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SORCHA 4/26: "Anti-War Kennedy Warned “Might Well Prove Lethal” To Warmonger Biden"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 26-Apr-2023 16:08:37



April 26, 2023

Anti-War Kennedy Warned “Might Well Prove Lethal” To Warmonger Biden

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin signed a decree on the transfer of foreign assets to the temporary management of the Federal Agency for State Property Management if Russian assets abroad are seized by the socialist Western colonial powers, says this joined Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warningly observing to the United Nations Security Council: “Now, this funny theory has emerged: let us Western nations ensure Ukraine’s successful counteroffensive and then we will ask Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky to begin talks...But this is schizophrenic logic...We don’t want any threats to our security to come from Ukrainian territory and these threats have been accumulating there for years, especially after the coup in February 2014...The West’s talk about a possible Third World War substitutes for a normal professional conversation between responsible politicians...Claims that, if Ukraine is defeated, it would be impossible to avoid a Third World War, are irresponsible...I hope in general that those who make the statements keep a cool head and act responsibly”.

In preparation for World War III, this report notes, top Russian nuclear arms negotiator Vladimir Yermakov declared: “If the United States and NATO decide to escalate things further, we will assess the new risks to identify an appropriate response, including an asymmetric one”—an asymmetric declaration to begin the use of Russian nuclear weapons joined by Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev warning: “Russia is at war against the entire west and our adversaries understand only the language of force”, after which he factually observed: “Greed, malice, hatred, and ambitions are often stronger than reason and common sense…Poland, and let’s be honest, Hungary and Romania as well, have been dreaming for years of taking over Ukraine’s western regions...Poland and other countries are aspiring to implement these plans as soon as possible, while the window of opportunity is open”—all of which comes on the 78th Anniversary of the first meeting on the Elba River between Soviet Russian and American soldiers that banded together to destroy the genocidal socialist Nazi German Empire, but who are no longer allies.

With Russian geopolitical analysts noting about the United States: “Their internal war is using the whole world as a battlefield”, this report continues, it saw Deputy Chairman Medvedev assessing about America: “The world is witnessing today the progressive degradation of the US political elite...When the real power in this country ends up in the hands of the so-called deep state, with the country ostensibly being run either by charismatic but totally useless amateurs, or feeble old men...A battle of annihilation on the part of political elites and economic clans could result in certain States splitting off, a scenario which is a distinct possibility...California and the ‘Lone Star State,’ Texas, are already asking to go their own way, and it seems that, just recently, such a scenario would have been viewed as absurd or, at least, very strange...However, Texas has already laid the groundwork for holding a referendum, as the Texas State Republicans drafted a bill on the independence of Texas, as well as a Texas State bill on organizing the referendum itself...They have even come up with a legal rationale based on the alleged violation of Article 1 of the Texas Constitution...New bills have emerged this year, and so the most interesting things there are just beginning...I don’t know how you all feel, but personally I would be rooting for Texas, and we would see what interesting solutions they might come up with”.




In the Eastern European country best described in the article “Welcome To Ukraine, The Most Corrupt Nation In Europe” its neighbors are greedily seeking to claim portions of for themselves, this report notes, earlier today, for the first time since President Putin launched the “Special De-Nazification Operation” to liberate Ukraine on 24 February 2022, it saw Chinese President Xi Jinping calling to personally tell Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky: “Dialogue and negotiations are the only viable way out...China will neither watch the fire from the other side, nor add fuel to the fire, let alone take advantage of the opportunity to make profits...No one wins a nuclear war”—a call that came swiftly after the American Conservative publication released its article “Ukraine Plans For World War III”, wherein it warned: “Ukraine is a cornered animal, and it plans to lash out like one”—and on the frontline of the conflict, Russian Private Military Company Wagner Group commander Yevgeny Prigozhin likewise warned: “World War III is already near”.

After the leftist New York Times revealed: “Ukraine has no guarantees of success with a counteroffensive against Russia, despite receiving Western weapons, training, and intelligence support...An underwhelming outcome would likely prompt Kiev’s backers to press it to negotiate for peace”, this report continues, the leftist Washington Post revealed: “Ukraine’s spending, much of it on the military, continues to far outstrip its revenue, forcing the government to turn to money-printing and aid from abroad, including grants from the U.S. that have prompted a handful of U.S. politicians to question giving Ukraine a “blank check””—a revelation joined by Russia’s most advanced T-14 Armata main battle tanks entering the conflict for the first time, that are impervious to Western anti-tank weapons—quickly after which, the Pentagon warned of a new Russian offensive in Ukraine.

With the Russian military running new ads for volunteer contract soldiers, this report details, the Ukrainian Nazi Regime keeps dragging young men out of vehicles to use as cannon fodder while their screaming mothers protest—a Ukrainian solider assigned to pick up the corpses of these dead young men heartbreakingly says while cleaning up their blood: “I don't know what this war is for”—equally heartbreaking are the Ukrainian prisoners of war describing how these ill-trained young men are being sent to their certain deaths—and are certain deaths of these young Ukrainian men former CIA case officer Phil Giraldi revealed was because the socialist Biden Regime demonically wants “constant warfare”.







In a bid to continue his demonic “constant war” ideology, this report notes, yesterday it saw Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden announcing by video his plan to run for reelection, after which he gave a deranged speech claiming he was born two weeks before in the same hospital his grandfather died in, but fact checkers quickly pointed out that Biden’s paternal grandfather, Joseph H. Biden, died on 26 September 1941 at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore…Ambrose Joseph Finnegan, Biden’s grandfather from his mother’s side, died on 27 May 1957 in Scranton-Pennsylvania…Joe Biden, meanwhile, was born on 20 November 1942 at St. Mary’s Hospital in Scranton-Pennsylvania, meaning whatever way you cut it, his story was a blatant lie.

As always, this report continues, the fake news leftist American media didn’t report on Socialist Leader Biden’s deranged lie, though previously Kennedy Family scion Robert Kennedy Jr. most factually observed: “The journalists in America are no longer covering critical stories…Investigative journalism is gone…Foreign-news coverage is gone…The press is owned by five giant corporations”—a factual observation this son of assassinated Senator Robert Kennedy Sr. and nephew of assassinated President John Kennedy joined by announcing he is challenging Biden for the Democrat Party presidential nomination—and was an announcement where it saw Robert Kennedy Jr. throwing down the gauntlet” with his vow to destroy: “The pipeline of war for the military industrial complex”.

Immediately after Robert Kennedy Jr. received his first endorsement from an elected official, this report concludes, he called on Biden to join him on the debate stage—a call for Democrat Party primary debates quickly met by articles like “Democrats Rip DNC For Not Holding 2024 Primary Debates: 'Robs The Voters'”—but though Socialist Leader Biden may try to hide from Robert Kennedy Jr., the just published article “Biden Is Not Immune To RFK Jr.” warns:

In accordance with its primary purpose, which is to ensure that the Democratic politicians whom it favors are successfully elected to public office, the American press corps has thus far underplayed the threat that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. poses to President Biden’s bid for a second term.

Coverage of RFK Jr.’s bid has been focused predominantly on the question of whether a challenger is likely to succeed per se — that is, on the question of whether RFK Jr. will achieve his goal of unseating President Biden as the Democratic nominee.

As most observers have noted, the answer to this question is an emphatic no. Not since 1856 has a sitting president sought and lost his party’s nomination for reelection. Absent an unthinkable cataclysm, this cycle is not going to break that trend.

As a historical matter, however, this is the wrong question to ask.

A better question to ask — a question that Joe Biden ought to be asking himself daily — is whether RFK Jr. will end up doing so much damage to Biden that he will help to deny Biden a second term.

It remains the case that at no point in the last 50 years has being seriously challenged for the nomination worked out well for an incumbent president.

And, at the moment, RFK Jr’s challenge is, indeed, serious.

The first poll taken since he announced showed him taking 14 percent of the Democratic primary vote — an astonishingly high number for a newly declared candidate.

Should this level of support persist, it might well prove lethal.

No president in the past half-century has won reelection after surviving a primary challenger who got into the double digits.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



April 26, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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