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Anna Von Reitz: "Keeping Up With Todd Callendar -- News Worth Hearing"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 27-Apr-2023 20:48:38

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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Keeping Up With Todd Callendar -- News Worth Hearing

By Anna Von Reitz

For those who don't know, Todd Callendar is moving fast, so fast and incisively, we have to check his progress every day.

Todd is expanding upon work that was first pioneered in the 1980's by The Informer --- an American researcher who pulled together a team and investigated more than 10,000 judges.

Out of 10,000 judges investigated by The Informer team, exactly one Judge in Wisconsin had all his ducks in order, and a written Oath of Office on file.

At the time, we were all stunned. I remember reading the report with my mouth ajar, staring blindly at the pages.

That was before I learned about Hired Jurists and imaginary courts.

Todd's work today covers a much broader spectrum of "apparent" office holders who haven't completed Oaths of Office --- that is, formal written public record declarations accepting the duties of the office.

So what's going on?

These people aren't actually occupying Public Offices. They are pretending to hold Public Offices, but they are deliberately evading the liability and duty to fulfill the obligations of the office --- and cheating the Public as they do so.

For example, a man might be elected to serve as Sheriff of Macon County, Georgia, but if he doesn't take the Oath of Office, he doesn't actually "enter upon" the office he was elected to serve. Without the Oath, he is not bound to the duties of the office, and is collecting a paycheck under False Pretenses.

He is, in fact, impersonating a County Sheriff, popularly elected or not.

It's up to us to make sure that anyone serving in a Public Office takes the Oath. If they don't, they have no obligation to serve and perform the duties of the office --- and no right to exercise any power or authority related to the office, either.

This is true of elected office and appointed office, too.

So, after two years of the Biden Administration, it turns out that Biden's Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin, has never taken his Oath of Office.

He has no obligation to serve the duties of the office, and equally, no right to exercise any power or authority related to it.

Everything Austin has done and said while posing as Secretary of Defense, every order, every plan, every piece of paper signed, is null and void. The Office of the Secretary of Defense has, in effect, been vacant this whole time.

Austin has had access to all the most secret information of the Defense Department under False Pretenses, the worst kind of security breach imaginable.

Austin coerced, threatened, and discharged thousands of loyal members of the military for refusing to take experimental injections --- when he had no actual office and no authority to even speak to these men and women.

Austin's comments and threats openly insulting and demeaning the Marine Corps for protecting its service members from the Covid 19
injections probably contributed to the brutal attack on USMC General David H. Berger in January 2023.

Take in the view.

If you ever wondered if you were needed to help run this country, wonder no longer. Listen to this video:

Discussed starting at the 3 minute mark :

Todd understands what I understand: without the Oath, there is no Office.

This is what the crime of impersonating an officer is all about.

We have thousands of people in this country impersonating public officials and appearing to serve in public offices, people who are exercising the powers of government with no liability and no responsibility to the public at all.

And now we find out that includes the Secretary of Defense.

The District Attorneys aren't prosecuting these criminals, so it's up to us.

You, me, and the chickens -- and Todd Callendar -- are on our own, but every day thousands more Americans wake up, and start driving the spearheads home.

Those who remember The Informer, Mary Croft, Jean Keating, Bill Benson, RB, Wild Bill, and so many other giants you've met on this road, shed a tear and say a blessing on all of them, alive and dead. From their hands and lips to ours, from one generation to another, we will not fail or shirk the work before us.


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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