear war to threaten its allies, but the reality of nuclear war is to preserve aristocratic empire at all cost to humanity. The rich will inherit the earth, and the fools won't because god is nothing more than a capricious man and his megalomania. The intention of religion is either liberation theology or prosperity gospel, where you either serve God as messaged through Moses being free from slavery in Christ with the fruits of the spirit, or you serve mammon in the Parable of the Talents as you become master of slaves. Both the wheat and the tares coming to harvest in the field of religious group ordering determinations of your chosen soul...
Jon T, Interesting that you mention the UK.....It has become very obvious that the Uk is a prime mover in this conflict. The Uk only "gave up" its empire as a pr move and still aims to control the world through it's proxy, America and it's alliance with the small hats. Ever wonder why british politicians are forced to swear allegiance to Izrail upon entering british politics? Look no further than London for the true home of evil.
Yeah right. And we are going to believe everything the US tells us. (eye-roll).
The US will detonate the dirty bomb in Ukraine 🥸
John Rivets
player1, Undoubtedly that's their plan ,they know Ukraine has no chance of ever reclaiming the 5 areas who have joined Russia, so like Iraq they intend with British depleted uranium to poison large areas of ukrain permanently so as to be unlivable and infertile,
Sign of false flag to smear Russia. If USNato can deliver warplanes, tanks and missiles to Ukraine freely, they can also deliver dirty bombs to contaminate some area for stopping Russia army advancement.