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SORCHA 4/4/23: "Western Idiots “Slapped In Face” By Russia As Trump Farce Hides Banking Collapse"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 4-Apr-2023 13:19:37



April 4, 2023

Western Idiots “Slapped In Face” By Russia As Trump Farce Hides Banking Collapse

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin observing that working in an operational and extremely intense mode is yielding positive results, as a new cycle of growth of the Russian economy has been recorded, says during his visit to the Tula Railway Engineering Plant this morning, he told its workers: “Here at the enterprise where we are today, one of the leaders of the enterprise said a wonderful phrase, he said: we were forced to switch to import substitution there, where we had not thought about it before…This phrase is the key is: we are forced…And so I think that if we had not been forced, we would never have done this”.

Prior to visiting the Tula Railway Engineering Plant, this report notes, President Putin posthumously awarded prominent Russian war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky with the Order of Courage for “the courage and bravery he displayed in line of his professional duty”—war correspondent Tatarsky was assassinated after a figurine presented to him by 26-year-old Daria Trepova exploded, who is a radical socialist activist working with imprisoned for spying Alexey Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation [FBK], about whom top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov previously revealed: “Indeed, there is information about it and I can specify that experts from the United States Central Intelligence Agency are working with him”—and yesterday, Russian United Nations Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia most factually observed: “Yesterday, a Russian blogger and journalist Vladlen Tatarsky was killed...The United Nations journalist associations have not reacted in any way to this crime...We believe we are witnessing a certain selective approach when it comes to what happens to journalists”,




Shortly after Russian war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky was assassinated, this report continues, United States Ambassador to Turkey Jeffry Flake was caught holding a secret meeting with Turkish presidential opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu just weeks before the 14 May election—a secret meeting of blatant American interference in the internal affairs Turkey that joined the report: “Syrian media reported Sunday that Assistant Foreign Minister Dr. Ayman Sousan would be leading the Syrian delegation…Sousan told reporters that he and his Russian and Iranian colleagues would hold bilateral consultations on Monday, and that a quadripartite meeting with Turkey would take place on Tuesday… Damascus’ focus, he said, will be negotiating the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Syrian territory, joint efforts to combat terrorism, and non-interference in Syria’s internal affairs”—all of which Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded to with the raging declaration: “Joe Biden’s ambassador visits Kemal…Shame on you, think with your head…You are an ambassador…Your interlocutor here is the president…How will you stand up after that and ask for a rendezvous with the president?...Our doors are closed for him, he can no longer come in…Why?...He needs to know his place”.

At the same time the Turkish leader of NATO’s second largest military power slammed the door on Supreme Socialist Leader Biden’s ambassador, this report notes, Egypt and Syria began advanced talks to restore diplomatic relations, and Saudi Arabia announced that it plans on inviting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to an Arab League summit.

With both Russia and China working to heal a Middle East ravaged by over two decades of illegal socialist Western colonial wars, this report details, the OPEC+ global energy producers group just warned the West: “Take us on, but at your own peril”—a warning immediately followed by Saudi Arabia announcing it will cut oil production by 500,000 barrels per day for the rest of 2023—an announcement joined by Russia revealing it will extend oil productions of 500,000 barrels per day until the end of 2023—as global oil prices begin to skyrocket, Japan quickly started buying Russian oil above the price cap set by the socialist Western colonial powersRussian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Novak warned yesterday: “Since so far nine countries have said that they would voluntarily cut their oil output, and as you know, there are 23 members in OPEC+, there were discussions that other countries could also join and announce some additional cuts of their own”—and with the new OPEC+ deal to reduce oil production leveling a fresh blow to the French economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, it caused top French opposition leader Florian Philippot to exclaim: “Bruno Le Maire, who was supposed to make the Russian economy collapse, received another slap in the face”.


The “slap in the face” delivered to the idiot socialist Western colonial leaders by Russia and its global oil producing allies, this report notes, comes at the same time Russia is turning into a safe haven while the West faces a banking crisis, and this week it saw famed American economist Nouriel Roubini warning about banks in the United States: “Most of the country's banks are technically near insolvency”.

In order to hide the collapse of the American banking system, this report continues, the socialist Biden Regime has concocted at least 34 farce felony charges against President Donald Trump—yesterday a judge denied a motion to allow television cameras into the courtroom when President Trump answers these farce felonies, and today it’s reported there will be no handcuffs, no jail cell or mug shot facing President Trump—and would be a mug shot able to add to the already over $7 million raised by the Trump Campaign, who would emblazon it on t-shirts and everything else they could think of.

Not understood by the socialist indoctrinated and leftist media brainwashed American peoples, this report concludes, is that the main beneficiary of the banking and political crisis overwhelming their nation is demonic socialist-globalist George Soros, who infamously “broke the British Pound” while igniting the same type banking and political chaos in the United Kingdom in order to pocket billions-of-dollars—is exactly why Soros funded radical socialist Democratic Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to make up these farcical felonies against President Trump—after Nazi Germany invaded Hungary in 1944, demonic Soros proclaimed it “The best year of my life!” as he plundered the homes of Jewish peoples sent to their deaths in extermination camps—and is a true history of Nazi demon Soros known by NATO and European Union member leader Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who just posted a message from his nation and its peoples to President Trump saying: “Keep on fighting, Mr. President!...We are with you”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



April 4, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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