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A Dark Day for America

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Monday, 3-Apr-2023 19:20:30

Are these loony tune libtards, who are jubilant at Trump’s indictment, really so ignorant that they can’t see what this means for America? These people would rather live in a communist country, ruled by the CCP? Why? Because they think there would be room at the table for them? Don’t bet on it. Every dictator, who used part of a population to spy on and fight against another part of the population that didn’t want to be slaves, were exterminated once the country was completely under communist/socialist/Marxist control. The dictator and others in power, were afraid of them. Hitler had his Brown Shirts shot. Stalin and Mao did basically the same thing.

What is the saying about history? If you don’t learn from it, you are bound to repeat it? At what point do We the People of any Party say no? This is our country. The people of all Parties need to be in control of it together. I remember watching the Eisenhower inauguration. Tip O’Neil, one of the top Democrats and the new Republican president were sitting together at one of the functions, talking and laughing. I wonder today what has happened to that kind of civility. I’m sure, politically, they were worlds apart, but there seemed to be more of an attitude of working for the people in those days.

A country, unique in all of the history that we are aware of. And the liberals are willing to see it all destroyed just to ‘get Trump’. Yes, I voted for him in 2016 and 2020. And I am not blind to his shortcomings. I don’t expect a president to walk on water. However, I would be just as outraged if the Republicans were pulling this on a Democrat. People have to see and understand, this is not about Republicans or Democrats, right or left, conservative or liberal. This is about letting hatred open our doors the rest of the way for the CCP to take us down...or the Deep State to lock the prison doors behind us. And, it won’t be just the conservatives imprisoned. The eugenicists didn’t protect the liberal left from taking the poison clot shot, did they? In fact, they were more likely to line up for a jab ahead of the more suspicious conservatives. Think about that for a moment.

When it suits their plans, the Globalists will take completely over and we will no longer have a constitutional republic. Instead, we will have an anarchist state, ruled by brute force. You will wonder, Where is our hero? Who will fight for us? Who will make sure we have decent jobs, safe schools, secure borders. Everything we need to be safe. No one from either Party will be allowed to be anything but a puppet of those in control. Even Robert Kennedy jr. should he decide to run, will not be safe from the Deep State. Has he forgotten his father and his uncle?

The Deep State doesn’t want people who understand the rule of law. They don’t want people who will fight for the underdog. As J. D. Rockefeller said, “I don’t want a nation of critical thinkers. I want a nation of workers.” He wanted people just smart enough to make this world comfortable for him and his circle. Oh, like people who are good at gaming?

So, what can We the People do about this power grab? Well, first of all, Trump could stay in Florida since DeSantis has said he wouldn’t allow Trump to be extradited to Manhattan. Let the lawyers fight it out. But, he won’t. His ego wouldn’t allow it to look like he was hiding or on the run. I hope his ego doesn’t get him killed.

It is pretty obvious to any thinking person that this was designed to embarrass him. Some are hoping a felony charge, if the Soros owned DA could make one stick, would disqualify him from running or serving as president in 2024. Or from conducting business from prison. That is not true. I get tired of telling people to READ the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It isn’t that difficult to understand. Article II, Section 1 sets out the qualifications for president. “Natural born citizen, 35 years of age at least. A resident of the United States for fourteen years.” Trump could be convicted and run for president and serve his next four years from jail or prison. I personally think the Twelfth amendment should be repealed and we go back to the way it used to be. The person receiving the most votes was the president and the one with the greatest number of votes after the president should be vice president. That was often the person who was opposing the one who became president. Kind of like the two Houses of Congress. Maybe the people would be better served. I think a dream team would be Trump as president and Robert Kennedy jr. as the VP. Two men who love this country and would fight for the people. I can dream.

As for what else we can do, start in our own communities. When someone is running for office, check them out thoroughly. How did they vote on issues important to you? Did they at least try to keep their campaign promises? If this is their first political position, from city council all the way up to president, watch very closely to see how they fulfill their promises and oath of office.

If they don’t keep their word once they get in, campaign against them next time. If you are in a position to run for an open seat or in the next election, consider doing so. And, remember to conduct yourself as you would wish others did.

As an example, our new U.S. Representative violated her oath of office and her campaign promises on the first opportunity to vote on a gun law. And after her impassioned speech about defending the second amendment. I notified her personally that I would no longer be campaigning or voting for her. I shared why with everyone I knew had voted for her or might vote for her next time. I wrote a Letter to the Editor, making sure that anyone reading our local paper would know how she stabbed legal gun owners in the back. People may still vote her back in. But, it won’t be because they weren’t aware she voted yes on a red flag gun law. Apparently, she isn’t bright enough to read and understand the second amendment.

Work to clean up your local, county, state and federal offices. If Trump should get back in office, I believe he will take care of many government workers who think they’re untouchable. Or, we can do nothing and stake out a spot in our soon to be new home in a FEMA camp.

The choice is ours.

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