Out of the sea (of consciousness) will arise a beast (lesser condition in consciousness) having the mouth of a Lion (England), feet of a bear (Russia), spots as unto a leopard (Europe), and seat of the Dragon (China). I.e., the Old World and its ways.
The two wounds by the sword and miraculous recoveries, are the first and second world wars.
An antichrist figure with flames issuing from its fingertips will never walk the planet. Read, 'beware of the antichrist', as plural, as in, ' those who are anti to Christ'. Which includes the two hundred planet antichrist coalition. They have shot their bolt and it was only a firecracker which went pop in the night.
There is no person the Devil. The Devil is the conglomerate lesser condition of Mankind looking towards an excuse.
There is no God the person. God is the conglomerate greater condition of Mankind looking towards the Creators Alpha and Omega.
There are also negative intelligences roaming around in the lower astral hell states. Jesus officially cut their water off two thousand years ago by decree on the mount. They can not hold you in any way except to try and instill fear. And their days are definitely, definitely numbered.
Similarly, the higher astral planes are home to higher negative intelligences. These also include those stuck in quasi fifth dimensional projections as they float around in the thousand or so tin pots quarantined here in the aftermath of the Luciferian Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus.
Some of these beings have established telepathic links with members of the Earth population, passing themselves off variously as ascended masters, spiritual guides, discarnate family members, UFO contacts, and historic figures. They tell wonderful and enlightening things, some even useful to a point. Just remember though, these are bozos who are outside the loop and their days are also definitely definitely numbered.
Other than for honey bees, butterflies, pharaoh ants and a few other such pristine examples, the insect world is almost entirely a by-product of Man's Mentalized Illusion caused static condition in consciousness.
All earth religions are part and parcel of the Mentallized Illusion and the faithful pay the price.
Fate does not pre-ordain your life, responsibility does.
Some meditators hypnotically doing mantras on the mental plane might be surprised to find that the five words of their mantra are actually names of five of the higher negative astral beings to whom energy is being directed by the attention on their frequency.
The meditators might also be surprised to find that many such personal mantras are actually the same five names. Paying for your sic, five personal mantras is a scam.
The Mentallized Illusion has a fateful side, it condemns its adherents to mortal death.
Safe redundancy has never been a problem in the higher Realities because no one ever competes.
Those claiming to be the exclusive spokesman, or representative, or continuator of Christ's work, implying that Christ's work was not finished or that Christ somehow dropped the ball are deluding themselves and everyone who follows them. No such authority has ever been given, nor any such work ever not finished, nor any such ball ever dropped.
You continually die only because you continually choose to.
Intelligence, Energy, and Substance is all there is.
Male vs. female superiority is not office. Absolute Female/Male equality is an Absolute of Creation.
Believing in Jesus means believing in the things he taught and adopting them as your patent practices, not that he is going to do all your heavy lifting for you as most Christianities imply.
Abominable Snowmen are not abominable. The seven foot tall Yetis, also called Sasquatch, Big foot, and Ice Giants, are the gentlest and shyest people on the planet.
The mineral kingdom sustains the vegetable kingdom. The vegetable kingdom sustains the animal kingdom. Humankind sustains from inductions into the Holy Grail. All else is aberration.
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