By Brandon Smith - April 7, 2023
In the wake of the of the recent mass shooting at the Nashville based Covenant Christian School in which three children and three staff were murdered by a trans activist (a biological woman named Audrey Hale) one would think that questions of mental health would be at the forefront of the discussion on what exactly happened. However, not surprisingly, Hale is instead being treated as a “victim” herself among leftists – A victim of society and a victim of an insidious anti-trans “genocide” that activists assure us is happening everywhere in America even though we can’t seem to find any evidence of it.
The political left has gone into overdrive in order to do spin control on the shooting, with pro-trans propaganda being flooded into every information venue by multiple corporations and government agencies. They are seeking to bury the lead story, and, much like pride month, saturate the market with a narrative of grievances and victimhood.
Some on the political left have even applauded Hale as a kind of folk hero. Others in the trans community have warned that we “will respect them,” otherwise we might be responsible for even more trans people going insane and killing even more children. They have even turned Hale’s attack into an excuse for gun bans. The leftists created a monster, and now they are using the destruction wrought by that monster to their advantage.
I am not one to jump on political motives every time there is a shooting, but in the case of Audrey Hale I think it is clear that her ideology was the driver for the attack. There is a reason why her manifesto found at the scene has yet to be released by authorities.
White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre defended the “courage” of trans activists rather than noting the courage of the victims at Covenant, including a little girl who was shot trying to warn the rest of the school about the impending slaughter. Pierre described the trans movement as “under attack” by Republicans. I believe this is a deliberate message to other trans lunatics that it’s open season on conservatives or anyone else that doesn’t agree with their delusions.
This has been the ongoing narrative for the past few years: “Trans people are under attack” and thus all of their behavior no matter how criminal is justifiable because they are “defending themselves.” But are they really under attack? What are they defending themselves from? Where is this “trans genocide” we keep hearing about? Surely, there must be numerous examples of trans people being beaten or murdered in the streets if there is a nationwide war on them?
The reality is that the grievance culture surrounding the trans movement is utter garbage – Their victimhood is a fantasy. There is no trans genocide. In fact, in every aspect of moral compass and conscience trans activists display a level of villainy not seen in America in many generations. Here are the reasons why the notion of trans people victimhood is a lie.
Americans Defending Themselves Against Leftist Deconstruction Is Not The Same As Americans Attacking Trans People
The political left in general is fond of bragging about their intention to “deconstruct” American society, history, heritage, principles, etc. This is no secret, they blather about it constantly in their own books, articles and social media.
The thing is, if you’re going to engage in the sabotage of a society built on hundreds of years of collected principles and moral foundations (western civilization), then the people that built it and who respect its founders are naturally going to take action to oppose you. The peaceful option would be to simply LEAVE. Go on your way and find or build a society that fits your demands somewhere else. The political left is not interested in peaceful solutions, though.
Trans extremists use a classic gas lighting technique common among Marxists/Communists, which is to incessantly nip and bite at the heels of the people they want to destroy, and when those people finally get fed up and defend themselves activists cry “The fascists are victimizing us!” and demand more power as social recompense. It’s called “provocateuring”, and this tactic ONLY works in nations where liberty is held up as a defining value. The idea is to use our own love of freedom against us.
If conservatives and western society were actually fascist as these people claim, there would be no debate about grievances, they would have been annihilated a long time ago.
In the case red states, the line in the sand was our children and our public schools. Trans activists continue to cross that line by targeting minors with sexualized books (some of them highly pornographic), sexualized lessons, and gender identity propaganda with no basis in scientific reality.
Then there is the effort to pressure children into gender-bending treatments and surgeries. Children do not have the intelligence or reasoning to consent to these procedures. The clinics which dole out the hormones and mutilations are the same people who undertake the psychological reviews. Each little kid is treated as a trans cash cow made dependent on years of therapies and future surgeries. This is not humanitarian, this is criminal.
Trans Activists: We would have left you alone if you had stayed away from the kids and let them be kids. But since you refuse to listen, we are going to have to bitch slap you with a reality check. This means more state legislation blocking drag shows for minors, blocking gender ideology in schools and blocking gender-based procedures for kids. Exposing children to mental illness and sexual fetishes is wrong. Kids cannot consent.
Trans Activism Is Not A Civil Rights Movement – It’s A Political Extremist Movement
It’s important for the trans movement to understand that they are only 0.4% of the overall population. The other 99.6% of the world is not here to adapt to them, they will have to adapt to us. In the case of the US, trans people and those that identify as LGBT have all the same legal rights as any other Americans. They have done very well for themselves here.
The reality is trans activists are rebels without a cause, unless you stop and consider that their cause is not about rights but special privileges and power . . .