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SORCHA 4/25: "“Terrifying Power” Hiding “Greatest Crime In Human History” Blasts Kennedy With Tucker Bullet"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 15:33:00



April 25, 2023

Terrifying Power” Hiding “Greatest Crime In Human History” Blasts Kennedy With Tucker Bullet

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden quietly signed a War Powers Resolution to deploy American combat forces in Africa, says this warmongering move of socialist Western colonial global hegemony from a deranged lunatic who can’t speak coherently was followed by him releasing a short video declaring he’s running for reelection, whose statement says: “Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy…To stand up for their fundamental freedoms…I believe this is ours…That’s why I’m running for reelection as President of the United States…Join us…Let’s finish the job”.

At the same time Socialist Leader Biden is preparing to “finish the job” of subjugating the entire world to the godless ideology of the socialist Western colonial powers, this report notes, yesterday it saw Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov addressing the United Nations Security Council in New York City, from where he warned the world:

In a desperate attempt to assert its dominance by punishing the disobedient, the United States has moved to destroy globalization, which for many years it extolled as the greatest good of all mankind.

Now the United States and its allies blacklist anyone who dissents from their “golden billion” and tell the rest of the world, “those who are not with us are against us”.

Yet the “Western minority” has no right to speak for the entire world.

Its “rules-based order” amounts to rejection of sovereign equality, the key principle of the United Nations Charter, as evidenced by European Union commissioner Josep Borrell’s infamous statement about the European “garden” and the “jungle” outside it.

In addition to the string of United States military “adventures” from Yugoslavia and Iraq to Libya, the worst violation of the United Nations Charter was its meddling in the affairs of post-Soviet states,

As examples are the “color revolutions” in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan and the 2014 coup in Kiev.

When the United Nations sought to stop the ensuing war by endorsing the Minsk Agreements, they were “trampled by Kiev and its Western masters”, who recently cynically and even proudly admitted that they never intended to fulfill them, but only wanted to buy time to pump Ukraine with weapons against Russia.

Today it is clear to everyone that the Ukraine conflict isn’t about Ukraine at all, but about how international relations will be built: through crafting a stable consensus based on a balance of interests, or through aggressive and explosive promotion of hegemony.

Russia has honestly said what we are fighting for in Ukraine. The goals of its military operation are to eliminate the threat to its security posed by NATO, and protect the people whose rights recognized by international conventions have been systematically violated, by a regime that seeks to expel and exterminate them.

The West has made a brazen attempt to subjugate the United Nations by taking over its secretariats and other international institutions.

Washington and its allies have abandoned diplomacy and demanded a battlefield showdown within the halls of the United Nations, created to prevent the horrors of war.

Genuine multilateralism requires the United Nations to adapt to objective trends of emerging multipolarity in international relations.

The Security Council should be reformed to increase the representation of Africa, Asia and Latin America, as the current “exorbitant overrepresentation” of the West undermines the principle of multilateralism.




Standing firmly against Socialist Leader Biden and the socialist Western colonial powers, this report continues, is Kennedy Family scion Robert Kennedy Jr., whose father Senator Robert Kennedy Sr. and uncle President John Kennedy were publically assassinated after they sought global peace—without fear, however, Robert Kennedy Jr. announced this week he’s seeking the Democrat Party nomination for president against Socialist Leader Biden—an announcement immediately met with the revelation: “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches unlikely presidential bid backed by 14% of Biden voters”—a critical revelation to notice, specifically because in the mid-1970s, it saw America under dire threat from unending political chaos, rampant crime, spiraling out of control inflation and energy prices exactly like it is today, but out of nowhere, it saw former one term Georgia governor Jimmy Carter announcing his bid for the Democrat Party nomination for president, whom the American people had never heard of—today history records: “When Carter announced his presidential run, he was nowhere near 14 percent in polling...Virtually no one in politics, the media, or academia took him seriously...Some famously laughed out loud with the idea of Carter ever winning the Democratic nomination, let alone the presidency...And yet, Carter went on to become the 39th president of the United States”—and is a history well known to former top Obama and Biden campaign official Steve Schale, who just warningly observed: “Jimmy Carter’s example absolutely created a 50-year window of people saying, ‘Why not me’?...So, why not Robert F. Kennedy Jr.”.


The political path to power Robert Kennedy Jr. is walking on, that was also taken by President Carter and President Donald Trump leading to their shocking victories seemingly out of nowhere, this report details, is the path of populism, about which in the just published article Why Western Conservative Parties Are Heading For Populism Or Disintegration” it most correctly assessed: “The West’s current dominant ideologies legitimize the status and increasing wealth of the new global economic elites, who exhibit absolute contempt for those that have been impoverished by the process of globalization – including the traditional working class...This lack of understanding by conservatives is compounded by their refusal to acknowledge that traditional left-wing progressive parties have, over the past 50 years, transformed themselves into parties that now, almost exclusively, represent the interests of the new global elites”—an assessment concurred with by America’s most popular and watched newsman Tucker Carlson of Fox News, about whom is widely known: “The longtime commentator has been openly critical of those on the right he dubs “America’s ruling class” and has battled with them on a number of issues, including immigration, the Ukraine war, COVID-19 vaccines, financial matters and the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol”.

Late last month, this report notes, Tucker Carlsonlooked genuinely afraid” after famed American populist leader Glenn Beck warned what was in store for America—a fear that followed top socialist Democrat Party leader Senator Chuck Schumer demanding that Fox News owner Rupert Murdock immediately silence Tucker Carlson—and after populist leader President Trump took power, Schumer threatened: “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”.



With populist Tucker Carlson being the undisputed “conservative kingmaker” in American politics able to skyrocket the popularity of candidates, this report continues, last week the entire political establishment was shocked when Robert Kennedy Jr. appeared on the Tucker Carlson Tonight programme—during this appearance it saw Kennedy and Carlson agreeing on every critical issue facing the under socialist siege and leftist media brainwashed American peoples and their nation—in quick response to going against the elite socialist rulers of America, however, yesterday Tucker Carlson was suddenly ousted from Fox News—immediately after which, Robert Kennedy Jr. posted the warning message to the American peoples: “Fox fires @TuckerCarlson five days after he crosses the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers…Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless…For many years, Tucker has had the nation's biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN…Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma”,




At the same time America’s elite socialist rulers blasted Robert Kennedy Jr. with their “Tucker Bullet to assassinate his political moves to become president, as no leftist media newsperson will dare even mention him out of fear they’ll be next to be fired, this report notes, articles began appearing like “Face Masks May Raise Risk Of Stillbirths, Testicular Issues And Cognitive Decline, Study Says”—articles that followed Hillsdale College revealing: “More than 1,000 students and visitors attended “Big Pharma,” one of the most popular Center for Constructive Alternatives seminars in college history...The event, which was March 5-8 and the fourth CCA of the academic year, focused on COVID-19 vaccines, pharmaceutical companies, and their relation to the federal government”—an historic seminar where it saw Robert Kennedy Jr. documenting the crimes against humanity committed by Dr. Anthony Fauci—at this historic seminar it saw world-renowned American feminist icon Dr. Naomi Wolf, who was a former senior advisor to the presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore, beyond horrifyingly revealing the contents of the Pfizer Documents the socialist Biden Regime tried to keep hidden for 75 years, but a federal judge ordered to be immediately released, wherein these documents listed the third most common side effect of mRNA vaccines was the Covid virus itself, listed the deaths of children and young adults killed by the Covid vaccines they were forced to take, and the stillborn deaths caused by Covid vaccines, all of which caused Dr. Wolf to declare that Covid vaccines are: “The greatest crime against humanity in history”.


Also at the same time America’s elite socialist rulers blasted Robert Kennedy Jr. with their “Tucker Bullet”, this report concludes, the once widely popular American retailer Bed Bath & Beyond filed for bankruptcy caused by its “Go Woke Go Broke” plan to throw out of its thousands of stores all the products made by the popular conservative “My Pillow Guy”—a “Go Woke Go Broke” revenge that struck the once popular Bud Light beer brand after it promoted men pretending to be women, whose sales plunged a staggering 17% over the past week, but whose competitors Coors Light and, Miller Lite see the sales of their beer brands soaring—and is a “Go Woke Go Broke” revenge now striking Fox News, whose stock lost $1 billion in value after Tucker Carlson was ousted, which caused populist commentator Glenn Beck to warn: “Tucker Carlson’s departure will kill Fox News”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



April 25, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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