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SOTN Exclusive - OPERATION BABY BOOMER: A true story that’s really the story of every Baby Boomer per an anonymous insider whose parents were members of THE SYSTEM

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Friday, 21-Apr-2023 19:42:39

I only scratched the surface of this lengthy exposé. Click the link below to read the full article.

OPERATION BABY BOOMER: The Khazarian Con of the 20th Century
Submitted by an Anonymous Author
State of the Nation Exclusive
Posted on April 20, 2023

(Excerpted from a soon-to-be-published eBook titled OPERATION BABY BOOMER)


A true story that’s really the story of every Baby Boomer

I knew I was born into a real power family when it became apparent that my parents were both well aware of the plots to assassinate JFK, MLK and RFK before those US government-directed murders ever took place. They also had foreknowledge of the state-sponsored assassinations of both Marilyn Monroe and Malcolm X.

However, my parents never knew that I knew these things about them. Until my father recently passed, I kept this information and a lot of other radioactive info that I ‘acquired’ about them completely to myself. After all, given all the CRAZY things that happened in my family as I was growing up, keeping certain secrets became a matter of life and death...

Now here’s where the reader must understand a crucial aspect of my childhood as a Baby Boomer growing up in the late 1950s and 60s. My mother often talked, freely and factually, about the Cosa Nostra and the Roman Catholic Church being two of the most powerful institutions in the world. But, she was also cognizant of the reality that they were both completely owned and operated by a much wealthier and more powerful earthly entity. Truly, there was not a kid in the USA who learned what I did from what my mother deliberately imparted and what my father conspicuously kept hidden.

One last point about my mother: throughout the several life-threatening predicaments and many perilous endeavors in which I found myself, she worked triple time to protect me. I’m only alive today to write this essay because of her abiding protection. And, of course, by the grace of GOD.

One last significant point about both of my parents: no one, but no one, knew how to work “the System” like my mother and father did. But not because they belonged to it as virtually all of their peers within ‘The Greatest Generation’ did; rather, because they were THE SYSTEM.

The Greatest PSYOP of the Last 100+ Years…
Which Determined the Fate of the World Today

...The following historic events, their dates and their obvious impacts are briefly outlined below to give the reader necessary perspective, as well as a new lens through which to view this novel psychohistorical analysis.

OPERATION BABY BOOMER was actually launched well before the generally accepted year of 1946 when the Baby Boomers were first born after World War II ended.

In light of the new understanding imparted by this exposé, it could be stated that 1913 was the year when this covert operation actually started in earnest. For it was on December 23, 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was unconstitutionally passed by the 63rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. Truly, this is a day that will live in infamy for many reasons that will soon be explained.

Immediately following the establishment of the Federal Reserve System throughout the United States of America, a rapid series of carefully engineered and meticulously timed cataclysmic events took place around the globe.

For example, World War I was triggered within months in mid-1914, and for reasons that historians still don’t fully understand and/or cannot agree on. The Khazarian Cabal made sure of its obfuscation for several reasons, all of which are quite important to the successful implementation of their world takeover schemes.

The Armenian genocide was carried out with precision throughout the Ottoman Empire especially from 1915 through 1917. It was yet another case of the Khazarians killing Christians with explicit intentional designs.

The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was manufactured by the very same Khazarian warmongers in order to transform Christian Russia into the communist (and godless) Soviet Union, as well as to commit genocide against Christians across the largest nation on Earth.

The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic was then rolled out in short order by the bioterrorist arm of the Khazarian Cabal, again with great purpose and calculation. The U.S. military-administered vaccination programs, which were directly responsible for that most deadly pandemic of the modern age, represented a highly organized biowar using genome-targeting biological weapons against the American people. While those lethal bioweapons were also aimed at the genomes of other national populations around the world, it was the DNA of the future Baby Boomers which was really being targeted via their parents’ genetic blueprints.

Fast forward to the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression, both of which were purposefully engineered by the Khazarian Cabal to soften up The Greatest Generation who would become the parents of the Baby Boomers.

Whereas the preceding wars, genocides and pandemics served to generate an unparalleled degree of chaos, confusion and conflict worldwide, the Great Depression was a highly premeditated financial breakdown and economic collapse that would only add immensely to that resulting personal insecurity and national instability for The Greatest Generation.

However, what that global economic collapse really did was to significantly and indelibly impact the overall mindset of The Greatest Generation. The Great Depression shaped their philosophy of life, their value systems, their ideals and principles, and especially the practical running of their lives and future families.

Next came the extremely well planned and apocalyptic World War II. This civilization-altering event is where the Khazarian Cabal was more calculating than ever to produce a set of specific outcomes. For it was the shellshocked American soldiers, who would come back home to their young wives and fiancées, who were tasked with the rebuilding American society according to the Khazarian’s master plan.

The execution of that master plan would be hugely amped up post WW2 with the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947 as well as the many other nascent institutions which would comprise the emerging National Security State. With the opening of the C.I.A., the Khazarians possessed the most advanced and sophisticated spying and surveillance apparatus the world had ever known. But it was the upcoming Baby Boomer Generation which was the true subject of that intelligence gathering apparatus.

Growing up in an Italian Black Nobility family was like living in a modern-day Spanish Inquisition. Then, when I became of age, I graduated to a full-blown Medici Family soap opera (the Medici Banking Family put at least 4 popes on the papal throne). Through it all, I was blessed with the precocious awareness that there was a tremendous power or pressure or force operating in the background which made my parents absolutely crazy, each in their own way.

My earliest observations about how the world was really run came down, to a great extent, to my immature impressions of the CIA as a child. However, seeing how my parents, although exerting firm control over virtually everything all the time, seemed to know monumental things before they even happened, I knew intuitively that there was an all-seeing eye watching all of US 24/7…including them. And, that that all-seeing eye put even them under intensive monitoring and extreme scrutiny.

The key point here is that the United States of America effectively became a full-scale police state not too long after many of Germany’s Nazi regime leaders, generals, scientists and doctors were brought here via Operation Overcast (1945) followed by Operation Paperclip (1946). In fact, the CIA’s main mission was to lock down America much as Nazi Germany was locked down by Hitler’s Gestapo and SS. Only the mandate they were given for post-WW2 USA was to lock down the whole place without a single soul knowing about it. And so they did.

This specific “National Security State” development, which transpired right along with the birth of the earliest Baby Boomers, is by far the single most important where it concerns OPERATION BABY BOOMER. For the Khazarian Cabal was quickly successful at creating a pervasive and profound network of police state structures nationwide that were watching everyone, everywhere in all 50 states, all the time … and no one knew it except operatives at the very top like my parents.


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