By Martin Armstrong - April 7, 2023
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that the Democrats would have stooped to such a low position as they have by indicting Trump. This is so in-your-face political and I can GUARANTEE that Trump will be convicted and the facts will NEVER matter. New York is the MOST corrupt legal system in perhaps the entire world. While the charges are a joke, the Judge is as corrupt as they come. He scheduled the next hearing for December 4th in clear violation of the Constitutional Right to a Speedy Trial. They will be roughly two months before the official start of the 2024 Republican presidential primary calendar.
It is now clear that the Judge intends to disrupt the 2024 election by constantly hauling Trump back to court to tie him up for the election. If he doesn’t show, then he will throw him in jail for contempt. This is a deliberate interference into the 2024 election that our computer had forecast would be the most corrupt in American history if it even takes place – it’s going to be that bad.
Judge Richard Owen
In my own case, at first, I thought I was perhaps under stress and forgot things in court. I would read the transcript and I did not remember various things taking place. It all came to a head when they tried to throw me in prison on contempt the FIRST time to stop my Speed Trial Act motion claiming I went to my office where they had guards posted. I got past the guards and grabbed all the incriminating evidence, the guards chased me through a parking lot while I was carrying all these boxes, loaded them into my car in the middle of the chase, and got away.
My lawyer, Richard Altman, was a friend. He called and said we had a contempt hearing tomorrow and told me these allegations and asked if I was crazy. I told him I was in New York, and never went to the office. I told him to call the security company for to get in I would have had to use my security card twice. If it had been any other lawyer, they would never have believed me. Richard knew me. Any other lawyer would have assumed I was a liar since the government is always right. I told him to call the security company. Richard called me back within 30 minutes and said do not worry, they confirmed nobody entered the building the night before.
We went to the contempt hearing and as the judge was still walking out, the government started claiming there was a mistake, someone moved boxes from one room to the next but nothing was taken. How that got to guards chasing me through parking lots and me outrunning them carrying all these boxes, somehow vanished. They spent 20 to 30 minutes backtracking on their allegations. They had been illegally tapping even my lawyer’s phones. So they knew we could prove their allegations were all false.
That is when I got the transcript and 99% of all their explanation was removed. I asked the lawyer what was going on. He said welcome to New York. The judges can commit felonies by altering the court records and nobody will prosecute them. Even the Court of Appeals admitted that this was taking place and claimed they lacked the power to tell judges to obey the law. I complained to Dorothy Heyl, the attorney for the SEC. I asked why don’t they just make a fake transcript and claim I confessed to whatever they want and throw in the Kennedy Assassination while they are at it.
They illegally took my lawyers away and then they rig the game with court-appointed lawyers who lose every case to keep the government’s 99% conviction rate. The only “innocent” people are those who die before trial under mysterious circumstances who they always claim committed suicide or, as in my case, they arrange to have me killed by another inmate. NEVER trust ANY court-appointed lawyer. I have NEVER met one who EVER defends a person. They are never to be trusted.
Knowing the law myself, I would submit my own briefs. I went through all the transcripts and submitted under penalty of perjury all the things the judge removed from the transcripts. When I went to court that day, there were hundreds of people there. When I asked what was going on, the court-appointed lawyers said it’s you. You cannot accuse a judge of committing a felony. I said you all admit this is taking place. They said, yes, but you cannot accuse a judge.
There were so many people there, Judge Owen got scared. He admitted to changing my transcripts which is a felony and refused to recuse himself. The whole place went dead silent. When I tried to appeal. the Second Circuit Court of Appeals which is no better lost my appearance three times and refuse to ever docket the case. They then claims I was out of time to appeal. This is the country they ask people to die for – utter corruption beyond any third-world country.
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals even addressed the issue in . . .