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Reader: ".... your link at the end of text.... is not working - that is why, i send you, the important part of his today 's text - "

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 05:28:47

In Response To: Jim Stone asks, "Why is there no middle ground in online discussion? Why is everyone so radicalized now?" (NaturalWisdom)

(Thanks, vb. :)

(I've fixed the link in the above post.)

Reader vb writes and sends us:


www.rumormill.news/221386 - - Jim Stone asks, "Why is there no middle ground in online discussion? Why is everyone so radicalized now?" (views: 554)
NaturalWisdom -- Monday, 24-Apr-2023 12:03:11

........... your link at the end of text.... is not working - that is why, i send you, the important part of his today 's text -


..................... IRAN6 ... MONDAY ........... (( This page is current as of April 23 2023. ( 24 ? ) For the latest page, Click here. ))

Anonymous sent 00666 BTC today, and also 000389 BTC, thanks!

Do not send bitcoin until this line is removed. I am preparing things here.
Anonymous sent 0.00333 btc on April 12, and I missed it, because my hard drive was out. Thanks!

There is an important bitcoin post, titled "the craziest crap, I ever saw" down the page a ways, in case it was not recieved.... by the intended recipient. - -

Fox booted Tucker Carlson - I assumed Tucker was fake opposition, now it looks like he was "controlled" opposition, that was still opposition, that had to be purged. In the end, the only voice you'll be permitted to hear through satan's outlet, is the voice of satan, from the mouths of posessed people.....(....)

The craziest crap, I EVER saw - This can be considered a MAJOR intelligence update, remember, this is coming from former NSA, and not "aunt Edna."
There is someone trying to send a large amount of Bitcoin, so security is key, to make sure it does not get stolen. So I have put forth a big effort into making the security part happen. Here are the results, GET A LOAD OF THIS, this is a message I sent, after totally failing to generate a Bitcoin wallet in Linux, and I decided to try Windows:

"You would not believe what happened. I booted to windows, installed the electrum wallet, without issue, got a bitcoin address, copied to a text file, went to save it to a flash drive,that was totally clean, and the computer hung, taking forever, to copy that less than 1k file. I gave up, rebooted, did it again. That time the computer hung for about 10 seconds, and finally copied it. THEN: I turned the computer off. The shutdown proceeded apparently normal, power button off. All lights off, like a legit shutdown. But the hard drive, which in this case actually had discs, did not shut off. It kept on running, with the computer completely off.

This happened on a fresh boot to windows, where I never hooked up to WIFI. I generated everything "totally offline". But wait, it gets weirder . . . . . .

Just for safety sake, I put the motorola phone, in airplane mode, with wifi disabled, and sim removed. When I booted to Linux, from the SSD I always use, Linux located the Motorola phone, which was in airplane mode and nothing enabled, and connected to it via wifi. That's flat out impossible. I have therefore concluded: I did everything textbook right with the wallet in a bootable (not live) linux flash drive , and was denied having it work. Additionally, I have concluded my systems are beyond compromised, they are a playground. They really effed up, they are so desperate to stop you from sending whatever you are going to send, that they are screwing up. They allowed the WIFI connection to show up, when it was not supposed to show up, and connected to it, and even had the phone name in the connection window, while the phone was in airplane mode, they left a hard drive spinning AFTER the machine was "totally off", and even following explicit instructions, I could not install the wallet on a flash drive, that may have been able to keep it secure, all the while my favorite internet server OS is centos, with no cpanel type interface whatsoever. I have no problems with that, and I can't generate a bitcoin wallet? bullshit. we are compromised a lot worse than even I knew we were, I tried my ass off with this and have reached one conclusion: the only way large scale Bitcoin will be possible, is if I get a pre made hardware wallet. There is no other way. I actually missed a day of working, that I really needed to work, over this.

I just want to keep repeating about how that hard drive kept running, after the computer was completely off with no screen, no lights, no nothing, I NEVER saw anything like that ever. The only other time I saw anything similar, is when they "woodpeckered" my hard drive, while I was doing the Fuku report, it sounded like a machine gun but lived, because I reacted so fast. at pulling the power out, - I was running without the battery on purpose, because I knew that type of attack was possible, where they slam the heads, until the drive breaks. It was OK, after that, I got it on time, but it was LOUD, I could not believe the drive lived.

I have $520 in Bitpay. I am hoping whoever has the hardware wallet when I find it, will accept bitcoin. I don't know what to do, other than that, and it is very safe, to assume bitcoin in large amounts, is a total no-go, until all of this, is resolved. I can easily make enough to survive here on my own, but can't instantly drop $150 USD on a bitcoin wallet (yes, they cost that much here, even for the most basic) it's a screw job. And that's mailed, which I'd never do.

I wish I could tell you something different, but compromised is compromised, and there's no question I have the ultimate top level enemies. I will also try to double down, and make as much as possible, so I can come up with that wallet, if Bitcoin is not accepted. That will take a couple weeks, at least. I learned a lot today, about just how screwed I am online. Hope you got new info, from this - **********



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