When it comes to the main stream media coverage of the war in Ukraine and the announcements by the US government, it is a foregone conclusion that what we’re told is mostly propaganda. We simply don’t know what the absolute truth is on that war.
I don’t trust what Russia or China say either. They are also wanting to develop their own version of a “New World Order” (NWO). Regardless what happens, the average citizen is vulnerable and becomes a victim. The best we can do is simply stay out of the way, stay out of the urban areas and be as self-sufficient and independent as possible. So, when the system goes down, we don’t go down with it.
The globalists consider the European Christians, where ever they are, to be their enemy and this class of people are being attacked in a variety of ways, including being replaced by minorities.
The reason is, the wealthy elite consider the Europeans to be their eternal enemy and have historically always been more independent and more resistant against tyranny for centuries.
That means that the globalists want to establish the NWO and a one world government with easier to control minorities as much as possible.
If there is a nuclear war between Russia and the western nations, including the US, they get rid of a large percentage of their enemies. This is why we should not be surprised that a major war is being pushed by the globalists that could end up going nuclear. It would fulfill their depopulation agenda.
However, at this time I don’t see any signs we are headed for a nuclear war that will hit the US mainland. The globalists would prefer to take over the US farm lands and factories without the problem of dealing with radioactive fallout.
I am however, suspicious of this war and feel that the Russians are getting a raw deal. The controlled press and the wealthy elite globalists have a strong motive to lie about Russia, and use propaganda, so the world will feel that a long war or a nuclear war is justified and needs to be fought. The conspirators always create the problem then offer the solution.
They did the same thing during WW 2, they vilified the Germans so the US military would be motivated and feel justified that they were doing God and the world a favor by killing off as many Germans as possible. In my opinion they are using the same playbook again.
Also, this targeting of rogue nations by the conspirators includes China, North Korea and Iran. Those communist countries should not be supported or given open trade status because they are treating their own people badly and want to take over free nations.
Even though those nations have been going along with the globalists in the past, the wealthy elite can no longer count on them being part of the NWO. They would be considered a loose cannon on deck.
They want to gather all power into one central source for their future communistic, global plantation, and eliminate any possible threats from any nation that possess weapons of mass destruction.
What is crazy is the fact that the west financed both Communist China and N. Korea, and made them even more powerful enemies. So, this targeting of them now seems hypocritical and contrived. Here again the globalists create the problem then offer the solution.
The entire world is being manipulated behind the scenes and it’s all contrived – they have a policy now of leaving nothing to chance.
The truth is, there are no right and wrong, good and bad nations, it is all one confusing mess. It is like a bunch of mafia bosses and drug cartel kingpins fighting amongst themselves for more power. And whoever wins is still corrupt, and we’re going to be victimized.
The Covid-19 pandemic was also created to kill off as many people as possible and make men and women sterile so they would not produce as many children. The people are now dying all over the world from the genetic alteration shots that were injected into the people’s blood streams.
It is blocking the arteries with blood clots and also causing organ failures. Then add the national drug epidemic and alcohol abuse, and you can see our society is being attacked on many fronts to achieve their depopulation agenda.
They want a wide array of people to die off, not just the weak - they want men, women and children to die off as much as possible so they can re-set the system with a manageable number of fewer people.
The conspirators had articles discussing their disappointment in conflicts that were “only” killing off the male soldiers in the wars they created. Instead, they wanted more people to die to achieve a much lower population base in the NWO. This fact reveals that we’re dealing with some very evil people.
Even Chinese leaders discussed the need to kill off hundreds of millions of their own people to achieve a lower population base that they felt was easier to control.
Those same Chinese leaders also said they would hit the US with germ warfare weapons to kill off Americans so they could take over the farms and factories in the US without dropping a bomb or firing a shot.
I published those speeches by the communists in early 2020 before the pandemic fully took hold.
No one knows how many millions of people died from the flu virus worldwide. And more are continuing to be "purged" every day, it is the deadly “gift” that keeps on giving.
All of this means we are considered insignificant in the globalist scheme of things and we’ll be lucky to survive these attacks against our people. Fortunately, for the older generation they don’t have to make plans for the next 50 years. They are lucky to only need to plan for the next 10-20 years. The next generations are the ones that will have to face what the globalists are planning to do in the next few decades.
What is frustrating and sad is - all of this could be turned around in ONE DAY with the right leadership. In one day the right man in leadership in the Whitehouse could reverse these disastrous globalist policies, and prevent America from going into the new dark ages.
But the American system is set up to defend the guilty and promote a communist takeover. Everyone knows the Biden regime is corrupt and yet there he sits sits in power, supporting a war that could lead to a nuclear holocaust - and yet nothing is being done to stop it from happening.
It is as if the train bridge is out ahead, and Biden and his cohorts are shoveling more coal into the steam engine to make it go even faster. The world has gone mad and the inmates are running the asylum.
The world is starting to see America going down, and nation after nation are joining BRICS and jumping off the train because they don't want to go down with America's inevitable train wreck.
America is collapsing with the economy, foreign policies, manufacturing, banking, drug abuse and in their moral compass. And the left wing, politically correct faction are defending and pushing their insane policies to the very end.
There is no dialogue possible with communist polices, they must be rejected on a wholesale basis, so we can go back to the US Constitution, and re-establish the Republic. George Eaton