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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Friday, 21-Apr-2023 21:01:36

Special Forces Arrest Space Force Commander for TREASON

By Michael Baxter

April 21, 2023

United States Special Forces on April 16 arrested Chief of Space Force Operations Chance Saltzman on charges of treason after Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and Gen. Eric M. Smith signed a military arrest warrant alleging that Saltzman had essentially bankrupted Space Force by giving most of its $27billion annual budget to Ukraine, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Saltzman, 54, had 30 years in service prior to his arrest. In 1991, he graduated from Boston University and was commissioned into the United States Air Force. He was a career missile and space operations officer with operational experience as a Minuteman III launch officer and as a satellite operator for the National Reconnaissance Office. On July 27, 2022, the criminal Joseph R. Biden nominated Saltzman for promotion to general and appointment as second chief of Space Force operations, replacing General John W. Raymond, whom President Trump had chosen to helm the fledgling armed forces branch in December 2019.

White Hats became interested in Saltzman in early March when U.S. Army Cyber Command intercepted a phone call between him and National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby. On it, Kirby asked Saltzman to send him a progress report on the development of a “communications satellite” scheduled for completion in early 2024. Saltzman reportedly replied that the project was behind schedule because he had “loaned” $19.7 billion to Ukraine’s government, as per Lloyd Austin’s instructions.

The idea sounded so preposterous that the officer who intercepted the call at first thought it was a joke—until Saltzman said, “I was told the money would be replenished. And it has to be soon. I don’t want to end up on the wrong side of a Congressional inquiry.” Kirby reassured him that since the bulk of Space Force’s projects were classified even from Congress, he could survive a farrago of inquiries by uttering just two words: “That’s classified.”

“I hope you’re right,” Saltzman told Kirby. “I was promised protection.”

The conversation prompted White Hats to investigate further, our source said, especially since Deep Staters like Bridget Brink had already been arrested, tried, convicted, and executed for the same crime. More recently, White Hats apprehended OMB Director Shalanda Young, who will face a tribunal on April 27, for illicitly wiring billions of American dollars to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

Vice Adm. Crandall, our source said, wanted hard evidence—documentation—to supplement Saltzman’s telephone confession, and if such proof existed, White Hats believed it would be found at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado Springs, where Saltzman spent most of his time.

On April 2, Cyber Command made futile attempts to access Peterson SFB’s network; they were unable to penetrate or bypass the network’s security system.

“That our best people couldn’t hack in was suspicious itself,” our source said. “The Deep State has a silly habit of leaving paper trails. If 20 billion bucks disappear, there’s a record somewhere, either on a hard drive, an SD card, or good old-fashioned paper. We have allies at Space Force bases. When President Trump created it, we populated it with White Hats. Yet somehow Biden’s guy managed to give away the farm undetected. Gen. Smith risked asking supposed allies at Peterson to look for evidence. It was a risk because we never know who might’ve switched loyalties—it happens all the time. I can’t say who he asked, but it was an officer in a senior leadership position.”

On April 10, Gen. Smith’s office received financials showing Saltzman had authorized the transfer of $19.7 billion to a nexus of U.S. defense contractors—primarily Raytheon and Lockheed Martin—with a presence in Ukraine. Further investigation revealed those companies then forwarded the funds to Ukroboronprom, a state association of major defense conglomerates in Ukraine.

The criminal Biden regime has made no public mention of the Space Force giving $20bn to Ukraine.

“Gen. Smith shared the findings with Adm. Crandall, and they decided they had more than enough proof to make an arrest,” our source said.

On April 12, Gen. Smith and the White Hat Council met to discuss a plan of action. Topics included how the Deep State would respond to Saltzman’s disappearance. Col. J.D. Keirsey, Commander of the 75th Ranger Regiment, opined that a high-profile arrest would likely prompt the Deep State to launch a retaliatory strike on White Hat assets. Following a brief discourse, they unanimously agreed Saltzman had to answer for his treachery, and 5th Special Forces Group Commander Col. Brent Lindemen volunteered his men to arrest “the treasonous bastard.”

A day later, Special Forces arrived in Colorado Springs, located Saltzman, and began shadowing him when he was off post, learning his movements and routines and awaiting an opportunity to isolate and arrest him without creating a public spectacle. Saltzman moved about carefree, nonchalantly, clueless that America’s elite fighting forces had him in their sights, tailing him for several days before the perfect opportunity to grab him arose.

On April 16, they spotted Saltzman’s vehicle pulling into a motel parking lot. They suspected he was there to visit a young woman who was not his wife and who had been in Saltzman’s car on previous nights. He seemed confused when a half-dozen Special Forces with weapons drawn approached him.

“He thought they were there to arrest him for adultery under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. And when told the real reason was treason and that he’d be sent to Guantanamo Bay, he said something like ‘President Biden won’t stand for this’ and argued with Special Forces. Saltzman is a disgrace to the uniform. He will face a military tribunal,” our source said.

SOURCE: https://realrawnews.com/2023/04/special-forces-arrest-space-force-commander-for-treason/

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