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Reader: "... as long as we keep avoiding the discussion that Whiteness plays in the ETs plan, we will NEVER break free of the ET infection."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 12-Apr-2023 03:01:12

In Response To: Saratoga Ocean: WARNING! No Going Back. We are finally able to see the endgame on this planet [1+ hour video] (NaturalWisdom)

(Thanks, M. :)

Reader M. sees it this way:


Her testimony proves EXACTLY what I have been saying all along!

But as long as we keep avoiding the discussion that Whiteness plays in the ETs plan, we will NEVER break free of the ET infection.

I bet you dollars to donuts that EVERY ONE OF THE SCIENTISTS she is talking about was WHITE!

I bet you dollars to donuts that the one who said they don't know how to stop themselves was WHITE!

But even she has a problem as she AVOIDS mentioning Whiteness as any part of this.

You cannot save yourselves by avoiding intense discussions on Whiteness and how it impacts how you think and behave. It is the only way out.

ETs have infected human minds so that they slowly destroy themselves over thousands of years by disconnecting them from nature and terraform the earth with the garbage from their rampant materialism and consumerism, and the ideology of White Supremacy is the foundation of the infection. As a collective, Whites were designed, created, and chosen to carry out the planned destruction of the human species and SHE PROVED IT WITH HER TESTIMONY! The infection tricks White humans into thinking they are “Superior” like “Gods” just as she states. Whites fall for the trick because it appeals to their desire and ego. Whites have spread their way of thinking and living all over the planet.

The only way to stop it is to TALK ABOUT HOW Whiteness was used to infect humanity. That is the only way to break the spell of the programming. There is no other way out. Avoiding the discussion merely prolongs the infection.

Turning against our own species happens because of the infection.

But we will not achieve the moment of singularity. We will be wiped out first as this will not be allowed to happen and those pushing AI/Transhumanism will be defeated and forced off planet.

A different group of ET are on their way to completely REMOVE the infection.

Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible
Link https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2023/03/09/pentagon-ufo-chief-says-alien-mothership-in-our-solar-system-possible/

Why would the Pentagon all of sudden be so “forthcoming” with this news when they’ve spent the last 70 years lying about ETs?
Are they being forced to inform the masses?
Is this why we are seeing all of the chaos in the world?

Elijah Muhammad Was Right: Pentagon Says 'The Mothership' May Be Sending 'Seeds' To Earth
Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edxnlD7E5_8

We MUST talk about this vigorously in order to break the spell of the programming!

The Fallen Angels intentionally isolated the albinism gene which causes vitamin D and the energy conductor melanin to be stored in the liver rather than the skin where it is activated to produce Vitamin D by the sun. THIS SIGNIFICANTLY SLOWS THE RECEPTION AND PERCEPTION OF LIGHT AND SOUND WAVES. Then they (the Fallen Angels) downloaded the consciousness software program of the ideology of White Supremacy. ALL Superiority Complexes demand suffering; someone must suffer lesser than so that the one who holds the superiority complex can feel good about their perceived superiority. Demanding suffering automatically closes the higher chakras (the heart, throat, 3rd eye and crown chakras) which sit next to the endocrine glands responsible for generating melatonin and its by-product melanin. With the genetically engineered disadvantage of little melanin in the outer skin and the programmed disadvantage of not generating much melanin through the chakras, Whites, more than any other group, are easily overwhelmed by the Fallen Angels “bright light” and easily controlled. Just like the founder of Mormonism was "overwhelmed" by the BRIGHT LIGHT of the Angel Maroni (See Ancient Aliens TV series).

But none of this is the fault of White people because there is NOTHING White people could have done as a collective to avoid what has happened to them. Nothing. It was part of an experiment. But it is White people’s responsibility to clean up the mess.

In a word, without melanin, Whites are much easier for ET to control than people of color and Whites have very little defense against the wiles of the malevolent ETs. The White Buffalo runs in the middle of the pack because his ALBINISM RESTRICTS HIS PERCEPTION OF SIGHT AND SOUND, SO HE IS NOT PERMITTED TO LEAD THE PACK. All humans who identify as White possess some traits of Albinism. However, White people have been leading the pack for a while and have led the world to the brink of destruction and can’t see it or stop themselves from doing it and certainly won't stand down and let others lead. Therefore, they leave only one remaining option to the world in order to stop their out-of-control destruction of self and others: invasion and conquest by China and Russia.

All prophecies point to a split in the surface population of whites with those who chose to hold onto White Supremacy move to outer space.

Telling the masses that everything they have been taught is a lie is difficult. Many will go insane.

It took 392 years after ridiculing slaves and indigenous people for squatting when defecating, for the descendants of Whites colonizers to invent the “Squatty Potty” and experience the benefits of preserving the heart during defecation and emptying the colon. Unfortunately, many Americans die each year straining on the toilet, like Elvis, because White people cannot bring themselves to admit there is nothing “superior” about their toilet design, in fact it is harmful and stupid. Chalk one up for the Fallen Angels!

It took 399 years after ridiculing slaves and indigenous people for eating with their fingers for the descendants of White colonizers to realize that eating with the fingers stops type-2 diabetes, improves digestion, stops unwanted weight gain, and creates beneficial gut bacteria. This means modern surgeries to transplant poop/fecal matter from one person to another are totally unnecessary and stupid. These stupid surgeries create pain and suffering and feed loosh for the Fallen Angels ad garbage for terraforming the earth. Chalk one up for the Fallen Angels!

It has taken 152 years since Darwin noted African’s love of covering their bodies with "grease", for Whites to realize that oil stops the skin from wrinkling and premature aging. How much garbage is created by the products produced and how much pain and suffering is created by “stealing” from other cultures and acting as if you discovered something never giving credit to the people you stole from? Chalk another one up for the Fallen Angels!

It has taken more than 400 years since colonizers ridiculed Africans and indigenous people or walking barefoot on the ground to realize the health benefits of grounding that include improved sleep, reduced inflammation, improved tissue and cell repair, enhanced blood flow, increased heart rate variability, and improved electrical activity in the brain. In addition, walking barefoot on the ground releases endorphins. This means it took Whites more than 400 years to understand why humans need to be grounded with the earth. And when they did, they couldn’t do it NATURALLY, they had to create PRODUCTS that will end up in a landfill some day terraforming the earth. Chalk another one up for the Fallen Angels!

All of these things relate to living a longer healthier life. Without a longer healthier life, Whites are primed to embrace AI and Trans-humanism that promises long life but at a cost of losing your humanity.

Would Whites know if evil ETs tricked them into shortening their lifespans by convincing them they were superior and that they should ignore what more ancient and indigenous people already know?
How can Whites learn from others when they live separately and view them as inferior?
What's a few thousand years of planning and execution to ETs?

Being deprived of a naturally long life, Whites are primed for AI and trans-humanism which is the ultimate goal of the fallen angels, to destroy the entire human species. The ideology of White Supremacy has deprived them of a naturally long and abundantly healthy life while addicting them to denial of the truth, arrogant errors, incessant and unstoppable terraforming waste, and global ridicule.


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