By Baxter Dimitry
A disturbing new analysis has revealed that the globalist elite have already murdered one billion people in cold blood since the Covid plandemic was unleashed on an unsuspecting world in January 2020.
For years now the globalist elite have been telling us about their plans to depopulate the Earth from 8 billion people to just 500 million, but most people have preferred to cover their ears and pretend nothing is awry. Unfortunately for the sheeple, the days of being able to pretend everything is OK are rapidly coming to an end.
You won’t hear about this on mainstream media. In fact, mainstream media has been enlisted to do everything they can to cover up, suppress, and bury this news.
The World Economic Forum is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that it can control.
How do we know that depopulation is their primary goal? Because in recent years the Davos crowd have become so arrogant they can’t stop telling us about their depopulation plans.
They can hardly disguise their excitement at their diabolical plans.
They have seized control of our political system, creating a uniparty, and rigging elections against anyone who dares to stand against the New World Order.
They have seized control of global health and unleashed a plandemic with devastating effects. We were locked down, our economy was crushed, and many people were force to take a shot.
Now they are seizing control of the food supply as the next phase of global domination.
Bill Gates became America’s leading farm owner overnight and he is bragging about pumping his carcinogenic fake meat into your favorite grocery items and his mRNA vaccines into farm animals and vegetables destined for your dinner plate.
According to the official statistics, there were 7.84 billion people on Earth in January 2020. The United Nations reported that the global population eclipsed the 8 billion mark in November 2022. As we speak, Worldometer has the current global population at 8.028 billion.
There have been 40 million births and 20 million deaths, for a net population growth of 20 million thus far in 2023, according to the same source.
The only people who believe any of those official statistics also believe that men are really women, pedophilia is love, and vaccines are safe and effective.
So what is really going on here? Let’s look at the facts.
1. Most countries reported record excess deaths and record-low births in 2021 and 2022
Governments are in the business of lying, particularly about crime and population statistics to fit agendas. But do they really expect us to believe the world population is still surging ahead, hitting record highs, despite the fact that almost every country on earth is reporting record deaths and record-low births?
We’ll never know the real numbers as to excess deaths across the globe due to the injections (until naked eye observations start speaking for themselves). But here is a list of countries that reported record-high excess deaths and record-low births in 2021 and 2022:
Japan: 1.58 million deaths in 2022 – the most since World War II
New Zealand: 38,574 deaths in 2022 – the most since 1918
Australia: record-low births and record-high deaths in 2021
U.K.: utilizing temporary morgues across the country due to “sharp rise in excess deaths“
Netherlands: more deaths than births in 2022 – first time that’s happened since the year 1900
Germany: virtually zero excess deaths in 2020, then the numbers skyrocketed in 2021
Nova Scotia (Canada): “unexpectedly high number of people are dying“
Philippines: 768,504 deaths in 2021 – highest in one year since 1945.
That’s just a small sample. Further, Norway, Italy and Japan all experienced record-low births in 2022. In other words, a lot of people are dying and few are being born.
We’re not going to bother with the United States because the Biden government blatantly lies about everything. But if we go by the Harvard Pilgrim standard of multiplying VAERS vaccine deaths by 100 for a more accurate overall picture, then at least 3.5 million Americans have died from the injections since 2021. That’s 125,000 excess deaths per month.
2. There’s no way of knowing what’s really happening in China and India
World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab called China a “role model” for other countries.
Many others in high places have repeated these sentiments. China is like a very creepy, real-life dystopian film. You literally cannot function in that country as a human being without a QR code and vaccines. Your face is constantly scanned, and your every move is tracked by various WeChat apps.
Everything you purchase in China is via a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and a QR code tied to your social credit account. Note that the U.S. is just months away from trialing its own pilot CBDC.
The “role model” country has public Jumbotron displays that instantly shame anyone it captures committing trivial infractions, including jaywalking. Your social credit is also downgraded as a result.
Chinese police stop people regularly on the street, take their phones, and search them for “illegal” VPNs, Facebook, and other banned apps. You’ll get social credit dings at least, and arrested at worst, if you’re caught with anything you’re not supposed to have.
The elite are determined to roll out these authoritarian tactics in the US in the next few years. We know that China is dystopian hell. We know that the government forced more than 90% of Chinese citizens to get the jabs. What we don’t know is how many people are being killed by the government and dying from the injections.
The same goes for India. People are literally dropping dead by the second there. India and China account for over 35% of all humanity. India started injecting its population in January 2021, mostly with the Covishield/AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections, the most deadly of them all this side of Johnson & Johnson. As of March 2023, 95% of Indians age 12-plus have received at least one shot.
By April 2021, truckloads of dead bodies being transported to morgues were so full that bodies were falling from the trucks onto the roads. In Delhi, someone died every five minutes that month, according to one report. The mass cremation videos from India in 2021 are very disturbing.
3. Polio and famine in Africa
The World Health Organization declared that the two primary strains of “wild” polio were eradicated worldwide in 1999 and 2020, respectively. The third wild strain exists only in Pakistan and Afghanistan today. But headlines like these have been everywhere since 2022.
Wild polio was declared eradicated from the entire African Continent in 2020. So where is all this polio coming from? Just ask Bill and Melinda Gates.
All polio cases in Africa today, which number in the untold millions, are derived from Bill Gates oral polio vaccines. These concoctions cause paralysis and/or death in God knows how many kids. It’s Africa, not the U.S. Wheelchairs, Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations, etc. do not exist in most of Africa. A paralyzed child who cannot gather water and food for themselves and their families are essentially dead.
Most Africans refused the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. They have been burnt by Bill Gates before. But Gates and company can still convince them to get oral polio vaccines. These genocidal madmen openly admit that they use Africans as guinea pigs for everything from mRNA injections to experimental AIDS treatments. These polio oral vaccines are open, blatant genocide. Yet nobody bats an eye.
Meanwhile, the Horn of Africa experienced the driest rainy season (severe drought) in over 70 years in 2023. We know the powers that be can easily manipulate the weather, create rain, and save all those people. But they don’t and won’t do it.
It is in Africa that the elite’s manufactured food crisis is really biting. In West Africa, more than 48 million people are on the verge of starvation, the most in over a decade. The nonprofit SOS Children’s Village estimates that a total of 227 million people are on the verge of starving to death across all of Africa today. That’s about one in five people across the Continent. Oxfam International estimates that one person starves to death every 48 seconds in Africa.
The combination of vaccine polio, severe drought, famine, perpetual war fighting over crumbs, and even a few mRNA and viral vector DNA deaths make an educated guess of 300 million excess deaths across the Continent since 2020 quite conservative.
Then there is the naked eye test.
Athletes have been dropping like flies in unprecedented numbers with heart problems since 2021.
U.S. public schools have experienced record declines in enrollment since 2020.
The 2022 World Cup was expecting 1.2 million visitors to Qatar for the month-long tournament. Less than 800,000 fans showed up, while several journalists covering the event collapsed and died.
Nearly all downtown areas in big U.S. cities are practically deserted. Granted a lot of people are still working from home.
There can only be so many coincidences. Regardless, the globalist elite want you to believe that the world’s population increased from 7.8 billion in January 2020 to 8.028 billion today despite nearly all countries reporting record excess deaths and record-low births in that time period. Not to mention the polio vaccine and famine genocides in Africa. They really have no problem insulting people’s intelligence to ensure their narrative (“the population is growing”) remains on code and consistent.
Don’t forget, to the elites, bad equals good. They hate humanity and want to replace the vast majority of us with a class of servile AI bots. That’s why the shots are causing mass deaths. But you will never hear about it on mainstream media, because they are bought and paid for by Pfizer.
Of course, the sheeple have been corralled into a mass formation psychosis, and they will refuse to listen to you if you try and speak sense to them about any of these issues. According to the mainstream in 2023, obesity is healthy. The vaccines are not causing people to keel over and die. And abortion is love.
George Orwell warned us about about these times. He said they would convince us that war is peace. How right he was.
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