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Clif High Newsletter: Shadow Wars . . . Waking the Sleeper . . .

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Sunday, 23-Apr-2023 14:16:50

By Clif High - April 23, 2023

The Key is laying in the Shadows…

How to use ChatGPT for strategies and tactics.

::chatgpt prompt::

We are developing a media product that will include TV, movies, graphic novels, books, and games.

We need a satisfying conclusion for one of the major plot points.

The premise is that space aliens land on Earth in our distant past approximately 11,000 years ago. They use superior technology to quickly conquer the indigenous tribes of people that are on the various continents. The space aliens set up expedition camps covered by giant EMF radiation domes to protect them from frequencies of light and radiation received here on earth from our Sun.

In these domes, the space aliens took captive primitive humans for genetic, and other experimentation. After some unknown period of time the space aliens were successful in producing genetically modified humans, as well as human hybrids with the space alien DNA.

Some of the GMO people produced included what are now known as the species of “homo capensis”, or the ‘Elongated Skull’ hybrid people, known here as ESK. These ESK people were used by the space alien overlords to manage their groups of both GMO, and indigenous humans as a work force.

At some point in our past, and for reasons we do not understand, the space aliens, (we don’t know their own name for themselves) left Earth. When they took off, it was apparently very suddenly, and they left the ESK in charge of humanity, and the space aliens promised to return at some time in the future. They left instructions for the ESK to guide them in their control of humanity.

Though few in number, the ESK, and their descendants over time were able to mostly maintain control for their distant space alien masters with whom they had lost contact.

The ESK look mostly human, enough to pass in bad lighting. They prefer to work in the shadows which is why our project has the name “in the shadow”.

Through adroit use of psychological manipulation techniques the ESK, infiltrate, and take over, media, higher education, and financing at a near planetary level within humanity while staying totally hidden to the Global Populace. They work through intermediaries. They infiltrate, and subsume, power structures where ever they may arise. They use their positions within the financing, media, and education systems to control politicians, and the political process in many different Republics and Democracies throughout the Western World. They alter the laws, statutes, and other governmental processes to provide them the ability to further their psychological warfare against humanity with the aim of complete control, and a generally large depopulation thereafter as apparently their space alien masters warned against letting humanity get too numerous.

In the storyline, there are a few people who are aware of the ESK space alien agenda to conquer humanity. These Awake people are few in number, though they are growing rapidly, and many are working diligently to try to wake up other humans. Many of the people when they do wake up to the reality of the infiltration and the Space Alien War by ESK proxy against Humanity go into ‘freak out’ mode and are not very useful for some time thereafter while they integrate the new view of reality into their thinking.

For several thousands of years, the ESK has used all means at its disposal to keep humans divided into as many different groups as they may, and to have all the groups fighting with each other, all the while totally oblivious to the ESK hiding in the shadows.

Further in modern times, the ESK is using media, education system, government, legal, and financial institutional control as weapons to induce as much dysfunction, despair, suicide, disruption, and general social degradation as is possible to humanity. In recent years the ESK has greatly escalated this campaign, which is taken by the Awake humans as a sign that the space alien return is getting close.

Further the ESK have used media, government, and education, and legal systems to place barriers to discovery of their presence, nor that of their minions. They use labels like conspiracy theorist in attacks on awake humans trying to point out their existence. As the interbreeding with humans and the descendants of the ESK overtime have produced ESK who have become more human looking, and less homo capensis, it is difficult to convince the normal human of the existence of the ESK. Further, the normal human has been trained by media to see all the planned occurrences created by the ESK for their goals as being ‘organic’ and ‘natural’.

As the plot moves forward towards the conclusion, which is triggered by the imminent return of the space aliens, we need to create the satisfying conclusion for the story. This conclusion needs to, within the plot line, be the ‘key’ that breaks the global psychological barrier across the minds of humanity that prevents them from seeing the War in which they are pawns.

What strategies, and tactics could the Awake humans employ to defeat the ESK control web, thus awakening Humanity to the War and their vulnerability to the returning space aliens? . . .



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