The world is headed for a once-in-several-thousand-year historical anomaly. While this process will take years, a major inflection point is expected around June or July, multiple sources agree. This is when the fall of the US Corporation and the Russian deep state are likely to coincide with the re-emergence of an Islamic caliphate and many other events.
Let us start with the multiple news events pointing to the fall of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
The most obvious confirmation something is not right is US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy saying: “Unfortunately, I have not heard from the White House since our very first meeting [February 1st],…Biden has been missing in action and misleading the public.”
To understand just how fake the Biden show is, check out the HUGE turnout for his bid for the presidency. His 81 million supporters must be hiding somewhere behind those trees.

This so-called Biden is supposedly running even as multiple criminal investigations zero in on him. “We know of at least eight Biden family members who have profited from…human trafficking…It is gross, and it is disgusting,” says Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN). a Republican member of the House Oversight Committee.
This speech by Glenn Beck reflects the anger of Americans toward their criminal government. In it he notes “No matter how many decades I expose people on Twitter & our website – they will get away with murder. And if you and I did a fraction of those things, we would be in jail.”
No wonder the people behind the fake Joe Biden have been hiding since the US Corporation went bankrupt and defaulted on its external debt on January 31st. This is being presented to the public as a deadlock over raising the US debt ceiling.
Other confirmation of bankruptcy came from Japanese diplomats who contacted us to say the World Bank and IMF just finished their big meeting in Washington where they were unable to provide any financing they promised to countries like Pakistan or Sri Lanka. They offered Special Drawing Rights but these turned out to be worthless, the sources say. MI6 confirms the IMF cannot cash their SDRs because “the SDR is simple back-to-back bookkeeping so actual Sovereign debt written against a non-existent currency.” The non-existent currency they are referring to is US dollars newly printed by the FRB. These are being quarantined from the ones being held by the rest of the world.
Former IMF head and current European Central Bank head Christine Lagarde admitted in a speech the “fragmentation” of her rules-based world order “under the hegemonic leadership of the United States…can happen in two ways: gradually, and then suddenly,” In other words she is hinting the slow fragmentation we have been seeing is about to head into a sudden collapse.
That is why US President Donald Trump says “This is the worst crisis in the history of our country, the United States may not survive,”
Another sign that something happened in February is that the money supply fell by “6.6%” year on year for “the biggest drop in at least 60 years,” Note the 666 number hints this data is fake but that something very bad is happening.
The following charts confirm a continuing run on all US banks, indicating widespread fears of a financial system collapse.

This is happening even as the FRB pumps out record amounts of funny money as this chart shows:
Clearly, they have lost trust or all this funny money would be showing up in bank deposits.
Elon Musk, echoing many informed people, says “given Federal expenditures, it is a matter of when, not if, we default,”
As to the when, criminal fake US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says the US can keep going until June, possibly July, using “extraordinary measures.” This means stealing from pensions and social security, extorting from allies, etc.
The extortion may have even led to the murder of Mexican president Manuel Obrador, according to Mexican sources who contacted us just as this report was about to go live. They say he has canceled all of his public appearances and that the Mexican Presidential plane was sold to drug dealers from Tajikistan.
Both the EU and Russia have demanded that Obrador meet their ambassadors but he has not been able to see them, the sources add. These sources told us previously that Obrador was scheduled to have a secret meeting in Nicaragua with Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.
This came after Obrador on Tuesday accused the Pentagon of spying on his government following leaks in U.S. media, and said he would begin classifying information from the armed forces to protect national security.
Now the official story being put out is that he “tested positive for COVID-19 and is taking a few days off.”
“This is going to be a very tense week and we will monitor the situation,” the Mexican sources say. They sent this picture of what appeared to be his body.

Regardless of what transpired in Mexico, the Khazarian mafia is now lashing out in all directions. As MI6 notes: “Trapped rats bite hard.”
In addition to the usual attempts by the KM to murder all dissenting “leaders,” we are getting multiple threats of all-out nuclear war. Donald Trump has been repeating this as have many others.
We also have Warren Buffet selling his entire stake in Taiwan semiconductors because “there is a danger of seismic activity.” This sounds like a threat to the Chinese to destroy Taiwan with earthquake weapons unless they keep financing the US Corporation.
Somebody should remind them that if they destroy Taiwan, then Silicon Valley will be destroyed in retaliation.
In any case, the troubles of the US Corporation or US deep state are well known and are being extensively written about.
What is less known, is that a take-down of the Russian deep state is also imminent.
Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Russian military company Wagner says “a community of near-state elites that operate independently of the political leadership of the state”, is actively sabotaging the war effort in Ukraine.
Now Russian FSB sources investigating the Sputnik vaccine in Russia have found out that Alexander Ginsburg -the man behind the effort to vaccinate all Russians- is a high-ranking KM agent. They say he is related to the Warburgs, Sassoons, Windsors, Bourbons and other European royalty.
The same Russian sources, who originally told us Sputnik was a Russian-developed traditional Flu vaccine, now say it is not. Investigators analyzed orders for the vaccine and found 30 different contracts all led to a “single supplier” for “dozens of millions” of doses. The single supplier is not identified but, the FSB notes the vaccines were paid for using foreign currency. They add the contracts all went through a Russian company known as Gamalea whose “top management is of only Jewish descent.”
The FSB also confirms: “All vaccines, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Sputnik V are made according to the same principle” They say they are “DNA altering vaccines intended to modify the genes of lower class people.”

The Russians note experiments to find the “god gene,” began in the 1970s and 80s to control radical Muslim groups by removing the gene that made them believe in god. The aim was to make Muslims more obedient by cutting off their link to the creator, they say.
The KM is also to scare people into taking injections by creating the appearance of a pandemic by using a percentage of toxic vaccines. For example, data published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation on March 30, in Denmark, shows 4.2% percent of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine batch accounted for 71 percent of suspected adverse events (SAEs).
“Yes, deaths will be part of the process but who knows maybe death is better than living as a DNA-modified low-class dumb slave,” the FSB comments.
The vaccines were also apparently intended to make it possible to control people via remote control. For confirmation, see this Pfizer patent granted in 2021 for cellular tower communication with graphene-injected humans worldwide:
Pfizer – Patent: 11107588b2
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Not only that, the Russians are now warning that with the worldwide rejection of vaccination now underway, the KM has figured out a way to use milk to alter human DNA in a similar manner.
They sent us a link to this scientific article claiming “mRNA delivered by milk-derived exosomes… can work as a new oral delivery system for mRNA.”
Polish intelligence sources also sent us many links indicating the KM is now trying to use the food supply to genetically alter us into a state of perpetual genetically determined slavery.

Just as the KM in both Russia and the West are working together to alter our genes, they are also working together in Ukraine.
As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. notes: “They are killing the Ukrainians at an 8 to 1 ratio, what we are being told about this war is just not true.”
Well, it turns out the great “Ukrainian hero” Vladimir Zelinsky and his government are Russian KM and their job is to slaughter as many non-Russian Ukrainians as possible. No sane leader would senselessly send his troops to be slain at an 8 to 1 ratio by a numerically superior opponent unless it was deliberate genocide. They are killing the men and enslaving the women and children. This is some of the stuff the Bidens have been involved in.
That is why Wagner’s Prigozhin says the Russian deep state is deliberately preventing the end of the war. They want to keep depopulating Ukraine in order to turn it into a homeland for the Khazarian Mafia.
Russian patriots are now aware of this and are working with Western allies to end the senseless slaughter in Ukraine and come up with a new security arrangement for Europe that will make NATO obsolete.

It may also restore the Soviet Union. In an interview with Swiss journalist Darius Rochebin, Chinese ambassador to France Lu Shaye said that former Soviet countries “have no effective status in international law…“In international law, even these ex-Soviet Union countries do not have the effective status because there is no international agreement to materialize their status of a sovereign country.”
“He denies the very existence of countries like Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, etc.,” Antoine Bondaz, a China expert at the Paris-based think-tank Foundation for Strategic Research, wrote on Twitter.
In other words, all of these puppet states created as a part of the project to rebuild the Khazarian empire may be dismantled,
Israel, the other Khazarian state, is also facing an existential crisis. “We are facing a new security era in which a real threat is possible from all sectors at the same time,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant explained Thursday
What he is referring to is the de-facto re-establishment of an Islamic Caliphate ranging from Pakistan to Morocco that is leaving Israel completely surrounded.

As things stand, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and most other Islamic countries are now unified. Now Sudan and Pakistan are also about to rejoin the Islamic fold.
The KM-controlled heroin-dealing military government of Pakistan is fighting for its life. That is because despite doing everything it was told by the IMF, it cannot get money to keep its economy going. After all, the IMF is bankrupt.
So now, the Pakistan military is threatening war with India to prevent an election that will put Imran Khan back in power and bring Pakistan into the Caliphate.
In Sudan, meanwhile, it looks like the Muslims are getting revenge against the West following their subjugation by Victorian troops in the late 19th century.
What is happening there is that a KM-controlled resource-stealing mission known as the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) is being attacked.
UNITAMS was using a “Transitional Government” to steal Sudan’s rich endowment of natural resources, including natural gas, gold, silver, chromite, manganese, gypsum, mica, zinc, iron, lead, uranium, copper, kaolin, cobalt, granite, nickel, tin, and aluminum.
Now The U.S. Embassy in Sudan has been evacuated after warning American citizens to “shelter in place until further notice,” The alert said there was “incomplete information” about convoys traveling from the West African country’s capital Khartoum to the coastal city of Port Sudan. “The embassy is unable to assist convoys. Traveling in any convoy is at your own risk,” it added. The international airport in Khartoum is currently closed because of the fighting. As a CIA source comments “It looks like 16k American citizens have been abandoned in Sudan. Is this a replay of what happened in Afghanistan ?”
France’s foreign ministry said a “rapid evacuation operation” of diplomatic personnel and French citizens from Sudan was being coordinated with its European and allied partner nations. The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and Germany said they were in the midst of multiple operations.”
Sudan is the third largest country in Africa, by the way.
The Israel government – faced with a resurgent Caliphate and knowing its traditional US backer is going down the tubes- is asking China to intervene and negotiate a peace deal between it and its neighbors.
Also, in an attempt to make peace with Iran, they invited Iranian crown prince Reza Pahlavi and his wife to Jerusalem.

“This shows us what is really going on between Israel, and Iran. I don’t see Netanyahu there….” a Mossad source comments.
Asian secret society sources say the Jews in Israel will be protected and liberated but that their genocidal KM leadership will have to surrender.
Overall, the Chinese government says:
The world community faces a momentous and urgent choice between a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security or the Cold-War style paradigm that merely caters to the hegemony of one and absolute security of a few.
However, in order to make sure this new security paradigm is fair to the West, the US and British navies are reminding the world they still control the oceans.
That is why a Royal Navy task group is heading to the Baltic for the largest Swedish military drills in more than 25 years – as the UK underscores its commitment to northern European security. as part of the British-led Joint Expeditionary Force, which is designed to react to events in Europe’s many crucial waterways and chokepoints.
The British are just positioning themselves for negotiations on a NATO replacement by reminding the Russians they can still close the Baltic. They are also doing this with the Straits of Malacca. This is all part of the deal-making between the sea-controlling Anglos and the Eurasian land mass-controlling Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
They have already agreed that a multipolar world of friendly countries will replace the KM vision for a centrally controlled human animal farm.
The big question still remaining is will the collapse of the “rules-based world order” flush out hidden technology that will usher in a new age?
For example, one technology that has definitely been suppressed is hydrogen power. As a small example, check out this SUV with a range of 800 km. powered by removable hydrogen cartridges.
The release of virtually free hydrogen power will make it possible for us all to live like millionaires.
However, the jury is still out on the anti-gravity and secret space program front. In a hint that we may be disappointed, we need to ask ourselves why does NASA, a space agency, have one of the world’s largest film set studios among its facilities. “Maybe because as their name indicates they are Not A Space Agency, they are just a film studio and all they do are movies,” a CIA source comments.

So, on that note, here are the latest project Bluebeam videos.
1 Partially cloaked UFO in the clouds
2 Partially cloaked mother ship in the clouds
3 A multi-dimensional UFO over Argentina 2020
4 Plasma energy UFOs over Stonehenge.
5 UFOs filmed in Normandie, France
We hope anti-gravity and space travel is real but either way, the truth will set us free.