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CGI's Mike: That Texas Gold-Backed Digital Currency Bill is a Step Backwards

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Monday, 17-Apr-2023 11:51:03

A post submitted by CGI member Mike.

CGI is RMN's reader's forum.


At http://www.womensystems.com/2023/04/that-texas-gold-backed-digital-currency.html

If the impossible was somehow real, and the motive behind this madness was simple stupidity without obscene financial and political motives, then the advocates of this venture, at all levels of public service, need to be instantly removed from service and prohibited from ever again participating on the solid ground that they are a mortal danger to the people of the state by reason of demonstrable lack of intelligence.

It's actually far worse than that. At best it's outright subversion and treason against the Texas and American republics.

All who are involved in this treason know that the constitution of this American republic does not allow the states to produce and regulate money or currencies independently of that constitution. Their action is, in fact, a willful act of financial violence against the people of Texas and America. Their first and foremost financial responsibility as servants should be to relentlessly pursue a united States constitutional dollar (371.25 grains of pure silver) so that the entire union could enjoy a stable economy in as much as possible. They have instead acted to further obfuscate the lawful silver dollar for political gain by shading it with the fiction that gold is lawful money. It is not. Additionally as more states and institutions emulate this crime the violence and the confusion compounds steeply. That is the goal.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 5:
[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; . . .

The responsibility is very straight forward. The opinion of a court is not necessary to grasp the intent. Any and all elected State servants who fail to immediately and adamantly command the three branches of the inferior united States governing service (Think governess or governor in the employ of the (e)state Owner(s)) to immediately saddle the united States congressional ass with its lawful financial responsibility should be immediately charged with treason.

If you leave out the word, immediately they will continue to lie and do nothing. They are working towards confusion and desperation so that the world population will welcome salvation by one world digital currency. Somewhere in the past, I referred to this as Beastcoin. Nothing has changed.

So, the ship of state is pretty far out on the (law of the) sea. I doubt that Jesus could walk that far without resting a few times along the way. If he did make it that far, he would find a boat full of shanghaied slaves (American public) shackled to filthy rowing benches. If he did free them, they would be too afraid to step out of the boat and stand beside him above the maritime law that he is trying to free them from. And even if he commanded the maritime storm to quit and be still the slaves would still rather be slaves. You just sit in your own shit and eat moldy bread and dead slave meat, and pull the oar till your fingers bleed, so you don't get lashed. Life is good. They can count on it. And they can retire to heaven when it's over, even it they didn't pay any attention to anything Jesus was trying to tell them about this Earth.

I really, really, really hate the idea of advocating for any side in the wars of gods and devils. I really do. However, that might be what it takes to get the American public motivated. If so then that is truly sad.

The constitutional American dollar is not currency. It is a law of land mass around which law of the sea current(cies) flow. It is stable by virtue of united States congressional responsibility when that servant class is not engaged in treason by omission of clearly stated duty.

A coin from the mouth of a fish is currency. It is of the (law of the) sea. It belongs to ceaser who is captain of the Roman ship of state, the mast and yard of said ship being what Jesus was crucified to for pointing that out, among other things.

Baptism is not drowning, its rising up from death by drowning to a life of air and land. It was not a fish that spoke over Jesus when he arose from being drowned under maritime law to being alive with natural rights superior to legal privileges, it was a bird, a creature of land and air. Being born again is so completely misrepresented that it is just unreal. And yes there is a spiritual side as well, and it is just as important. That summed up in the parable of the man who found a pearl of great value and sold everything he had to obtain the pearl.

But think about it. If salvation wasn't misrepresented there would be no need for preachers (that the holy spirit would lead you into all truth would actually have meaning), 501c3 nonprofits would have no prophets, theological institutes wouldn't exist to perpetuate the same taxable misinformation to the masses and the masses wouldn't be taxable because they would know that constitutional money is a right and not ceaser's currency to be taxed at will. And more.

I'm finished.


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